Version updated 1st January 2024
Version updated 1st January 2024
These general terms and conditions (the 'General Terms and Conditions') govern the purchase and sale, via the Site (the 'Site' o ‘Piaggio Site’), of: (i) branded Vespa accessories and clothing (the 'Goods'); (ii) specific services or packages of maintenance services (the 'Services'); and/or (iii) extensions to Piaggio's commercial warranty (the 'Warranty Extensions'). By placing an order on the Site, the General Terms and Conditions shall be considered fully known and accepted, together with the Privacy Policy (available at the link).
1. Definizioni (Italy)
In aggiunta agli ulteriori termini definiti in altri paragrafi delle presenti Condizioni Generali di Contratto, i seguenti termini avranno il significato di seguito specificato.- 1.1. “Centro Autorizzato Piaggio” indica uno dei concessionari o una delle officine autorizzate della Rete Piaggio, presso cui il Servizio acquistato potrà essere effettuato.
- 1.2. “Cliente” indica qualsiasi persona fisica maggiorenne, che riveste la qualifica di consumatore o utente ex art. 3, co.1, lett. A del Codice del Consumo, che acquisti sul Sito Piaggio un Bene e/o un Servizio e/o l’Estensione di Garanzia.
- 1.3. “Codice del Consumo” indica il decreto legislativo 6 settembre 2005, n. 206, come di volta in volta integrato e modificato.
- 1.4. “Condizioni Generali di Contratto” indica le presenti condizioni generali di contratto.
- 1.5. “Istruzioni di Uso e Manutenzione” indica la documentazione contenente, tra le altre cose, le indicazioni per il corretto utilizzo e la corretta manutenzione e conservazione dei Beni acquistati eventualmente fornita al Cliente al momento dell’acquisto e/o della consegna del Bene.
- 1.6. “Ordine” indica la proposta contrattuale effettuata a Piaggio da parte del Cliente attraverso il Sito Piaggio; l’Ordine indica il Bene, il Servizio e/o l’Estensione di Garanzia oggetto della proposta contrattuale, le sue caratteristiche, il suo prezzo, la modalità di consegna o esecuzione prescelta nonché tutti gli ulteriori termini e condizioni contrattuali.
- 1.7. “Piaggio” indica Piaggio & C. S.p.A., con sede legale in Viale Rinaldo Piaggio, 25, 56025 Pontedera (PI), Italia.
- 1.8. “Prezzo” indica il corrispettivo indicato nel Sito per l’acquisto del Bene, del Servizio e/o dell’Estensione di Garanzia, comprensivo delle imposte e delle spese di consegna, dal quale sono da ritenersi escluse, a titolo esemplificativo e in caso di acquisto di un Bene, le spese e i costi di eventuale installazione del Bene.
- 1.9. “Rete Piaggio” indica i concessionari e le officine autorizzate al servizio di assistenza post vendita di Piaggio, come identificate sui siti ufficiali web-consumer, sezione assistenza.
1. Definiciones (España)
Además de los términos definidos en otros apartados de estas Condiciones Generales, los siguientes términos tendrán el significado que se especifica a continuación.
- 1.1. 'Centro Piaggo Autorizado' significa uno de los concesionarios o uno de los talleres autorizados de la Red Piaggio, en los que se puede llevar a cabo el Servicio adquirido.
- 1.2. 'Cliente' significa cualquier Cliente mayor de 18 años que sea consumidor o usuario según el Código de Consumo, que compre un Producto y/o Servicios y/o la Extensión de Garantía en el Sitio de Piaggio
- 1.3. 'Código de Consumo' significa Real Decreto Legislativo 1/2007, de 16 de noviembre, por el que se aprueba el texto refundido de la Ley General para la Defensa de los Consumidores y Usuarios y otras leyes complementarias, en su versión en vigor en cada momento.
- 1.4. 'Condiciones Generales' significa las presentes condiciones generales.
- 1.5. 'Instrucciones de uso y mantenimiento' significan los documentos que contienen, entre otras cosas, instrucciones para el uso, mantenimiento y almacenamiento adecuados de los Productoes adquiridos que pueden proporcionarse al Cliente en el momento de la compra y/o entrega del Producto.
- 1.6. 'Orden' significa la propuesta contractual que el Cliente hace a Piaggio a través del Sitio; la Orden especifica el Producto, Servicio y/o Extensión de Garantía cubiertos por la propuesta contractual, sus características, precio, el método de entrega o ejecución elegido y todas las demás Condiciones Generales.
- 1.7. 'Piaggio' siginifica Piaggio & C. SpA, con domicilio social en Viale Rinaldo Piaggio, 25, 56025 Pontedera (PI), Italia.
- 1.8. 'Precio' significa la contraprestación especificada en el Sitio por la compra del Producto, Servicio y/o Extensión de Garantía. Esto incluye impuestos y gastos de entrega, excluyendo, por ejemplo y en el caso de la compra de un Producto, los costes y gastos de instalación del Producto.
- 1.9. 'Red de Piaggio' significa los concesionarios y talleres que Piaggio autoriza a proporcionar servicio postventa, como se identifican en los sitios web-consumidor oficiales, sección de servicio.
1. Définitions (France)
Outre les termes définis dans d'autres paragraphes des Conditions Générales, les termes suivants ont la signification indiquée ci-dessous.
- 1.1. « Centre Piaggio agréé » désigne l'un des concessionnaires ou ateliers agréés du Réseau Piaggio, où la prestation achetée peut être réalisée.
- 1.2. « Client » désigne tout client âgé de plus de 18 ans, consommateur au sens de l'article liminaire du Code de la consommation ,qui achète un Produit et/ou des Services et/ou une Extension de garantie sur le site Internet de Piaggio.
- 1.3. « Code de la consommation » désigne le code français de la consommation.
- 1.4. « Conditions Générales » désigne les présentes conditions générales.
- 1.5. « Instructions d'utilisation et d'entretien » désigne les documents contenant entre autres des instructions pour l'utilisation, l'entretien et le stockage des Produits achetés, qui peuvent être communiquées au Client au moment de l'achat et/ou de la livraison du Produit« Commande » désigne la proposition contractuelle que le Client fait à Piaggio par l'intermédiaire du Site. La Commande précise le Produit, le Service et/ou l'Extension de garantie concernés par la proposition contractuelle, ses caractéristiques, son prix, le mode de livraison du Produit ou de réalisation des Services choisi par le Client et toutes les autres conditions contractuelles.
- 1.6. « Piaggio » désigne Piaggio & C. SpA, dont le siège social est situé Viale Rinaldo Piaggio, 25, 56025 Pontedera (PI), Italie.
- 1.7. « Prix » désigne la contrepartie spécifiée sur le Site pour l'achat du Produit, du Service et/ou de l'Extension de garantie. Il comprend les taxes et les frais de livraison, à l'exclusion, par exemple et dans le cas de l'achat d'un Produit, des coûts et dépenses liés à l'installation du Produit.
- 1.8. « Réseau Piaggio » désigne les concessionnaires et les ateliers qui ont été agréés par Piaggio pour fournir un service après-vente, tels qu'identifiés sur les sites Internet officiels destinés aux consommateurs, dans la partie « Service ».
