Complimentary Shipping & Returns

5. Diritto di recesso e rimborso (Italy)
- 5.1. Il Cliente ha diritto di recedere dall’acquisto del Bene e/o del Servizio e/o dell’Estensione di Garanzia - senza alcuna penalità e senza onere di specificarne il motivo - entro 14 (quattordici) giorni: (a) in caso di acquisto di un Bene, dalla data di consegna del Bene;(b) in caso di acquisto di un Servizio e/o di un’Estensione di Garanzia, dalla data dell’Ordine, fatto salvo quanto previsto al successivo punto 5.7.
- 5.2. Il Cliente potrà esercitare il diritto di recesso inviando a Piaggio, entro la scadenza del termine sopraindicato, una comunicazione utilizzando il modulo allegato alle presenti Condizioni Generali di Contratto (da richiedere direttamente all'indirizzo mail, conforme al modulo di cui all’allegato I parte B del Codice del Consumo o comunque una qualsiasi altra dichiarazione esplicita della sua decisione di recedere dal Contratto. Tale dichiarazione di recesso dovrà essere inviata ove in versione cartacea all’indirizzo ovvero effettuata tramite l’apposita sezione del Sito dedicata ai resi, in conformità alle istruzioni e indicazioni ivi previste. In caso di dichiarazione effettuata tramite il Sito, Piaggio invierà al Cliente una conferma di ricevimento della comunicazione di recesso trasmessa dal Cliente.
- 5.3. Il Bene dovrà essere spedito dal Cliente in conformità alle istruzioni ricevute, al momento dell’effettuazione della comunicazione di recesso, nell’apposita sezione del Sito dedicata ai resi.
- 5.4. Qualora il recesso venga validamente esercitato da Parte del Cliente, quest’ultimo avrà diritto al rimborso del Prezzo. A seguito di recesso validamente esercitato dal Cliente, saranno a carico del Cliente (a) le spese di restituzione del Bene a Piaggio nonché (b) le spese di spedizione del Bene al Cliente, qualora lo stesso abbia scelto espressamente un tipo di consegna diversa dal tipo meno costoso di consegna offerto da Piaggio.
- 5.5. Il Cliente è responsabile per qualsiasi diminuzione del valore del Bene risultante da una manipolazione del Bene diversa da quella necessaria per stabilire la natura, le caratteristiche e il funzionamento del Bene e, fino alla riconsegna del Bene, sarà soggetto agli obblighi di custodia disciplinati dagli articoli 1804 e 1806 Codice Civile.
- 5.6. Con riferimento ai Servizi e le Estensioni di Garanzia, se il diritto di recesso viene esercitato da un Cliente che, al momento dell’Ordine, ha espressamente chiesto che la prestazione dei Servizi o l’Estensione di Garanzia abbia inizio durante il periodo di recesso previsto al precedente paragrafo 5.1 (ossia, 14 (quattordici) giorni dalla data dell’Ordine), il Cliente è tenuto a pagare il corrispettivo del Servizio già prestato o degli interventi sul veicolo già eseguiti al momento in cui egli ha informato Piaggio dell’esercizio del diritto di recesso.
- 5.7. Piaggio provvederà a rimborsare al Cliente il Prezzo al netto: a) di quanto dovuto dal Cliente a Piaggio per il deprezzamento eventualmente subito dal Bene a causa di una manipolazione diversa da quella necessaria per stabilire la natura, le caratteristiche e il funzionamento del Bene; b) delle spese di spedizione del Bene al Cliente connesse a opzioni di spedizione diverse dal tipo meno costoso di consegna offerto da Piaggio, entro 14 (quattordici) giorni da quando ha ricevuto la dichiarazione di recesso del Cliente, utilizzando lo stesso mezzo di pagamento utilizzato dal Cliente al momento dell’Ordine, salva la possibilità per Piaggio di trattenere il rimborso finché non ha ricevuto il Bene.
5. Derecho de desistimiento y reembolso (España)
5.1.El Cliente tiene derecho a desistir de la compra del Producto y/o del Servicio y/o de la Extensión de Garantía -sin penalización alguna y sin necesidad de especificar el motivo- en un plazo de 14 (catorce) días: (a) en el caso de la compra del Producto, a partir de la fecha de entrega del Producto, siempre que el Producto no haya sufrido daños o deterioro por el uso que hayan supuesto una pérdida de valor superior al 25% del Precio del Producto, (b) en el caso de la compra de un Servicio y/o de una Extensión de Garantía, a partir de la fecha de la Orden, sin perjuicio de lo dispuesto en el apartado 5.7 siguiente. 5.2.El Cliente podrá ejercer el derecho de desistimiento enviando una notificación a Piaggio dentro del plazo arriba indicado, utilizando el formulario adjunto a los presentes Términos y Condiciones Generales (Anexo 1), de conformidad con el formulario del Anexo I parte A del Código de Consumo o cualquier otra declaración explícita de su decisión de desistir del contrato. Esta declaración de desistimiento deberá producirse a través de la sección especial de devoluciones del Sitio, siguiendo las instrucciones e indicaciones que allí se facilitan. Piaggio enviará al Cliente un acuse de recibo de la declaración de desistimiento que haya enviado. 5.3.El Cliente reconoce y acepta expresamente que la efectividad del desistimiento queda en todo caso condicionada a: (i) la devolución por el Cliente del Producto en perfecto estado de funcionamiento y en condiciones que no afecten a su uso en el plazo de 14 (catorce) días desde la fecha de notificación del desistimiento; y (ii) la comprobación de que el Producto -como consecuencia de daños parciales y/o deterioro por uso- no ha sufrido una pérdida de valor superior al 25% del Precio del Producto. 5.4.El Cliente enviará el Producto de conformidad con las instrucciones recibidas tras la comunicación de la notificación de desistimiento en la sección de devoluciones del Sitio. 5.5.Si el Cliente ejerce válidamente su derecho de desistimiento, tendrá derecho al reembolso del Precio. Tras el desistimiento válido del Cliente, éste será responsable de (a) los costes de devolución del Producto a Piaggio y (b) los costes de envío del Producto al Cliente debido al uso de opciones de envío no estándar que el Cliente haya podido elegir en el momento de la Orden. 5.6.El Cliente será responsable de cualquier disminución del valor del Producto debido a su uso y, hasta que el Producto sea devuelto, estarán sujetos a las obligaciones de almacenamiento previstas en la legislación civil. 5.7.Con referencia a los Servicios y Extensiones de Garantía, si el derecho de desistimiento es ejercido por un Cliente que, en el momento de la Orden, solicitó expresamente que la prestación de los Servicios o la Extensión de Garantía comenzara durante el plazo de desistimiento previsto en el apartado 5.1 anterior (es decir, 14 (catorce) días a partir de la fecha de la Orden), el Cliente deberá pagar el importe adeudado por los Servicios ya prestados o los trabajos en el vehículo ya realizados en el momento en que el Cliente informó a Piaggio de que ejercía su derecho de desistimiento. 5.8.Piaggio reembolsará al Cliente el precio neto de: a) la cantidad adeudada por el Cliente a Piaggio por cualquier depreciación del Producto debida a una manipulación distinta de la necesaria para establecer la naturaleza, características y funcionamiento del Producto; b) los costes de envío del Producto al Cliente debidos al uso de opciones de envío no estándar que el Cliente haya podido elegir en el momento de la Orden; en un plazo de 14 (catorce) días tras la recepción de la declaración de desistimiento del Cliente, utilizando el mismo medio de pago que el Cliente utilizó al realizar la Orden.5. Droit de rétractation et remboursement (France)
- 5.1. Le Client peut renoncer à l'achat du Produit et/ou du Service et/ou de l'Extension de Garantie, sans aucune pénalité et sans avoir à donner de motifs, dans un délai de 14 (quatorze) jours : - en cas d'achat d’un Produit, à compter de la date de livraison du Produit, à condition que le Produit n'ait pas été endommagé ou détérioré par l'usage entraînant une perte de valeur de plus de 25 % du Prix du Produit ; - en cas de commande d'un Service et/ou d'une Extension de Garantie, à compter du jour de l’envoi par Piaggio de l’acceptation de Commande sans préjudice de l'article 5.7 ci-dessous.
- 5.2. Le Client peut exercer son droit de rétractation en envoyant une notification à Piaggio dans le délai susmentionné, en utilisant le formulaire joint aux présentes Conditions Générales (Annexe 1), conformément au formulaire de l’annexe à l’article R.221-1 du Code de la Consommation ou toute autre déclaration, dénuée d'ambiguïté, exprimant sa volonté de se rétracter. Cette déclaration de rétractation peut être effectuée dans la section spéciale du Site dédiée aux retours, en suivant les instructions et les indications qui y sont fournies. Piaggio enverra au Client un accusé de réception de la rétractation, sur un support durable.
- 5.3. Le Client reconnaît et accepte expressément que la rétractation sera effective à condition que : (i) le Client restitue le Produit en parfait état de fonctionnement et dans un état qui n'affecte pas son utilisation dans un délai de 14 (quatorze) jours à compter de la date de notification de la rétractation ; et (ii) le Produit - suite à un dommage partiel et/ou une détérioration due à l'utilisation - n'ait pas subi une perte de valeur de plus de 25% du Prix du Produit.
- 5.4. Le Client doit renvoyer le Produit conformément aux instructions reçues lors de la communication de la notification de rétractation dans la section du Site dédiée aux retours.
- 5.5. Si le Client exerce valablement son droit de rétractation, il a droit au remboursement du Prix. Après la rétractation effective du Client, celui-ci supportera (a) les frais de renvoi du Produit à Piaggio et (b) les frais de livraison du Produit au Client si celui-ci a choisi un mode de livraison non standard au moment de la Commande.
- 5.6. Le Client est responsable de toute diminution de la valeur du Produit due à son utilisation et, jusqu'à la restitution du Produit, il doit respecter les obligations de stockage régies par les articles 1927 et 1928 du Code civil français.
- 5.7. Concernant les Services et les Extensions de Garantie, si le droit de rétractation est exercé par un Client qui, au moment de la Commande, a expressément demandé que l’exécution des Services ou l'Extension de Garantie commence pendant la période de rétractation prévue à l’article 5.1 ci-dessus (c'est-à-dire 14 (quatorze) jours à compter de la date de lla Commande), le Client est tenu de payer le montant dû pour les Services déjà fournis ou les prestations déjà effectuées au moment où le Client a informé Piaggio qu'il exerçait son droit de rétractation. Le Client reconnaît ainsi qu’il ne pourra pas exercer son droit de rétractation sur les Services déjà fournis ou lorsque l’Extension de garantie a déjà été utilisée.
- 5.8. Si le Client exerce valablement son droit de rétractation, Piaggio remboursera au Client le Prix à l’exception de (a) les frais de renvoi du Produit à Piaggio, (b) la somme due par le Client à Piaggio pour toute dépréciation du Produit résultant de manipulations autres que celles nécessaires pour établir la nature, les caractéristiques et le fonctionnement du Produit ; (c) les frais de livraison du Produit au Client si celui-ci avait choisi un mode de livraison non standard au moment de la Commande. Le remboursement interviendra dans un délai de 14 jours à compter de la date à laquelle Piaggio est informé de la décision de rétractation du Client, en utilisant le même moyen de paiement que celui utilisé par le Client lors de la passation de la Commande.
- 5.9. A défaut du renvoi des Produits dans le délai et selon les modalités ci-dessus, aucun remboursement ne pourra intervenir.
5. Widerrufsrecht und Erstattung (Deutschland)
- 5.1. Der Kunde hat das Recht, innerhalb von 14 (vierzehn) Tagen – ohne Vertragsstrafe und ohne Angabe von Gründen – den Vertrag über den Kauf der Ware und/oder der Dienstleistung und/oder der Gewährleistungsverlängerung zu widerrufen: (a) im Falle des Kaufs der Ware ab dem Datum des Erhalts der Ware; (b) im Falle des Erwerbs einer Dienstleistung und/oder des Erwerbs einer Gewährleistungsverlängerung ab dem Datum der Bestellung, unbeschadet der nachfolgenden Ziffer 5.3.
- 5.2. Der Kunde kann sein Widerrufsrecht ausüben, indem er Piaggio innerhalb der oben genannten Frist unter Verwendung des diesen Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen beigefügten Formulars (unter Anlage 1) oder mittels einer anderen eindeutigen Erklärung über seinen Entschluss, den Vertrag zu widerrufen, mitteilt. Diese Widerrufserklärung muss durch eine schriftliche Erklärung erfolgen, die an zu senden ist, oder über den speziellen Rücksendebereich der Website, unter Beachtung der dort angegebenen Anweisungen und Hinweise; wenn der Kunde den speziellen Rücksendebereich der Website nutzt, sendet Piaggio dem Kunden eine Empfangsbestätigung für die von ihm gesendeten Widerrufserklärung. Der Kunde hat die Ware gemäß den Anweisungen zu versenden, die im Rücksendebereich der Website aufgeführt sind. Wenn der Kunde sein Widerrufsrecht wirksam ausübt, hat er Anspruch auf Rückerstattung des gezahlten Entgelts. Nach dem wirksamen Widerruf trägt der Kunde (a) die Kosten für die Rücksendung der Ware an Piaggio und (b) die zusätzlichen Kosten, die sich daraus ergeben, dass der Kunde bei seiner Bestellung eine andere Art der Lieferung als die von Piaggio angebotene Standardlieferung gewählt hat. Der Kunde haftet nur für einen etwaigen Wertverlust der Waren, der auf einen zur Prüfung der Beschaffenheit, Eigenschaften und Funktionsweise der Waren nicht notwendigen Umgang mit ihnen zurückzuführen ist. Piaggio erstattet dem Kunden den Preis abzüglich: a) des Betrages, den der Kunde Piaggio für einen etwaigen Wertverlust der Ware schuldet, der auf einen Umgang mit der Ware zurückzuführen ist, der über den zur Prüfung der Beschaffenheit, der Eigenschaften und der Funktionsweise der Ware notwendigen Umgang hinausgeht; b) der zusätzlichen Kosten, die daraus entstanden sind, dass der Kunde bei seiner Bestellung eine andere Art der Lieferung als die von Piaggio angebotene Standardlieferung gewählt hat.