1. Definitionen (Deutschland)
Neben weiteren Begriffen, die in anderen Ziffern dieser Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen definiert sind, haben die folgenden Begriffe die nachstehend angegebene Bedeutung.
- 1.1. „Autorisiertes Piaggio-Zentrum" bedeutet einen der Händler oder eine der autorisierten Werkstätten des Piaggio-Netzwerkes, bei denen der erworbene Service durchgeführt werden kann.
- 1.2. „Kunde" ist jede natürliche Person über 18 Jahre, die ein Verbraucher im Sinne von § 13 des Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuchs ist und eine Ware und/oder Dienstleistung und/oder die Gewährleistungsverlängerung auf der Piaggio-Website erwirbt.
- 1.3. „Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch" bedeutet das deutsche Bürgerliche Gesetzbuch (BGB) in seiner jeweils gültigen Fassung.
- 1.4. „Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen" bedeuten diese allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen.
- 1.5. „Gebrauchs- und Wartungsanweisungen" sind die Dokumente, die unter anderem Anweisungen für den ordnungsgemäßen Gebrauch, die Wartung und die Lagerung der gekauften Waren enthalten und die dem Kunden zum Zeitpunkt des Kaufs und/oder der Lieferung der Ware zur Verfügung gestellt werden können.
- 1.6. „Bestellung" bedeutet das Vertragsangebot, das der Kunde Piaggio über die Piaggio-Website unterbreitet; in der Bestellung sind die Ware, der Service und/oder die Gewährleistungsverlängerung, die Gegenstand des Vertragsangebots sind, ihre Eigenschaften, der Preis/Entgelt, die gewählte Liefer- oder Erfüllungsart und alle weiteren Vertragsbedingungen angegeben.
- 1.7. „Piaggio" bedeutet Piaggio & C. SpA, mit Sitz in Viale Rinaldo Piaggio, 25, 56025 Pontedera (PI), Italien.
- 1.8. „Entgelt" bezeichnet das auf der Website angegebene Entgelt für den Kauf der Ware, der Dienstleistung und/oder der Gewährleistungsverlängerung. Darin enthalten sind Steuern und Versandkosten, nicht jedoch, beispielsweise beim Kauf einer Ware, die Kosten und Aufwendungen für die Montage und/oder Einrichtung der Ware.
- 1.9. „Piaggio-Netzwerk" bezeichnet die von Piaggio für den Kundendienst zugelassenen Händler und Werkstätten, die im Bereich Service der offiziellen Webseiten für Verbraucher angegeben sind.
1. Definities (Netherlands)
Naast andere begrippen die in andere artikelleden van deze Algemene Voorwaarden zijn gedefinieerd, hebben de navolgende begrippen de hieronder nader aangegeven betekenis.
- 1.1. 'Geautoriseerd Piaggio-centrum': een van de dealers of een van de geautoriseerde werkplaatsen binnen het Piaggio-netwerk waar de aangeschafte Dienst kan worden uitgevoerd.
- 1.2. 'Klant': een natuurlijke persoon van 18 jaar of ouder die niet handelt voor doeleinden die verband houden met de uitoefening van een handelsactiviteit, een beroep of een onderneming en die een Goed en/of Diensten en/of de Garantieverlenging aanschaft op de Site van Piaggio.
- 1.3. 'Algemene Voorwaarden': deze algemene voorwaarden.
- 1.4. 'Gebruiks- en onderhoudsinstructies': de documenten die (onder andere) de instructies bevatten voor juist gebruik, onderhoud en opslag van de aangeschafte Goederen en ten tijde van aankoop en/of levering van het Goed verstrekt kunnen worden aan de Klant.
- 1.5. ‘Aanbod’: de volledige en nauwkeurige beschrijving van het Goed, de Dienst en/of de Garantieverlenging dat c.q. die door Piaggio wordt aangeboden op de Site, welke beschrijving voldoende gedetailleerd is om (i) de Klant in staat te stellen het Aanbod goed te beoordelen en (ii) de Klant te informeren over de rechten en verplichtingen die samenhangen met aanvaarding van het Aanbod. De door Piaggio gebruikte afbeeldingen en/of foto's geven een waarheidsgetrouw beeld van het Goed en/of de Dienst. Duidelijke typefouten en/of vergissingen binden Piaggio niet.
- 1.6. ‘Bestelling’: de aanvaarding van het Aanbod door de Klant. De Bestelling bevat specifieke informatie over het Goed, de Dienst en/of de Garantieverlenging dat c.q. die valt onder de aanvaarding van het Aanbod, de kenmerken ervan, de prijs, de gekozen methode van levering of uitvoering en alle overige contractsvoorwaarden.
- 1.7. ‘Piaggio’: Piaggio & C. SpA, met statutaire zetel te Viale Rinaldo Piaggio 25, 56025 Pontedera (PI), Italië.
- 1.8. ‘Prijs': de op de Site nader aangegeven tegenprestatie voor de aanschaf van het Goed, de Dienst en/of de Garantieverlenging. Dit is inclusief belastingen en leveringskosten maar exclusief, bijvoorbeeld in geval van aankoop van een Goed, de kosten en onkosten van het installeren van het Goed.
- 1.9. 'Piaggio-netwerk': de dealers en werkplaatsen die door Piaggio zijn geautoriseerd om after-salesservice te bieden, zoals aangegeven in het gedeelte Service op de officiële webconsumentensites.
1. Definitions (UK)
In addition to additional terms defined in other sections of these Terms and Conditions, the following terms shall have the meanings set forth below.- 1.1. "Authorized Piaggio Center" means one of the dealers or one of the authorized workshops of the Piaggio Network, at which the purchased Service may be performed.
- 1.2. "Customer" means any customer over 18 years of age, who has the status of consumer or user pursuant to article 3, co.1, letter A of the Consumer Code, resident in Italy who purchases a Good and/or Service and/or Extended Warranty on the Piaggio Site.
- 1.3. "Consumer Code" means Legislative Decree No. 206 of 6 September 2005, as supplemented and amended from time to time.
- 1.4. "General Terms and Conditions" means these general terms and conditions.
- 1.5. "Use and Maintenance Instructions" means the documentation containing, among other things, directions for the proper use and proper maintenance and storage of the purchased Goods that may be provided to the Customer at the time of purchase and/or delivery of the Goods.
- 1.6. "Order" means the contractual proposal made to Piaggio by the Customer through the Piaggio Site; the Order indicates the Goods, Service and/or Warranty Extension that are the subject of the contractual proposal, its characteristics, its price, the delivery or performance method chosen as well as all further contractual terms and conditions.
- 1.7. "Piaggio" means Piaggio & C. S.p.A., with registered office at Viale Rinaldo Piaggio, 25, 56025 Pontedera (PI), Italy.
- 1.8. "Price" means the consideration indicated on the Site for the purchase of the Good, Service and/or Extended Warranty, inclusive of taxes and delivery charges, from which are to be considered excluded, by way of example and in case of purchase of a Good, the expenses and costs of any installation of the Good.
- 1.9. "Piaggio Network" means Piaggio's authorized after-sales service dealers and workshops, as identified on the official web-consumer sites, service section.
1. Definitions (Canada)
In addition to additional terms defined in other sections of these Terms and Conditions, the following terms shall have the meanings set forth below.- 1.1. "Authorized Piaggio Center" means one of the dealers or one of the authorized workshops of the Piaggio Network, at which the purchased Service may be performed.