- 5.3. Wird das Widerrufsrecht von einem Kunden ausgeübt, der ausdrücklich verlangt hat, dass die Erbringung der Dienstleistung oder die Verlängerung der Gewährleistung innerhalb der in Ziffer 5.1 genannten Widerrufsfrist (d.h. 14 (vierzehn) Tage ab dem Datum des Vertragsabschlusses) beginnt, so hat der Kunde einen angemessenen Betrag zu zahlen, der dem Anteil, der bis zum Zeitpunkt der Mitteilung des Widerrufs an Piaggio bereits erbrachten Leistungen im Vergleich zum Gesamtumfang der im Vertrag vorgesehenen Leistungen entspricht.
5. Herroepingsrecht en restitutie (Netherlands)
- 5.1. De Klant heeft het recht om, zonder enige boete en zonder opgave van redenen, de koop van het Goed en/of de Dienst en/of de Garantieverlenging te herroepen binnen 14 (veertien) dagen: (a) na de datum van levering van het Goed (in geval van koop van een Goed) of (b) na de datum van de Bestelling (in geval van de aanschaf van een Dienst en/of een Garantieverlenging), onverminderd Artikel 5.7 hieronder.
- 5.2. De Klant kan het herroepingsrecht uitoefenen door dit binnen bovengenoemde termijn aan Piaggio kenbaar te maken via het formulier dat bij deze Algemene Voorwaarden is bijgevoegd (Bijlage 1), conform het formulier in Bijlage I deel B van de Consumentenrechtenrichtlijn van de Europese Unie, of via een andere uitdrukkelijke mededeling van zijn/haar beslissing de Overeenkomst te ontbinden/herroepen. Deze herroepingsverklaring dient op de Site via het speciale gedeelte “Retours” plaats te vinden, volgens de daar gegeven instructies en aanwijzingen. Piaggio zendt de Klant een bevestiging van ontvangst van de door de Klant verzonden herroepingsmededeling.
- 5.3. De Klant bevestigt en aanvaardt uitdrukkelijk dat de werking van de herroeping in elk geval afhankelijk is van het binnen 14 (veertien) dagen na de datum van de herroepingsmededeling retourneren van het Goed door de Klant in perfect werkende toestand en in een conditie die het gebruik ervan niet aantast.
- 5.4. De Klant dient het Goed te verzenden volgens de instructies die hij/zij op de Site in het gedeelte “Retours” ontvangt na het communiceren van de herroepingsmededeling.
- 5.5. Indien de Klant zijn/haar herroepingsrecht rechtsgeldig uitoefent, heeft hij/zij recht op restitutie van de Prijs. Na rechtsgeldige herroeping door de Klant is deze verantwoordelijk voor (a) de kosten van terugzending van het Goed aan Piaggio en (b) de kosten van verzending van het Goed aan de Klant wegens gebruikmaking van niet-standaard en duurdere verzendopties die de Klant ten tijde van de Bestelling mogelijk heeft gekozen.
- 5.6. Tijdens de herroepingstermijn dient de Klant het Goed en de verpakking ervan met zorg te behandelen. De Klant mag het Goed slechts uitpakken of gebruiken voor zover dit noodzakelijk is om de aard, kenmerken en werking van het Goed vast te stellen. De Klant is uitsluitend aansprakelijk voor een waardevermindering van het Goed die het gevolg is van een manier van behandelen van het Goed die verder gaat dan de in de voorgaande volzin beschreven handelingen.
- 5.7. Wat betreft Diensten en Garantieverlengingen, geldt dat indien het herroepingsrecht wordt uitgeoefend door een Klant die ten tijde van de Bestelling uitdrukkelijk verzocht de levering van de Diensten of de Garantieverlenging te laten aanvangen tijdens de herroepingstermijn die in lid 5.1 hierboven vermeld staat (d.w.z. 14 (veertien) dagen na de datum van de Bestelling), de Klant dan verplicht is tot betaling van het verschuldigde bedrag voor reeds geleverde Diensten of reeds aan het voertuig uitgevoerde werkzaamheden op het moment dat de Klant Piaggio in kennis stelde van uitoefening van zijn/haar herroepingsrecht.
- 5.8. Piaggio restitueert aan de Klant de Prijs minus: a) het door de Klant aan Piaggio verschuldigde bedrag voor mogelijke waardevermindering van het Goed als gevolg van het op enigerlei andere wijze behandelen van het Goed dan noodzakelijk was om de aard, kenmerken en werking van het Goed vast te stellen; (b) de kosten van verzending van het Goed aan de Klant wegens gebruikmaking van niet-standaard en duurdere verzendopties die de Klant ten tijde van de Bestelling mogelijk heeft gekozen, zulks binnen 14 (veertien) dagen na ontvangst van de herroepingsverklaring van de Klant, via dezelfde betalingswijze als door de Klant werd gebruikt bij het plaatsen van de Bestelling.
5. Right of withdrawal and refund (UK)
- 5.1. The Customer has the right to withdraw from the purchase of the Good and/or the Service and/or the Warranty Extension- without any penalty and without having to specify the reason - within 14 (fourteen) days: (a) in the case of the purchase of the Good, from the date of delivery of the Good; (b) in the event of the purchase of a Service and/or an Extension of Warranty, from the date of the Order, subject to Section 5.6 below.
- 5.2. The Customer may exercise the right of withdrawal by sending a notice to Piaggio within the above deadline, using the form attached to these General Terms and Conditions (Annex 1) or any other explicit statement of its decision to withdraw from the Contract. This declaration of withdrawal may be sent either in paper format to the address or through the special section of the Site for returns, following the instructions and indications provided therein. In case of withdrawal statement made through the Website, Piaggio will send the Customer an acknowledgement of receipt of the notice of withdrawal they have sent.
- 5.3. If the Customer validly exercises their right of withdrawal, the Customer shall send the Good in compliance with the instructions received upon communication of the notice of withdrawal in the returns section of the Site, or as otherwise directed by Piaggio.
- 5.4. If the Customer validly exercises their right of withdrawal, they shall be entitled to a refund of the Price. Following the Customer's valid withdrawal, the Customer will be responsible for the costs of returning the Good to Piaggio and (b) the costs of sending the Good to the Customer due to the use of non-standard shipping options that the Customer may have chosen at the time of the Order, should the same expressly chose a delivery method other than the least expensive type of delivery offered by Piaggio.
- 5.5. The Customer shall be liable for any decrease in the value of the Good due to any handling of the Goods other than that necessary to establish the nature, characteristics, and functioning of the Good
- 5.6. With reference to Services and Warranty Extensions, if the right of withdrawal is exercised by a Customer who, at the time of the Order, expressly requested that the provision of the Services or the Warranty Extension commence during the withdrawal period provided in paragraph 5.1 above (i.e., 14 (fourteen) days from the date of the Order), the Customer is required to pay the amount due for Services already provided or work on the vehicle already performed at the time when the Customer informed Piaggio they were exercising their right of withdrawal.
- 5.7. Piaggio will refund the Customer the price net of: a) the amount owed by the Customer to Piaggio for any depreciation of the Good due to handling other than that necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the Good; (b) the costs of shipping the Good to the Customer due to the use of shipping options different from the least expensive type of delivery offered by Piaggio, within 14 (fourteen) days after receipt of the Customer's declaration of withdrawal, using the same payment method as used by the Customer when placing the Order.
5. Right of withdrawal and refund (Canada)
- 5.1. The Customer has the right to withdraw from the purchase of the Good and/or the Service and/or the Warranty Extension- without any penalty and without having to specify the reason - within 14 (fourteen) days: (a) in the case of the purchase of the Good, from the date of delivery of the Good, provided that the Good has not been damaged or deteriorated through use (b) in the event of the purchase of a Service and/or an Extension of Warranty, from the date of the Order, without prejudice to Section 5.7 below.
- 5.2. The Customer may exercise the right of withdrawal by sending a notice to Piaggio within the above deadline, using the form attached to these General Terms and Conditions (Annex 1), or any other explicit statement of its decision to withdraw from the Contract. This declaration of withdrawal must occur through the special returns section of the Site, following the instructions and indications provided therein. Piaggio will send the Customer an acknowledgement of receipt of the notice of withdrawal they have sent.
- 5.3. The Customer expressly acknowledges and accepts that the effectiveness of withdrawal is in any case conditional on: (i) the return by the Customer of the Good in perfect working order and in a condition that does not affect its resale within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of notification of withdrawal; and (ii) verification that the Good - as a result of partial damage and/or deterioration due to use.
- 5.4. The Customer shall send the Good in compliance with the instructions received upon communication of the notice of withdrawal in the returns section of the Site.
- 5.5. If the Customer validly exercises their right of withdrawal, they shall be entitled to a refund of the Price. Following the Customer's valid withdrawal, they will be responsible for (a) the costs of returning the Good to Piaggio and (b) the costs of sending the Good to the Customer due to the use of non-standard shipping options that the Customer may have chosen at the time of the Order.
- 5.6. N/A
- 5.7. With reference to Services and Warranty Extensions, if the right of withdrawal is exercised by a Customer who, at the time of the Order, expressly requested that the provision of the Services or the Warranty Extension commence during the withdrawal period provided in paragraph 5.1 above (i.e., 14 (fourteen) days from the date of the Order), the Customer is required to pay the amount due for Services already provided or work on the vehicle already performed at the time when the Customer informed Piaggio they were exercising their right of withdrawal.
- 5.8. Piaggio will refund the Customer the price net of: a) the amount owed by the Customer to Piaggio for any depreciation of the Good due to handling other than that necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the Good; (b) the costs of shipping the Good to the Customer due to the use of non-standard shipping options that the Customer may have chosen at the time of the Order, within 14 (fourteen) days after receipt of the Customer's declaration of withdrawal, using the same payment method as used by the Customer when placing the Order.
5. Hak penarikan dan pengembalian dana (Indonesia)
- 5.1. Pelanggan berhak untuk menarik diri dari pembelian Barang dan/atau Layanan dan/atau Perpanjangan Garansi- tanpa penalti dan tanpa harus menentukan alasannya – dalam waktu 14 (empat belas) hari: (a) dalam hal pembelian Barang, sejak tanggal pengiriman Barang; (b) dalam hal pembelian Layanan dan/atau Perpanjangan Garansi, sejak tanggal Pesanan, tanpa mengurangi Pasal 5.6 di bawah ini.
- 5.2. Pelanggan dapat menggunakan hak penarikan dengan mengirimkan pemberitahuan kepada Piaggio dalam tenggat waktu di atas, menggunakan formulir yang dilampirkan pada Syarat dan Ketentuan Umum ini (Lampiran 1), sesuai dengan formulir dalam Lampiran I bagian B dari Undang-Undang Konsumen atau pernyataan eksplisit lainnya tentang keputusannya untuk menarik diri dari Kontrak. Pernyataan penarikan ini harus dikirim dalam format kertas ke alamat atau melalui bagian khusus dari Situs untuk pengembalian, dengan mengikuti instruksi dan petunjuk yang disediakan di dalamnya. Dalam hal pernyataan penarikan dibuat melalui Situs Web, Piaggio akan mengirimkan kepada Klien pengakuan penerimaan pemberitahuan penarikan yang telah mereka kirimkan.
- 5.3. Pelanggan harus mengirimkan Barang sesuai dengan instruksi yang diterima setelah komunikasi pemberitahuan penarikan di bagian pengembalian Situs.
- 5.4. Jika Pelanggan secara sah menggunakan hak penarikan mereka, mereka berhak untuk menerima pengembalian dana dari Harga. Setelah penarikan sah Pelanggan, mereka akan bertanggung jawab atas (a) biaya pengembalian Barang kepada Piaggio dan (b) biaya pengiriman Barang kepada Pelanggan, jika Pelanggan tersebut secara tegas memilih metode pengiriman selain jenis pengiriman paling murah yang ditawarkan oleh Piaggio.
- 5.5. Pelanggan bertanggung jawab atas setiap penurunan nilai Barang karena penanganan Barang selain yang diperlukan untuk menetapkan sifat, karakteristik, dan fungsi Barang dan, sampai Barang dikembalikan, barang tersebut harus tunduk pada kewajiban penyimpanan yang diatur oleh Pasal 1804 dan 1806 Undang-Undang Perdata Italia.
- 5.6. Dengan mengacu pada Layanan dan Perpanjangan Garansi, jika hak penarikan dilakukan oleh Pelanggan yang, pada saat Pesanan dibuat, secara tegas meminta agar penyediaan Layanan atau Perpanjangan Garansi dimulai selama periode penarikan yang ditentukan dalam paragraf 5.1 di atas (yaitu, 14 (empat belas) hari sejak tanggal Pesanan), Pelanggan diharuskan membayar biaya yang harus dibayarkan untuk Layanan yang telah disediakan atau pekerjaan yang sudah dilakukan terhadap suatu kendaraan pada saat Pelanggan memberi tahu Piaggio bahwa mereka akan untuk menggunakan hak penarikan mereka.