- 1.2. "Customer" means any customer over 18 years of age, who has the status of consumer or user pursuant to article 3, co.1, letter A of the Consumer Code, resident in Italy who purchases a Good and/or Service and/or Extended Warranty on the Piaggio Site.
- 1.3. "Consumer Code" means Legislative Decree No. 206 of 6 September 2005, as supplemented and amended from time to time.
- 1.4. "General Terms and Conditions" means these general terms and conditions.
- 1.5. "Use and Maintenance Instructions" means the documentation containing, among other things, directions for the proper use and proper maintenance and storage of the purchased Goods that may be provided to the Customer at the time of purchase and/or delivery of the Goods.
- 1.6. "Order" means the contractual proposal made to Piaggio by the Customer through the Piaggio Site; the Order indicates the Goods, Service and/or Warranty Extension that are the subject of the contractual proposal, its characteristics, its price, the delivery or performance method chosen as well as all further contractual terms and conditions.
- 1.7. "Piaggio" means Piaggio & C. S.p.A., with registered office at Viale Rinaldo Piaggio, 25, 56025 Pontedera (PI), Italy.
- 1.8. "Price" means the consideration indicated on the Site for the purchase of the Good, Service and/or Extended Warranty, inclusive of taxes and delivery charges, from which are to be considered excluded, by way of example and in case of purchase of a Good, the expenses and costs of any installation of the Good.
- 1.9. "Piaggio Network" means Piaggio's authorized after-sales service dealers and workshops, as identified on the official web-consumer sites, service section.
1. Definisi (Indonesia)
Selain istilah lebih lanjut yang didefinisikan dalam paragraf lain dari Syarat dan Ketentuan Umum ini, persyaratan berikut akan memiliki arti yang ditentukan di bawah ini.- 1.1. ‘Tempat Resmi Piaggio ‘ berarti salah satu dealer atau salah satu bengkel resmi Piaggio Network, di mana Layanan yang dibeli dapat dilakukan.
- 1.2. ‘Pelanggan’ berarti setiap orang individu berusia di atas 21 tahun yang merupakan konsumen atau pengguna sesuai dengan Pasal 3, ayat 1, huruf A Undang-Undang Konsumen, yang membeli Barang dan/atau Layanan dan/atau Perpanjangan Garansi di Situs Piaggio.
- 1.3. ‘Undang-Undang Konsumen’ berarti Keputusan Legislatif Italia No. 206 tanggal 6 September 2005, sebagaimana ditambahkan dan diubah pada saat itu.
- 1.4. ‘Syarat dan Ketentuan Umum’ berarti syarat dan ketentuan umum ini.
- 1.5. ‘Petunjuk Penggunaan dan Pemeliharaan’ berarti dokumen-dokumen yang berisi, antara lain, petunjuk untuk penggunaan, pemeliharaan, dan penyimpanan Barang yang dibeli dengan benar yang dapat diberikan kepada Pelanggan pada saat pembelian dan/atau pengiriman Barang.
- 1.6. ‘Pesanan’ berarti pengajuan penawaran kontraktual yang dibuat Pelanggan kepada Piaggio melalui Situs Piaggio; Pesanan menentukan Perpanjangan Barang, Layanan dan/atau Garansi yang dicakup oleh proposal kontraktual, karakteristiknya, harga, metode pengiriman atau kinerja yang dipilih dan semua syarat dan ketentuan kontraktual lainnya.
- 1.7. ‘Piaggio’ berarti Piaggio & C. SpA, dengan kantor terdaftar di Viale Rinaldo Piaggio, 25, 56025 Pontedera (PI), Italia.
- 1.8. ‘Harga’ berarti kontraprestasi yang ditentukan di Situs untuk membeli Barang, Layanan dan / atau Perpanjangan Garansi. Ini termasuk pajak dan biaya pengiriman, tidak termasuk, misalnya dan dalam hal pembelian Barang, biaya dan pengeluaran pemasangan Barang.
- 1.9. ‘Piaggio Network’ berarti dealer dan bengkel yang diberi wewenang oleh Piaggio untuk menyediakan layanan purna jual, sebagaimana diidentifikasi di situs web-konsumen resmi, bagian layanan.
1. คำจำกัดความ (Thailand)
นอกเหนือจากคำจำกัดความที่ระบุไว้ในส่วนอื่น ๆ ของข้อกำหนดและเงื่อนไขทั่วไปนี้ ให้ถือว่าคำต่อไปนี้มีความหมายตามที่ระบุไว้ด้านล่างนี้- 1.1 “ศูนย์บริการพิอาจิโอที่ได้รับอนุญาต” หมายถึง หนึ่งในตัวแทนจำหน่ายหรือหนึ่งในศูนย์บริการที่ได้รับอนุญาตจากเครือข่ายของพิอาจิโอ ซึ่งสามารถให้บริการที่ได้ซื้อไว้
- 1.2 “ลูกค้า” หมายถึง บุคคลธรรมดาที่มีอายุไม่ต่ำกว่า 20 ปีบริบูรณ์ ซึ่งเป็นผู้บริโภคหรือผู้ใช้ตามมาตรา 3 วรรค 1 หมวด A ของประมวลกฎหมายผู้บริโภค (Consumer Code) และเป็นผู้ซื้อสินค้า และ/หรือ บริการ และ/หรือ การขยายระยะเวลารับประกันผ่านเว็บไซต์ของพิอาจิโอ
- 1.3 “ประมวลกฎหมายผู้บริโภค” หมายถึง พระราชกฤษฎีกากฎหมายของอิตาลีฉบับที่ 206 (Legislative Decree No. 206) ลงวันที่ 6 กันยายน 2548 และที่ได้มีการแก้ไขและเพิ่มเติม
- 1.4 “ข้อกำหนดและเงื่อนไขทั่วไป” หมายถึง ข้อกำหนดและเงื่อนไขทั่วไปนี้
- 1.5 “คู่มือการใช้และการบำรุงรักษา” หมายถึง เอกสารระบุคำแนะนำเพื่อการใช้งานอย่างเหมาะสม วิธีการบำรุงรักษาและการจัดเก็บสินค้าที่ซื้อ ซึ่งอาจมอบให้กับลูกค้า ณ ช่วงเวลาที่ซื้อและ/หรือจัดส่งสินค้า
- 1.6 “คำสั่งซื้อ” หมายถึง ข้อเสนออันเป็นสัญญาที่ลูกค้าทำกับ พิอาจิโอผ่านเว็บไซต์ของพิอาจิโอ คำสั่งซื้อจะระบุถึงสินค้า บริการ และ/หรือการขยายเวลาการรับประกันที่ครอบคลุมภายใต้ข้อเสนออันเป็นสัญญา คุณลักษณะ ราคา วิธีการจัดส่งหรือการให้บริการ รวมถึงข้อกำหนดและเงื่อนไขอื่นใดทั้งหมดอันเป็นสัญญา
- 1.7 “พิอาจิโอ” หมายถึง พิอาจิโอ แอนด์ ซี เอสพีเอ (Piaggio & C. SpA) ซึ่งมีที่ตั้งสำนักงานจดทะเบียนที่ วิอาเล รินัลโด พิอาจิโอ 25, 56025 พอนเตเดรา (พีไอ) ประเทศอิตาลี
- 1.8 “ราคา” หมายถึง ราคาค่าตอบแทนที่ระบุไว้บนเว็บไซต์สำหรับการซื้อสินค้า บริการ และ/หรือการขยายระยะเวลาการรับประกัน ซึ่งรวมถึงภาษีต่าง ๆ และค่าจัดส่ง แต่ไม่รวมถึงราคาและค่าใช้จ่ายในการติดตั้งสินค้า ในกรณีที่มีการซื้อสินค้า
- 1.9 “เครือข่ายของพิอาจิโอ (Piaggio Network)” หมายถึง ตัวแทนจำหน่ายและศูนย์บริการที่พิอาจิโออนุญาตให้เป็นผู้ให้บริการหลังการขาย ตามที่ระบุไว้ในหัวข้อบริการบนเว็บไซต์ทางการสำหรับผู้บริโภค
1. Các định nghĩa (Vietnam)
Ngoài các thuật ngữ khác đã được định nghĩa trong các đoạn khác của Điều Khoản và Điều Kiện Chung này, các thuật ngữ sau đây sẽ có nghĩa như được nêu dưới đây.- 1.1. “Trung Tâm Piaggio Được Ủy Quyền” có nghĩa là một trong các đại lý hoặc một trong các cơ sở được ủy quyền của Hệ Thống Piaggio, nơi Dịch Vụ đã được mua có thể được thực hiện.
- 1.2. “Khách Hàng” có nghĩa là bất kỳ cá nhân nào trên 18 tuổi, là người tiêu dùng hoặc người dùng theo quy định của Pháp Luật Việt Nam, mua Hàng Hóa và/hoặc Dịch Vụ và/hoặc Gia Hạn Bảo Hành trên Trang Điện Tử Piaggio.
- 1.3. “Điều Khoản và Điều Kiện Chung” có nghĩa là các điều khoản và điều kiện chung này.
- 1.4. “Hướng Dẫn Sử Dụng Và Bảo Trì” có nghĩa là các tài liệu bao gồm, bên cạnh những nội dung khác, hướng dẫn sử dụng, bảo trì và bảo quản Hàng Hóa đã mua đúng cách, mà có thể được cung cấp cho Khách Hàng tại thời điểm mua và/hoặc giao Hàng Hóa.
- 1.5. “Đơn Đặt Hàng” có nghĩa là đề nghị giao kết hợp đồng mà Khách Hàng gửi tới Piaggio thông qua Trang Điện Tử Piaggio; Đơn Đặt Hàng chỉ rõ Hàng Hóa, Dịch vụ và/hoặc Gia Hạn Bảo Hành được yêu cầu trong đề nghị giao kết hợp đồng, cùng với các đặc tính, giá cả, phương thức giao hàng hoặc thực hiện đã được lựa chọn cũng như tất cả các điều khoản và điều kiện hợp đồng khác.
- 1.6. “Piaggio” có nghĩa là Công ty TNHH Piaggio Việt Nam, một công ty được thành lập và hoạt động tại Việt Nam theo Giấy Chứng Nhận Đăng Ký Doanh Nghiệp số 2500288968, đăng ký lần đầu ngày 02 tháng 10 năm 2007, có địa chỉ đăng ký tại Lô M, Khu Công nghiệp Bình Xuyên, Thị Trấn Hương Canh, Huyện Bình Xuyên, Tỉnh Vĩnh Phúc, Việt Nam.
- 1.7. “Giá” có nghĩa là khoản tiền được đưa ra trên Trang Điện Tử phục vụ cho việc mua Hàng Hóa, Dịch Vụ và/hoặc Gia Hạn Bảo Hành. Giá này đã bao gồm các khoản thuế và phí giao hàng, ngoại trừ, các chi phí và phí tổn lắp đặt Hàng Hóa, chẳng hạn như trong trường hợp mua Hàng Hóa.
- 1.8. “Hệ Thống Piaggio” có nghĩa là các đại lý và cơ sở mà Piaggio ủy quyền cung cấp dịch vụ sau bán hàng, được ghi nhận tại mục dịch vụ trên các trang điện tử chính thức dành cho người tiêu dùng.
- 1.9. “Pháp Luật Việt Nam” có nghĩa là tất cả các luật, nghị định và quy định được ban hành tại Việt Nam bởi bất kỳ cơ quan cấp bộ, ủy ban nhân dân, cơ quan hoặc văn phòng chính phủ, ủy ban, hội đồng hoặc đơn vị nhà nước nào.
1. Definitions (Hong Kong)
In addition to additional terms defined in other sections of these Terms and Conditions, the following terms shall have the meanings set forth below.- 1.1. "Authorized Piaggio Center" means one of the dealers or one of the authorized workshops of the Piaggio Network, at which the purchased Service may be performed.
- 1.2. "Customer" means any customer over 18 years of age, who has the status of consumer or user pursuant to article 3, co.1, letter A of the Consumer Code, resident in Italy who purchases a Good and/or Service and/or Extended Warranty on the Piaggio Site.
- 1.3. "Consumer Code" means Legislative Decree No. 206 of 6 September 2005, as supplemented and amended from time to time.
- 1.4. "General Terms and Conditions" means these general terms and conditions.
- 1.5. "Use and Maintenance Instructions" means the documentation containing, among other things, directions for the proper use and proper maintenance and storage of the purchased Goods that may be provided to the Customer at the time of purchase and/or delivery of the Goods.
- 1.6. "Order" means the contractual proposal made to Piaggio by the Customer through the Piaggio Site; the Order indicates the Goods, Service and/or Warranty Extension that are the subject of the contractual proposal, its characteristics, its price, the delivery or performance method chosen as well as all further contractual terms and conditions.
- 1.7. "Piaggio" means Piaggio & C. S.p.A., with registered office at Viale Rinaldo Piaggio, 25, 56025 Pontedera (PI), Italy.
- 1.8. "Price" means the consideration indicated on the Site for the purchase of the Good, Service and/or Extended Warranty, inclusive of taxes and delivery charges, from which are to be considered excluded, by way of example and in case of purchase of a Good, the expenses and costs of any installation of the Good.
- 1.9. "Piaggio Network" means Piaggio's authorized after-sales service dealers and workshops, as identified on the official web-consumer sites, service section.
1. Tanımlar (Turkey)
İşbu Genel Hüküm ve Koşulların diğer kısımlarında tanımlanan başkaca terimlere ek olarak, aşağıdaki terimler aşağıda belirtilen anlamlara sahip olacaktır.- 1.1. 'Yetkili Piaggio Merkezi', satın alınan hizmetin gerçekleştirilebileceği bayilerden biri veya Piaggio Ağı'nın yetkili servislerinden biri anlamına gelir.
- 1.2. 'Müşteri', Tüketici Kanunu’nun 3. Maddesi 1. fıkrası A bendi uyarınca tüketici veya kullanıcı olan ve Piaggio'nun sitesinden bir mal ve/veya hizmet ve/veya garanti uzatması satın alan 18 yaşından büyük herhangi bir müşteri anlamına gelir.
- 1.3. 'Tüketici Kanunu', ifadesi, 6 Eylül 2005 tarihli ve 206 sayılı İtalyan Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamesi anlamına gelmektedir.