- 5.7. Piaggio akan mengembalikan kepada Pelanggan harga bersih dari: a) jumlah yang terutang oleh Pelanggan kepada Piaggio untuk setiap penyusutan Barang yang timbul dari penanganan selain yang diperlukan untuk menetapkan sifat, karakteristik, dan fungsi Barang; (b) biaya pengiriman Barang kepada Pelanggan yang timbul dari penggunaan opsi pengiriman yang berbeda dari jenis pengiriman paling murah yang ditawarkan oleh Piaggio, dalam waktu 14 (empat belas) hari setelah diterimanya pernyataan penarikan dari Pelanggan, dengan menggunakan metode pembayaran yang sama seperti yang digunakan oleh Pelanggan saat menempatkan Pesanan.
5. สิทธิในการเพิกถอนและการคืนเงิน (Thailand)
- 5.1 ลูกค้ามีสิทธิที่จะเพิกถอนการซื้อสินค้า และ/หรือ บริการ และ/หรือ การขยายระยะเวลารับประกันโดยไม่มีค่าปรับและไม่ต้องระบุเหตุผลได้ภายใน 14 (สิบสี่) วัน: (ก) ในกรณีของการซื้อสินค้า ให้นับจากวันที่สินค้าได้ถูกจัดส่ง (ข) ในกรณีของการซื้อบริการ และ/หรือ การขยายระยะเวลารับประกัน ให้นับจากวันที่ของคำสั่งซื้อ โดยไม่มีผลต่อการใช้สิทธิตามข้อ 5.6
- 5.2 ลูกค้าสามารถใช้สิทธิในการเพิกถอนได้โดยการแจ้งไปยังพิอาจิโอภายในกำหนดเวลาข้างต้น โดยใช้แบบฟอร์มที่แนบมากับข้อกำหนดและเงื่อนไขทั่วไปนี้ (เอกสารแนบ 1) อันเป็นไปตามแบบฟอร์มในภาคผนวก I ส่วน B ของประมวลกฎหมายผู้บริโภค หรือตามถ้อยแถลงอื่นใดที่แสดงอย่างชัดแจ้งถึงเจตนาในการเพิกถอนสัญญา การแจ้งการเพิกถอนนี้จะต้องส่งในรูปแบบเอกสารไปยังที่อยู่ที่ หรือส่งผ่านช่องทางพิเศษของเว็บไซต์เพื่อการคืนสินค้า โดยให้ปฏิบัติตามคำแนะนำและข้อบ่งชี้ที่ให้ไว้ในเว็บไซต์ ในกรณีที่มีการแจ้งการเพิกถอนผ่านทางเว็บไซต์ พิอาจิโอจะส่งหนังสือรับทราบการแจ้งการเพิกถอนที่ลูกค้าส่งมาให้กับลูกค้า
- 5.3 ลูกค้าจะต้องส่งสินค้าตามคำแนะนำที่ได้รับเมื่อมีการแจ้งการเพิกถอนในส่วนการคืนสินค้าบนเว็บไซต์
- 5.4 หากลูกค้าใช้สิทธิในการเพิกถอนโดยชอบ ลูกค้าจะมีสิทธิได้รับเงินคืนตามราคาที่ได้ชำระไว้ หลังจากการเพิกถอนของลูกค้ามีผลสมบูรณ์ ลูกค้าจะต้องเป็นฝ่ายรับผิดชอบต่อ (ก) ค่าใช้จ่ายในการส่งคืนสินค้าให้กับพิอาจิโอ และ (ข) ค่าใช้จ่ายในการส่งสินค้าให้กับลูกค้าอันเนื่องมาจากการใช้ตัวเลือกการจัดส่งแบบพิเศษ ซึ่งลูกค้าอาจเลือกไว้ ณ เวลาที่ส่งคำสั่งซื้อ
- 5.5 ลูกค้าจะต้องรับผิดต่อการลดลงของมูลค่าสินค้าอันเนื่องมาจากการจัดการสินค้าให้สินค้ามีลักษณะ คุณสมบัติ และการใช้งานที่เกินแก่ความจำเป็น และลูกค้าต้องรับผิดชอบภาระในการจัดเก็บสินค้า จนกว่าสินค้าจะถูกส่งกลับ ตามมาตรา 1804 และ 1806 ของประมวลกฎหมายแพ่งประเทศอิตาลี
- 5.6 ในส่วนของบริการและการขยายระยะเวลารับประกัน หากมีการใช้สิทธิเพิกถอนโดยลูกค้าที่ได้ขอไว้อย่างชัดแจ้ง ณ เวลาที่ส่งคำสั่งซื้อให้การให้บริการหรือการขยายระยะเวลารับประกันเริ่มต้นขึ้นระหว่างช่วงเวลาของการใช้สิทธิเพิกถอนตามที่ระบุไว้ในข้อ 5.1 ข้างต้น (14 (สิบสี่) วันนับจากวันที่ของคำสั่งซื้อ) ลูกค้าจะต้องชำระค่าบริการสำหรับบริการที่ให้ไปแล้ว หรือสำหรับงานที่ได้ดำเนินการกับสินค้าไปแล้ว ณ เวลาที่ลูกค้าแจ้งให้พิอาจิโอทราบว่าจะใช้สิทธิในการเพิกถอน
- 5.7 พิอาจิโอจะคืนเงินให้ลูกค้าตามราคาสุทธิที่คำนวณจาก ก) จำนวนเงินที่ลูกค้าต้องชำระให้พิอาจิโอสำหรับการเสื่อมราคาใด ๆ ของสินค้า อันเนื่องมาจากการจัดการสินค้าให้สินค้ามีลักษณะ คุณสมบัติ และการใช้งานที่เกินความจำเป็น และ ข) ค่าใช้จ่ายในการส่งสินค้าให้กับลูกค้าอันเนื่องมาจากการใช้ตัวเลือกการจัดส่งแบบพิเศษ ซึ่งลูกค้าอาจเลือกไว้ ณ เวลาที่ส่งคำสั่งซื้อ การคืนเงินจะถูกดำเนินการภายใน 14 (สิบสี่) วันหลังจากได้รับการแจ้งเพิกถอนจากลูกค้า โดยใช้วิธีการชำระเงินแบบเดียวกับที่ลูกค้าใช้เมื่อส่งคำสั่งซื้อ
5. Quyền hủy đặt hàng và hoàn tiền (Vietnam)
- 5.1. Khách Hàng có quyền hủy việc mua Hàng Hóa và/hoặc Dịch Vụ và/hoặc Gia Hạn Bảo Hành – mà không bị phạt và không cần nêu rõ lý do – trong vòng 14 (mười bốn) ngày: (a) trong trường hợp mua Hàng Hóa, kể từ ngày giao Hàng Hóa; (b) trong trường hợp mua Dịch Vụ và/hoặc Gia hạn Bảo hành, kể từ ngày của Đơn Đặt Hàng, tuy nhiên điều khoản này không làm ảnh hưởng đến hiệu lực áp dụng Mục 5.6 bên dưới.
- 5.2. Khách Hàng có thể thực hiện quyền hủy đặt hàng bằng cách gửi thông báo cho Piaggio trong thời hạn trên, sử dụng biểu mẫu đính kèm của Điều Khoản và Điều Kiện Chung này (Phụ lục 1), và tuân thủ bất kỳ chỉ định rõ ràng nào khác về quyết định hủy Hợp Đồng của Piaggio. Thông báo hủy đặt hàng này phải được gửi ở dạng văn bản đến địa chỉ hoặc thông qua mục đặc biệt của Trang Điện Tử dùng cho việc hoàn trả, theo hướng dẫn và chỉ dẫn được cung cấp trong mục đó. Trong trường hợp thông báo hủy đặt hàng được thực hiện thông qua Trang Điện Tử, Piaggio sẽ gửi cho Khách Hàng xác nhận đã nhận được thông báo hủy đặt hàng mà Khách Hàng đã gửi.
- 5.3. Khách Hàng phải gửi Hàng Hóa theo hướng dẫn nhận được sau khi gửi thông báo hủy đặt hàng trong mục hoàn trả của Trang Điện Tử.
- 5.4. Nếu Khách Hàng thực hiện quyền hủy đặt hàng một cách hợp lệ, Khách Hàng sẽ có quyền được hoàn trả lại Giá. Sau khi Khách hàng hủy Đơn Đặt Hàng hợp lệ, Khách Hàng sẽ chịu trách nhiệm về (a) chi phí hoàn trả Hàng Hóa cho Piaggio và (b) chi phí giao Hàng Hóa cho Khách Hàng, nếu Khách Hàng rõ ràng đã chọn phương thức giao hàng khác với phương thức giao hàng ít tốn kém nhất do Piaggio đề xuất.
- 5.5. Khách Hàng phải chịu trách nhiệm về bất kỳ sự giảm giá trị nào của Hàng Hóa do bất kỳ việc xử lý Hàng Hóa hơn mức cần thiết để xác định chủng loại, đặc tính và chức năng của Hàng hóa và cho đến khi Hàng Hóa được hoàn trả, Khách Hàng sẽ chịu rủi ro đối với Hàng Hóa theo quy định của Pháp Luật Việt Nam.
- 5.6. Liên quan đến Các Dịch Vụ và Gia Hạn Bảo Hành, nếu quyền hủy đặt hàng được thực hiện bởi Khách Hàng mà, tại thời điểm đặt Đơn Đặt Hàng, Khách Hàng đã yêu cầu rõ ràng rằng việc cung cấp Dịch Vụ hoặc Gia Hạn Bảo Hành bắt đầu tiến hành trong thời gian hủy đặt hàng được quy định tại đoạn 5.1 ở trên (tức là trong vòng 14 (mười bốn) ngày kể từ ngày đặt Đơn Đặt Hàng), Khách Hàng phải thanh toán số tiền đến hạn cho Các Dịch Vụ đã được cung cấp, hoặc cho công việc sửa chữa phương tiện đã được thực hiện tính đến thời điểm Khách Hàng thông báo thực hiện quyền hủy đặt hàng cho Piaggio. 5.7. Piaggio sẽ hoàn lại cho Khách Hàng một khoản tiền đã được cấn trừ các khoản sau đây trong vòng 14 (mười bốn) ngày sau khi nhận được tuyên bố hủy đặt hàng của Khách Hàng, sử dụng cùng một phương thức thanh toán mà Khách Hàng sử dụng khi đặt Đơn Đặt Hàng: a) bất kỳ khoản khấu hao Hàng Hóa nào mà Khách Hàng còn chưa thanh toán cho Piaggio do xử lý vượt mức cần thiết để xác định chủng loại, đặc tính và chức năng của Hàng Hóa; (b) chi phí vận chuyển Hàng Hóa cho Khách Hàng do sử dụng các phương thức vận chuyển khác với phương thức giao hàng ít tốn kém nhất do Piaggio đề xuất.
5. Right of withdrawal and refund (Hong Kong)
- 5.1. The Customer has the right to withdraw from the purchase of the Good and/or the Service and/or the Warranty Extension- without any penalty and without having to specify the reason - within 14 (fourteen) days: (a) in the case of the purchase of the Good, from the date of delivery of the Good; (b) in the event of the purchase of a Service and/or an Extension of Warranty, from the date of the Order, without prejudice to Section 5.6 below.
- 5.2. The Customer may exercise the right of withdrawal by sending a notice to Piaggio within the above deadline, using the form attached to these General Terms and Conditions (Annex 1), in compliance with the form in Annex I part B of the Consumer Code or any other explicit statement of its decision to withdraw from the Contract. This declaration of withdrawal must be sent either in paper format to the address or through the special section of the Site for returns, following the instructions and indications provided therein. In case of withdrawal statement made through the Website, Piaggio will send the Customer an acknowledgement of receipt of the notice of withdrawal they have sent.
- 5.3. The Customer shall send the Good in compliance with the instructions received upon communication of the notice of withdrawal in the returns section of the Site.
- 5.4. If the Customer validly exercises their right of withdrawal, they shall be entitled to a refund of the Price. Following the Customer's valid withdrawal, they will be responsible for (a) the costs of returning the Good to Piaggio and (b) the costs of sending the Good to the Customer due to the use of non-standard shipping options that the Customer may have chosen at the time of the Order.
- 5.5. The Customer shall be liable for any decrease in the value of the Good due to any handling of the Goods other than that necessary to establish the nature, characteristics, and functioning of the Good and, until the Good is returned, they shall be subject to the storage obligations governed by Articles 1804 and 1806 of the Italian Civil Code.
- 5.6. With reference to Services and Warranty Extensions, if the right of withdrawal is exercised by a Customer who, at the time of the Order, expressly requested that the provision of the Services or the Warranty Extension commence during the withdrawal period provided in paragraph 5.1 above (i.e., 14 (fourteen) days from the date of the Order), the Customer is required to pay the amount due for Services already provided or work on the Good already performed at the time when the Customer informed Piaggio they were exercising their right of withdrawal.
- 5.7. Piaggio will refund the Customer the price net of: a) the amount owed by the Customer to Piaggio for any depreciation of the Good due to handling other than that necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the Good; and (b) the costs of shipping the Good to the Customer due to the use of non-standard shipping options different that the Customer may have chosen at the time of the Order, within 14 (fourteen) days after receipt of the Customer's declaration of withdrawal, using the same payment method as used by the Customer when placing the Order.