- 1.4. 'Genel Hüküm ve Koşullar' işbu genel hüküm ve koşullar anlamına gelir.
- 1.5. 'Kullanım ve Bakım Talimatları', diğer hususların yanı sıra, malların satın alınması ve/veya teslimi sırasında müşteriye sağlanabilecek, satın alınan malların doğru kullanımı, bakımı ve depolanmasına ilişkin talimatları içeren belgeler anlamına gelir.
- 1.6. 'Sipariş', müşterinin Piaggio sitesi üzerinden Piaggio'ya yaptığı sözleşme teklifi anlamına gelir; Sipariş, sözleşme teklifi kapsamındaki mal, hizmet ve/veya garanti uzatmasını, özelliklerini, fiyatını, seçilen teslimat veya ifa yöntemini ve diğer tüm sözleşme hüküm ve koşullarını belirtir.
- 1.7. 'Piaggio', Viale Rinaldo Piaggio, 25, 56025 Pontedera (PI), İtalya'da kayıtlı ofisi bulunan Piaggio & C. SpA anlamına gelmektedir.
- 1.8. 'Fiyat' malları, hizmeti ve/veya garanti uzatmasını satın almak için sitede belirtilen ücret anlamına gelir. Bunlara vergiler ve teslimat ücretleri dahilse de örneğin bir malın satın alınması durumunda malın kurulum masrafları ve giderleri hariçtir.
- 1.9. 'Piaggio Ağı', Piaggio'nun resmi web-tüketici sitelerinde, hizmet bölümünde tanımlandığı gibi satış sonrası hizmet sağlamak için yetkilendirdiği bayiler ve servisler anlamına gelir.
1. Definitions (USA)
In addition to further terms defined in other paragraphs of these General Terms and Conditions, the following terms shall have the meaning specified below.- 1.1. 'Authorised Piaggio Centre' means one of the dealers or one of the Piaggio Network's authorised workshops, where the Service purchased may be carried out.
- 1.2. 'Customer' means any Customer over 18 who is a consumer or user of the Goods for personal use, and not for resale or other commercial purposes resident in the United States who purchases a Good on Piaggio's Site.
- 1.3. 'General Terms and Conditions' means these general terms and conditions.
- 1.4. 'Use and Maintenance Instructions' means the documents containing, among other things, instructions for the proper use, maintenance and storage of the purchased Goods that may be provided to the Customer at the time of purchase and/or delivery of the Good.
- 1.5. 'Order' means the contractual proposal the Customer makes to Piaggio through the Piaggio Site; the Order specifies the Good, Service and/or Warranty Extension covered by the contractual proposal, its characteristics, price, the chosen method of delivery or performance and all other contractual terms and conditions.
- 1.6. 'Piaggio' means Piaggio & C. SpA, with registered office in Viale Rinaldo Piaggio, 25, 56025 Pontedera (PI), Italy.
- 1.7. 'Price' means the consideration specified on the Site for purchasing the Good, Service and/or Warranty Extension. This includes taxes and delivery charges, excluding, for example and in the case of the purchase of a Good, the costs and expenses of installing the Good.
- 1.8. 'Piaggio Network' means the dealers and workshops Piaggio authorises to provide after-sales service, as identified on the official web-consumer sites, service section.
1. Definitions (Philippines)
In addition to further terms defined in other paragraphs of these General Terms and Conditions, the following terms shall have the meaning specified below.- 1.1. 'Authorised Piaggio Centre' means one of the dealers or one of the Piaggio Network's authorised workshops, where the Service purchased may be carried out.
- 1.2. 'Customer' means any natural person over 18 who is a consumer or user pursuant to Article 3, paragraph 1, letter A of the Consumer Code, who purchases a Good and/or Services and/or the Warranty Extension on Piaggio's Site.
- 1.3. 'Consumer Code' means Italian Legislative Decree No. 206 of 6 September 2005, as supplemented and amended at the time.
- 1.4. 'General Terms and Conditions' means these general terms and conditions.
- 1.5. 'Use and Maintenance Instructions' means the documents containing, among other things, instructions for the proper use, maintenance and storage of the purchased Goods that may be provided to the Customer at the time of purchase and/or delivery of the Good.
- 1.6. 'Order' means the contractual proposal the Customer makes to Piaggio through the Piaggio Site; the Order specifies the Good, Service and/or Warranty Extension covered by the contractual proposal, its characteristics, price, the chosen method of delivery or performance and all other contractual terms and conditions.
- 1.7. 'Piaggio' means Piaggio & C. SpA, with registered office in Viale Rinaldo Piaggio, 25, 56025 Pontedera (PI), Italy.
- 1.8. 'Price' means the consideration specified on the Site for purchasing the Good, Service and/or Warranty Extension. This includes taxes and delivery charges, but excluding, for example and in the case of the purchase of a Good, the costs and expenses of installing the Good.
- 1.9. 'Piaggio Network' means the dealers and workshops Piaggio authorises to provide after-sales service, as identified on the official web-consumer sites, service section.
1. 정의 (South Korea)
일반 약관의 다른 문단에 정의된 추가 용어들에 더하여, 다음의 용어들은 아래에 명시된 의미를 가집니다.- 1.1. '공인 피아지오 센터(Authorised Piaggio Centre)'란 구매한 서비스가 수행될 수 있는 딜러 또는 피아지오 네트워크(Piaggio Network)의 공인 영업장 중 하나를 의미합니다.
- 1.2. ‘고객’이란 대한민국 거주자로서 피아지오 사이트에서 상품 및/또는 서비스 및/또는 보증연장을 구매하는 소비자법(Consumer Code) 제3조 제1항 제A호 또는 전자상거래 등에서의 소비자 보호에 관한 법률 제2조 제5호에 따른 소비자 또는 이용자에 해당하는 만19세 이상의 고객을 말합니다.
- 1.3. ‘소비자법’이란 당시 보완 및 개정된 2005년 9월 6일자 이탈리아 법령 제206호를 의미합니다.
- 1.4. ‘일반 약관’이라 함은 본 일반 약관을 의미합니다.
- 1.5. '사용 및 유지관리 설명서'라 함은 상품의 구매 및/또는 인도 시점에 고객에게 제공될 수 있는 구매된 상품의 적절한 사용, 유지관리 및 보관에 관한 지시서 등이 포함된 문서를 의미합니다.
- 1.6. ‘주문’이라 함은 고객이 피아지오 사이트를 통하여 피아지오에 계약상 제안을 하는 행위를 의미하며, 주문서에는 계약상 제안의 대상이 되는 상품, 서비스 및/또는 보증연장, 그 특성, 가격, 선택한 배송 또는 이행 방법 및 기타 모든 계약상 조건이 명시됩니다.
- 1.7. '피아지오(Piaggio)'는 Viale Rinaldo Piaggio, 25, 56025 Pontedera (PI), Italy에 등록 사무소를 둔 Piaggio & C. SpA를 의미합니다. 1.8. '가격'은 사이트에 명시된 상품, 서비스 및/또는 보증연장 구매를 위한 대가를 의미합니다. 여기에는 세금 및 배송비가 포함되며, 예를 들어, 상품을 구매하는 경우 그 상품을 설치하는 비용은 제외됩니다.
- 1.9. '피아지오 네트워크(Piaggio Network)'란 공식 웹 소비자 사이트 서비스 섹션에서 확인할 수 있는 바와 같이 피아지오가 A/S 서비스를 제공할 수 있도록 허가한 딜러 및 영업장을 의미합니다.
2. Oggetto del contratto e corrispettivo (Italy)
- 2.1. L’oggetto del contratto di compravendita è l’acquisto, da parte del Cliente, del Bene, del Servizio e/o dell’Estensione di Garanzia oggetto dell’Ordine effettuato sul Sito Piaggio, il tutto ai termini e condizioni e con le caratteristiche ivi descritte.
- 2.2. Il Prezzo indicato nel Sito Piaggio comprende le imposte e le spese di consegna. Restano a carico del Cliente, a titolo esemplificativo e in caso di acquisto di un Bene, le spese e i costi di eventuale installazione del Bene.
2. Objeto del contrato y contraprestación (España)
- 2.1. El objeto del contrato de venta es la compra por parte del Cliente del Producto, Servicio y/o Extensión de Garantía sujetos a la Orden realizada en el Sitio de Piaggio, todo bajo los Términos y Condiciones Generales y con las características descritas en el mismo.
- 2.2. El Precio mostrado en el Sitio de Piaggio incluye impuestos y gastos de entrega. El Cliente deberá asumir los gastos y costos de cualquier instalación del Producto.
2. Objet du contrat et Prix (France)
- 2.1. Le contrat de vente a pour objet l'achat par le Client du Produit, du Service et/ou de l'Extension de Garantie faisant l'objet de la Commande effectuée sur le Site Piaggio, dans les conditions et caractéristiques décrites ci-après.
- 2.2. Le Prix indiqué sur le Site Piaggio inclut les taxes et les frais de livraison. Le Client supporte les dépenses et les coûts de l'installation éventuelle du Produit.
2. Vertragsgegenstand und Gegenleistung (Deutschland)
- 2.1. Gegenstand des Kaufvertrags ist der Erwerb der Ware, der Dienstleistung und/oder der Gewährleistungsverlängerung durch den Kunden gemäß der auf der Piaggio-Website aufgegebenen Bestellung, und zwar zu den dort beschriebenen Bedingungen und Konditionen.
- 2.2. Der auf der Piaggio-Website angegebene Preis versteht sich inklusive Steuern und Versandkosten. Der Kunde trägt die Aufwendungen und Kosten für die Montage und Einrichtung der Ware.
2. Onderwerp van de Overeenkomst en tegenprestatie (Netherlands)
- 2.1. Het onderwerp van de koopovereenkomst is de aanschaf van het Goed, de Dienst en/of de Garantieverlenging door de Klant. De overeenkomst wordt gesloten op het moment dat de Klant het Aanbod aanvaardt (d.w.z. de Bestelling plaatst) en de daarmee samenhangende voorwaarden zijn vervuld.
- 2.2. Piaggio bevestigt per e-mail de aanvaarding van het Aanbod door de Klant en verstrekt een overzicht van de Bestelling en eventuele verdere instructies die noodzakelijk zijn om over te gaan tot de levering en/of uitvoering van het Goed, de Dienst en de Garantieverlenging. De Klant is gerechtigd de overeenkomst te ontbinden zolang de aanvaarding van het Aanbod door de Klant niet door Piaggio is bevestigd.
- 2.3. De op de Site van Piaggio getoonde Prijs is inclusief belastingen en leveringskosten. De Klant draagt de kosten van installatie van het Goed.
2. Subject of the contract and consideration (UK)
- 2.1. The subject matter of the Sale and Purchase Agreement is the Customer's purchase of the Goods, Service and/or Extended Warranty that are the subject of the Order placed on the Piaggio Site, all under the terms and conditions and with the features described therein.
- 2.2. The Price indicated on the Piaggio Site includes taxes and delivery charges. The Customer shall be responsible, by way of example and in case of purchase of a Good, for the expenses and costs of any installation of the Good.
2. Subject-matter of the Contract and consideration (Canada)
- 2.1. The sales contract's subject-matter is the Customer's purchase of the Good, Service and/or Warranty Extension subject to the Order placed on the Piaggio Site, all under the terms and conditions and with the characteristics described therein.
- 2.2. The Price shown on the Piaggio Site includes taxes and delivery charges. The Customer shall bear the expenses and costs of any installation of the Good.
2. Pokok bahasan Kontrak dan kontraprestasi (Indonesia)
- 2.1. Pokok bahasan kontrak penjualan adalah pembelian Barang, Layanan, dan/atau Perpanjangan Garansi oleh Pelanggan yang tunduk pada Pesanan yang dibuat melalui Situs Piaggio, yang semuanya dibuat berdasarkan syarat dan ketentuan dan dengan karakteristik yang dijelaskan di dalamnya.
- 2.2. Harga yang ditampilkan di Situs Piaggio sudah termasuk pajak dan biaya pengiriman. Pelanggan harus menanggung pengeluaran dan biaya pemasangan Barang dalam bentuk apapun.
2. สาระสำคัญในสัญญาและราคาค่าตอบแทน (Thailand)
- 2.1 สาระสำคัญของสัญญาซื้อขายคือการซื้อสินค้า บริการ และ/หรือการขยายระยะเวลารับประกันของลูกค้าตามคำสั่งซื้อที่ส่งบนเว็บไซต์ของพิอาจิโอ ซึ่งทั้งหมดอยู่ภายใต้ข้อกำหนดและเงื่อนไข รวมถึงคุณลักษณะที่อธิบายไว้ในข้อกำหนดและเงื่อนไขดังกล่าว
- 2.2 ราคาที่แสดงบนเว็บไซต์ของพิอาจิโอเป็นราคาที่รวมภาษีและค่าจัดส่งแล้ว ลูกค้าจะเป็นผู้รับผิดชอบค่าใช้จ่ายและราคาสำหรับการติดตั้งสินค้า
2. Đối tượng Hợp Đồng và giá cả (Vietnam)
- 2.1. Đối tượng của hợp đồng là giao dịch mua Hàng Hóa, Dịch Vụ và/hoặc Gia Hạn Bảo Hành theo Đơn Đặt Hàng trên Trang Điện Tử Piaggio của Khách Hàng, trong đó tất cả các giao dịch này đều tuân theo các điều khoản và điều kiện cũng như các đặc tính được mô tả tại Điều Khoản và Điều Kiện Chung này.
- 2.2. Giá hiển thị trên Trang Điện Tử Piaggio đã bao gồm các khoản thuế và phí giao hàng. Khách Hàng sẽ chịu mọi chi phí và phí tổn cho việc lắp đặt Hàng Hóa.
2. Subject of the contract and consideration (Hong Kong)
- 2.1. The subject matter of the Sale and Purchase Agreement is the Customer's purchase of the Goods, Service and/or Extended Warranty that are the subject of the Order placed on the Piaggio Site, all under the terms and conditions and with the features described therein.
- 2.2. The Price indicated on the Piaggio Site includes taxes and delivery charges. The Customer shall be responsible, by way of example and in case of purchase of a Good, for the expenses and costs of any installation of the Good.