5. Cayma ve İade Hakkı (Turkey)
- 5.1. Müşteri, 14 (on dört) gün içinde - herhangi bir ceza ödemeksizin ve nedenini belirtmeksizin- malın ve/veya hizmetin ve/veya garanti uzatmasının satın alınmasından şu hallerde vazgeçme hakkına sahiptir: (a) Malın satın alınması durumunda, malın kullanım nedeniyle hasar görmemiş veya bozulmamış olması ve malın Fiyatının %25'inden daha fazla bir değer kaybına neden olmaması koşuluyla, malın teslim tarihinden itibaren; (b) Hizmetin ve/veya garanti uzatmasının satın alınması durumunda, aşağıdaki bölüm 6.7.6 saklı kalmak kaydıyla, sipariş tarihinden itibaren.
- 5.2. Müşteri, Tüketici Kanunu B Kısmı Ek 1’e uygun olarak, işbu Genel Hüküm ve Koşullara ekli formu (Ek 1) kullanarak, veya sözleşmeden çekilme kararına dair başka herhangi bir açık beyanla, yukarıdaki süre içerisinde Piaggio'ya bir bildirim göndererek cayma hakkını kullanabilir. Bu cayma beyanı, kağıt formatında adresine veya sitenin iadeler için ayrılan bölümü aracılığıyla, burada verilen talimatları ve göstergeleri izleyerek gönderilmelidir. Web Sitesi üzerinden yapılan cayma beyanı durumunda, Piaggio müşteriye gönderdikleri cayma bildiriminin alındığına dair bir onay gönderecektir.
- 5.3. Müşteri, caymanın geçerliliğinin her durumda aşağıdaki koşullara bağlı olduğunu açıkça kabul ve beyan eder: (i) Müşteri tarafından malın, cayma bildirimi tarihinden itibaren 14 (on dört) gün içinde kusursuz çalışır durumda ve kullanımını etkilemeyecek bir durumda iade edilmesi; ve (ii) Malın -kullanımdan kaynaklanan kısmi hasar ve/veya bozulma sonucunda- malın fiyatının %25'inden daha fazla bir değer kaybına uğramadığının doğrulanması.
- 5.4. Müşteri, sitenin iadeler bölümündeki cayma bildiriminin iletilmesi üzerine aldığı talimatlara uygun olarak malı gönderecektir.
- 5.5. Müşteri cayma hakkını geçerli bir şekilde kullanırsa, ücret'in iadesine hak kazanacaktır. Müşterinin geçerli caymasını takiben, (a) Malın Piaggio'ya iade masraflarından ve (b) Müşterinin Sipariş sırasında seçmiş olabileceği standart dışı nakliye seçeneklerinin kullanılması nedeniyle malın müşteriye gönderilme masraflarından sorumlu olacaktır.
- 5.6. Müşteri, malın doğasını, özelliklerini ve işleyişini belirlemek için gerekli olanın dışında malın herhangi bir şekilde kullanılması nedeniyle malın değerindeki herhangi bir düşüşten sorumlu olacaktır ve mal iade edilene kadar müşteri, malları işleyişlerine, teknik özelliklerine ve kullanım talimatlarına uygun olarak kullanmalı ve saklamalıdır.
- 5.7. Hizmetler ve Garanti Uzatmaları ile ilgili olarak, cayma hakkı, sipariş sırasında hizmetlerin sağlanmasının veya garanti uzatmasının yukarıdaki paragraf 5.1'de belirtilen cayma süresi içinde (yani sipariş tarihinden itibaren 14 (on dört) gün) başlamasını açıkça talep eden bir müşteri tarafından kullanılırsa, müşterinin cayma hakkını kullandığını Piaggio'ya bildirdiği tarihte zaten sağlanmış olan hizmetler veya araç üzerinde zaten yapılmış olan çalışmalar için ödenmesi gereken tutarı ödemesi gerekir.
- 5.8. Piaggio, müşteriye, a) Malınyapısını , özelliklerini ve işleyişini belirlemek için gerekli olanın dışında kullanım nedeniyle malın değer kaybı için müşterinin Piaggio'ya borçlu olduğu tutar; (b) Müşterinin cayma beyanının alınmasından sonraki 14 (on dört) gün içinde, müşterinin siparişi verirken kullandığı aynı ödeme yöntemini kullanarak müşterinin sipariş sırasında seçmiş olabileceği farklı nakliye seçeneklerinin kullanılması nedeniyle malın müşteriye nakliye masraflarını mahsup ederek net ücreti ödeyecektir.
5. Right of withdrawal and refund (USA)
- 5.1. The Customer has the right to withdraw from the purchase of the Good and/or the Service and/or the Warranty Extension- without any penalty and without having to specify the reason - within 14 (fourteen) days: (a) in the case of the purchase of the Good, from the date of delivery of the Good, provided that the Good has not been damaged or deteriorated through use resulting in a loss of value of more than 25% of the Price of the Good. (b) in the event of the purchase of a Service and/or an Extension of Warranty, from the date of the Order, without prejudice to Section 5.7 below.
- 5.2. The Customer may exercise the right of withdrawal by sending a notice to Piaggio within the above deadline, using the form attached to these General Terms and Conditions (Annex 1), or any other explicit statement of its decision to withdraw from the Contract. This declaration of withdrawal must occur through the special returns section of the Site, following the instructions and indications provided therein. Piaggio will send the Customer an acknowledgement of receipt of the notice of withdrawal they have sent.
- 5.3. The Customer expressly acknowledges and accepts that the effectiveness of withdrawal is in any case conditional on: (i) the return by the Customer of the Good in perfect working order and in a condition that does not affect its use within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of notification of withdrawal; and (ii) verification that the Good - as a result of partial damage and/or deterioration due to use - has not suffered a loss in value of more than 25% of the Price of the Good.
- 5.4. The Customer shall send the Good in compliance with the instructions received upon communication of the notice of withdrawal in the returns section of the Site.
- 5.5. If the Customer validly exercises their right of withdrawal, they shall be entitled to a refund of the Price. Following the Customer's valid withdrawal, they will be responsible for (a) the costs of returning the Good to Piaggio and (b) the costs of sending the Good to the Customer due to the use of non-standard shipping options that the Customer may have chosen at the time of the Order.
- 5.6. The Customer shall be liable for any decrease in the value of the Good due to its use, and, until the Good is returned to Piaggio in accordance with its return instructions, the Customer shall bear the risk of loss of the Good(s).
- 5.7. With reference to Services and Warranty Extensions, if the right of withdrawal is exercised by a Customer who, at the time of the Order, expressly requested that the provision of the Services or the Warranty Extension commence during the withdrawal period provided in paragraph 5.1 above (i.e., 14 (fourteen) days from the date of the Order), the Customer is required to pay the amount due for Services already provided or work on the vehicle already performed at the time when the Customer informed Piaggio they were exercising their right of withdrawal.
- 5.8. Piaggio will refund the Customer the price net of: a) the amount owed by the Customer to Piaggio for any depreciation of the Good due to handling other than that necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the Good; (b) the costs of shipping the Good to the Customer due to the use of non-standard shipping options that the Customer may have chosen at the time of the Order, within 14 (fourteen) days after receipt of the Customer's declaration of withdrawal, using the same payment method as used by the Customer when placing the Order.
5. Right of withdrawal and refund (Philippines)
- 5.1. The Customer has the right to withdraw from the purchase of the Good and/or the Service and/or the Warranty Extension- without any penalty and without having to specify the reason - within 14 (fourteen) days: (a) in the case of the purchase of the Good, from the date of delivery of the Good; (b) in the event of the purchase of a Service and/or an Extension of Warranty, from the date of the Order, without prejudice to Section 5.6 below.
- 5.2. The Customer may exercise the right of withdrawal by sending a notice to Piaggio within the above deadline, using the form attached to these General Terms and Conditions (Annex 1), in compliance with the form in Annex I part B of the Consumer Code or any other explicit statement of its decision to withdraw from the Contract. This declaration of withdrawal must be sent either in paper format to the address or through the special section of the Site for returns, following the instructions and indications provided therein. In case of withdrawal statement made through the Website, Piaggio will send the Customer an acknowledgement of receipt of the notice of withdrawal they have sent.
- 5.3. The Customer shall send the Good in compliance with the instructions received upon communication of the notice of withdrawal in the returns section of the Site.
- 5.4. If the Customer validly exercises their right of withdrawal, they shall be entitled to a refund of the Price. Following the Customer's valid withdrawal, they will be responsible for (a) the costs of returning the Good to Piaggio and (b) the costs of sending the Good to the Customer, should the same expressly chose a delivery method other than the least expensive type of delivery offered by Piaggio.
- 5.5. The Customer shall be liable for any decrease in the value of the Good due to any handling of the Goods other than that necessary to establish the nature, characteristics, and functioning of the Good and, until the Good is returned, they shall be subject to the storage obligations governed by Articles 1804 and 1806 of the Italian Civil Code.
- 5.6. With reference to Services and Warranty Extensions, if the right of withdrawal is exercised by a Customer who, at the time of the Order, expressly requested that the provision of the Services or the Warranty Extension commence during the withdrawal period provided in paragraph 5.1 above (i.e., 14 (fourteen) days from the date of the Order), the Customer is required to pay the amount due for Services already provided or work on the vehicle already performed at the time when the Customer informed Piaggio they were exercising their right of withdrawal.
- 5.7. Piaggio will refund the Customer the price net of: a) the amount owed by the Customer to Piaggio for any depreciation of the Good due to handling other than that necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the Good; (b) the costs of shipping the Good to the Customer due to the use of shipping options different from the least expensive type of delivery offered by Piaggio, within 14 (fourteen) days after receipt of the Customer's declaration of withdrawal, using the same payment method as used by the Customer when placing the Order.
5. 철회 및 환불에 관한 권리 (South Korea)
- 5.1. 고객은 위약금 및 철회사유의 명시 없이 상품 및/또는 서비스 및/또는 보증연장의 구매를 철회할 수 있는 권리를 (a) 상품의 구매의 경우, 상품의 사용으로 인하여 상품 가격의 25% 이상의 가치 손실을 초래하지 아니하였다면, 상품의 배송일로부터, (b) 서비스 구매 및/또는 보증연장의 경우, 아래 제5.7조를 저해함이 없이, 주문일로부터 14일 간 보유합니다.
- 5.2. 고객은 소비자법 부속서 I 제B부의 서식에 따른 본 일반 약관(부속서 1)에 첨부된 서식을 사용하거나 그 밖에 계약 철회에 대한 명시적 의사표시를 통해서 상기 기한 내에 피아지오에게 통지를 발송함으로써 철회권을 행사할 수 있습니다. 이러한 철회의 의사표시는 사이트 상의 특별한 반품 섹션 상에 제시된 지시에 따라 해당 섹션을 통해 이루어져야 합니다. 피아지오는 고객이 발송한 철회 통지에 대한 수령 확인서를 고객에게 발송할 것입니다.
- 5.3. 고객은 (i) 고객이 철회의 통지일로부터 14일 이내에 완벽히 사용가능한 상태 및 그 사용에 영향이 없는 상태로 상품을 반환하고; (ii) 상품이 사용으로 인해 부분적으로 손상되거나 저하된 경우에는 상품 가격의 25%를 초과하는 가치 손실을 입지 아니하였음을 확인하는 것을 조건으로 철회의 유효성이 인정됨을 명시적으로 인정하고 수락합니다.
- 5.4. 고객은 사이트의 반품 섹션에 명시된 반품 공지 상의 지시에 따라 상품을 반환하여야 합니다.
- 5.5. 만약 고객이 철회권을 유효하게 행사하는 경우, 상품 가격을 환불 받을 수 있습니다. 고객의 유효한 철회 시, 고객은 (a) 피아지오에 상품을 반환하는 비용과 (b) 고객이 주문 시 선택한 일반적이지 않은 배송 방법으로 인해 고객에게 상품을 발송하는데 소요된 비용을 부담하여야 합니다.
- 5.6. 고객은 상품의 사용으로 인한 상품의 가치 하락에 대하여 책임을 지며, 상품이 반환될 때까지 이탈리아 민법(Italian Civil Code) 제1804조 및 제1806조에 따른 보관의무를 부담합니다.
- 5.7. 서비스 및 보증연장과 관련하여, 주문 당시 서비스 제공 또는 보증연장이 상기 제5.1조에 규정된 인출 기간(즉, 주문일로부터 14일) 내에 개시될 것을 명시적으로 요청한 고객이 철회권을 행사하는 경우, 해당 고객은 철회권 행사를 피아지오에 알린 시점에 이미 제공된 서비스 또는 차량 서비스에 대한 금액을 지급하여야 합니다.
- 5.8. 피아지오는 (a) 고객이 상품의 성질, 특성 및 기능을 확립하는데 필요한 사용 이외의 취급으로 인한 상품의 감가상각과 관련하여 피아지오에게 지급하여야 하는 금액; (b) 고객이 주문 시 선택한 일반적이지 않은 배송 방법으로 인해 고객에게 상품을 발송하는데 소요된 비용을 제외한 금액을 고객으로부터 물건을 반품 받은 때로부터 (또는 물건을 배송하지 않은 경우에는 철회의 의사표시를 수령한 때로부터) 3일 이내에 고객이 주문 시 사용한 지불 방법과 동일한 방법으로 고객에게 환불할 것입니다.