2. Sözleşmenin Konusu ve Dikkate Alınması (Turkey)
- 2.1. Satış sözleşmesinin konusu, müşterinin Piaggio Sitesinde verilen siparişe konu olan malları, hizmetleri ve/veya garanti uzatmalarını, burada açıklanan şartlar ve koşullar altında satın almasıdır.
- 2.2. Piaggio sitesinde gösterilen fiyata vergiler ve teslimat ücretleri dahildir. Müşteri, malların herhangi bir kurulum masraf ve giderlerini karşılayacaktır.
2. Subject-matter of the Contract and consideration (USA)
- 2.1. The sales contract's subject-matter is the Customer's purchase of the Good, Service and/or Warranty Extension subject to the Order placed on the Piaggio Site, all under the terms and conditions and with the characteristics described therein.
- 2.2. The Price shown on the Piaggio Site includes taxes and delivery charges. The Customer shall bear the expenses and costs of any installation of the Good.
2. Subject-matter of the Contract and consideration (Philippines)
- 2.1. The sales contract's subject-matter is the Customer's purchase of the Good, Service and/or Warranty Extension subject to the Order placed on the Piaggio Site, all under the terms and conditions and with the characteristics described therein.
- 2.2. The Price shown on the Piaggio Site includes taxes and delivery charges. The Customer shall bear the expenses and costs of any installation of the Good.
2. 계약의 대상 및 대가 (South Korea)
- 2.1. 매매계약의 대상은 일반 약관 하에 고객이 피아지오 사이트를 통해 제출한 주문서에 기술된 특징을 가진 상품, 서비스 및/또는 보증연장을 구매하는 것입니다.
- 2.2. 피아지오 사이트에 표시된 가격에는 세금 및 배송비가 포함됩니다. 고객은 상품의 설치에 관한 모든 제반비용을 부담합니다.
3. Procedura di acquisto e pagamento (Italy)
- 3.1. Successivamente alla selezione nel Sito del Bene, del Servizio e/o dell’Estensione di Garanzia, il Cliente procederà a selezionare la modalità di pagamento del Prezzo tra quelle di volta in volta disponibili sul Sito.
- 3.2. Una volta selezionata la modalità di pagamento, il Cliente, dopo aver effettuato l’accesso al proprio profilo personale sul Sito tramite l’inserimento del proprio nome utente e password, potrà procedere al perfezionamento dell’Ordine, a valere quale proposta contrattuale nei confronti di Piaggio, con tutti gli elementi necessari alla conclusione del contratto di compravendita. In caso di acquisto effettuato da un Cliente non munito di profilo personale, al fine di procedere al perfezionamento dell’Ordine, il Cliente dovrà inserire tutti i dati e i documenti richiesti nel rispetto delle istruzioni impartite nel Sito.
- 3.3. L’Ordine, una volta perfezionato, si intenderà quale proposta contrattuale irrevocabile a Piaggio. L’accettazione da parte di Piaggio dell’Ordine e, conseguentemente, la conclusione del contratto di compravendita, sono da intendersi condizionati alla verifica: (i) in caso di acquisto di un Bene, della disponibilità del Bene medesimo; (ii) della completezza dei dati e della validità della documentazione fornita da Cliente e della loro conformità alle istruzioni impartite nel Sito; nonché della conformità dell’Ordine alle presenti Condizioni Generali di Contratto; (iii) del buon esito del pagamento effettuato dal Cliente; nonché (iv) della fattibilità delle modalità, tempistiche e indirizzo di spedizione del Bene selezionate dal Cliente ai sensi del successivo articolo 4.1. Piaggio provvederà a comunicare al Cliente (a) l’accettazione a mezzo di una e-mail di conferma e riepilogo dell’Ordine, nonché (b) le eventuali ulteriori istruzioni necessarie per procedere alla consegna del Bene e/o all’esecuzione del Servizio.
3. Procedimiento de compra y pago (España)
- 3.1. Después de seleccionar el Producto, Servicio y/o Extensión de Garantía en el Sitio, el Cliente deberá elegir el método de pago del Precio entre los disponibles en el Sitio en ese momento.
- 3.2. Una vez seleccionado el método de pago, después de acceder a su perfil personal en el Sitio ingresando su nombre de usuario y contraseña, el Cliente puede realizar la Orden, que será válido como una oferta contractual a Piaggio, con todos los detalles necesarios para concluir el contrato de venta. Si un Cliente sin un perfil personal realiza una compra, para finalizar la Orden, deberá ingresar todos los datos y documentos requeridos de acuerdo con las instrucciones dadas en el Sitio.
- 3.3. La Orden, una vez finalizada, se considerará una oferta contractual irrevocable a Piaggio. Se entiende que la aceptación de la Orden por parte de Piaggio y, en consecuencia, la conclusión del contrato de venta están condicionadas a la verificación: (i) en caso de la compra de un Producto, de la disponibilidad de ese Producto; (ii) la integridad de los datos y la validez de los documentos proporcionados por el Cliente y su conformidad con las instrucciones dadas en el Sitio; y la conformidad de la Orden con estos Términos y Condiciones Generales; (iii) la finalización exitosa del pago del Cliente; y (iv) la viabilidad del método, tiempo y dirección de envío del Producto seleccionado por el Cliente según el Artículo 4.1 a continuación. Piaggio notificará al Cliente de (a) la aceptación a través de un correo electrónico que confirma y resume la Orden, y (b) cualquier otra instrucción necesaria para proceder con la entrega del Producto y/o la prestación del Servicio.
3. Achat et procédure de paiement (France)
- 3.1. Après avoir sélectionné le Produit, le Service et/ou l’Extension de Garantie sur le Site, le Client valide un résumé de commande et choisit le moyen de paiement du Prix parmi ceux disponibles sur le Site au moment de la commande.
- 3.2. Une fois le moyen de paiement sélectionné et après avoir accédé à son profil personnel sur le Site en saisissant son nom d'utilisateur et son mot de passe, le Client peut effectuer la Commande, qui vaudra offre contractuelle à Piaggio, avec toutes les données nécessaires à la conclusion du contrat de vente. Si un Client effectue un achat sans avoir de profil personnel, il devra, pour finaliser la Commande, saisir toutes les informations et fournir les documents requis conformément aux instructions données sur le Site.
- 3.3. La Commande, une fois finalisée, est considérée comme une offre contractuelle irrévocable à l’attention de Piaggio. L'acceptation de la Commande par Piaggio et, par conséquent, la conclusion du contrat de vente sont conditionnées par la vérification : (i) en cas d'achat d'un Produit, de la disponibilité de ce Produit ; (ii) de l'exhaustivité, de la validité et de la conformité aux instructions données sur le Site des informations et des documents fournis par le Client ; et de la conformité de la Commande aux présentes Conditions Générales ; (iii) de la réception par Piaggio du paiement par le Client ; et (iv) de la possibilité pour Piaggio de réaliser la Commande conformément au mode, à la date et à l'adresse de livraison du Produit choisis par le Client en application de l'article 4 ci-dessous. Piaggio notifiera au Client (a) l'acceptation de la Commande par un e-mail acceptant et résumant celle-ci, et (b) toute autre instruction nécessaire pour procéder à la livraison du Produit et/ou à l'exécution du Service.
3. Kauf- und Zahlungsmodalitäten (Deutschland)
- 3.1. Die Darstellung der Ware, Dienstleistung und/oder Gewährleistungsverlängerung auf der Piaggio-Website ist lediglich eine Aufforderung an den Kunden, ein Angebot zum Abschluss eines Vertrages über die dargestellte Ware, Dienstleistung und/oder Gewährleistungsverlängerung abzugeben. Der Kunde kann Ware, Dienstleistungen und/oder Gewährleistungsverlängerungen aus dem Sortiment von Piaggio auswählen und diese über den Button "dem Warenkorb hinzufügen" in einen sogenannten Warenkorb legen. Der Vertrag kommt erst mit der Abgabe der Annahmeerklärung durch Piaggio zustande (siehe Ziffer 3.5).
- 3.2. Nach der Auswahl der Ware, der Dienstleistung und/oder der Gewährleistungsverlängerung auf der Website wählt der Kunde eine der auf der Website zu diesem Zeitpunkt verfügbaren Zahlungsmethoden aus.
- 3.3. Nach Auswahl der Zahlungsmethode kann der Kunde, nachdem er durch Eingabe seines Benutzernamens und seines Passworts auf sein persönliches Profil auf der Website zugegriffen hat, die Bestellung aufgeben, die ein Vertragsangebot an Piaggio darstellt und alle für den Abschluss des Kaufvertrags erforderlichen Angaben enthält. Wenn ein Kunde ohne persönliches Profil einen Kauf tätigt, muss er, um die Bestellung abzuschließen, alle erforderlichen Daten und Dokumente gemäß den Anweisungen auf der Website eingeben.
- 3.4. Der Kunde hat die Möglichkeit, seine Bestelldaten vor Abgabe der Bestellung jederzeit einzusehen und zu ändern. Änderungen können über den Button "[...]" oder über Links zu den einzelnen Bestelldatenfeldern und "Zurück zum Warenkorb "-Funktionen vorgenommen werden.
- 3.5. Sobald die Bestellung abgeschlossen ist, gilt sie als unwiderrufliches Vertragsangebot an Piaggio. Die Annahme der Bestellung durch Piaggio und folglich der Abschluss des Kaufvertrags sind abhängig von der Überprüfung: (i) im Falle des Kaufs einer Ware der Verfügbarkeit dieser Ware; (ii) der Vollständigkeit der Daten und der Gültigkeit der vom Kunden zur Verfügung gestellten Dokumente sowie deren Übereinstimmung mit den Anweisungen auf der Website; und der Übereinstimmung der Bestellung mit diesen Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen; (iii) der erfolgreichen Abwicklung der Zahlung des Kunden; und (iv) der Durchführbarkeit der vom Kunden gemäß unter Ziffer 4.1 gewählten Versandmethode, des Versandzeitpunkts und der für den Versand der Ware angegebenen Adresse. Piaggio benachrichtigt den Kunden über (a) die Annahme per E-Mail, in der die Bestellung bestätigt und zusammengefasst wird, und (b) alle weiteren Anweisungen, die für die Lieferung der Ware und/oder die Erbringung der Dienstleistung erforderlich sind.
- 3.6. Der Vertragsschluss erfolgt in [...] Sprache. Der Vertragstext (bestehend aus der Bestellung, den Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen und der Annahmeerklärung von Piaggio) wird von Piaggio unter Beachtung der datenschutzrechtlichen Bestimmungen gespeichert und dem Kunden per E-Mail zugesandt. Registrierte Kunden können ihre aktuell bestätigten Bestellungen auch in ihrem persönlichen Kundenkonto einsehen.
3. Aankoop- en betalingsprocedure (Netherlands)
- 3.1. Na het selecteren van het Goed, de Dienst en/of de Garantieverlenging op de Site dient de Klant de wijze van betaling van de Prijs te kiezen uit de betaalmethoden die op dat moment beschikbaar zijn op de Site.
- 3.2. Nadat de Klant toegang tot zijn/haar persoonlijke profiel op de Site heeft verkregen door zijn/haar gebruikersnaam en wachtwoord in te voeren en de betaalmethode heeft geselecteerd, kan hij/zij de Bestelling plaatsen, welke Bestelling alle gegevens bevat die vereist zijn om de koopovereenkomst te sluiten. Indien een Klant zonder persoonlijk profiel een bestelling wil plaatsen, dient deze Klant alle op de Site vermelde benodigde gegevens en documenten aan te leveren om de Bestelling definitief maken.
- 3.3. De Bestelling wordt beschouwd als een contractuele aanvaarding van het aanbod van Piaggio. Bevestiging door Piaggio van de Bestelling is afhankelijk van verificatie door Piaggio van: (i) de beschikbaarheid van een Goed, in geval van de aankoop van dat Goed; (ii) de volledigheid van de gegevens en de geldigheid van de door de Klant aangeleverde documenten en de overeenstemming ervan met de op de Site gegeven instructies; en het voldoen van de Bestelling aan deze Algemene Voorwaarden; (iii) de geslaagde voltooiing van de betaling door de Klant; en (iv) de haalbaarheid van de methode, de termijn en het adres van verzending van het Goed dat door de Klant krachtens lid 4.1 hieronder is geselecteerd. Piaggio stelt de Klant in kennis van (a) aanvaarding via een e-mail waarin de Bestelling wordt bevestigd en samengevat en (b) eventuele nadere instructies die noodzakelijk zijn om over te gaan tot levering van het Goed en/of uitvoering van de Dienst.
3. Purchase and payment procedure (UK)
- 3.1. After selecting the Good, Service and/or Warranty Extension on the Site, the Customer shall choose the payment method of the Price from those available on the Site at the time.
- 3.2. Once the payment method has been selected, after accessing their personal profile on the Site by entering their username and password, the Customer can place the Order, which will be valid as a contractual offer to Piaggio, with all the details necessary to conclude the sale contract. If a Customer without a personal profile makes a purchase, to finalise the Order, they shall enter all the data and documents required in compliance with the instructions given on the Site.
- 3.3. The Order, once finalised, shall be deemed a contractual offer to Piaggio. Piaggio's acceptance of the Order and, consequently, the conclusion of the sales Contract are understood to be conditional on verification: (i) in the case of the purchase of a Good, of the availability of that Good. If the Good is not available Piaggio will inform the Customer as soon as possible and in any event within [[ ] hours/days] and refund any sums paid; (ii) the completeness of the data and the validity of the documents provided by the Customer and their conformity with the instructions given on the Site; and compliance of the Order with these General Terms and Conditions. If the data and documents provided by the Customer are not complete Piaggio will inform the Customer as soon as possible giving the Customer the option of providing complete data and documents or a refund any sums paid; (iii) the successful completion of the Customer's payment; and (iv) the feasibility of the method, timing and address of shipment of the Good selected by the Customer pursuant to Article 4.1 below - If the method, timing and address of shipment is not feasible Piaggio will inform the Customer as soon as possible giving the Customer the option of providing alternative shipping details or a refund of any sums paid. Piaggio will notify the Customer [within [ ] hours/days] of (a) via an email confirming acceptance of and summarising the Order, and (b) any further information required to proceed with delivery of the Good and/or performance of the Service.
3. Purchase and payment procedure (Canada)
- 3.1. After selecting the Good, Service and/or Warranty Extension on the Site, the Customer shall choose the payment method of the Price from those available on the Site at the time.
- 3.2. Once the payment method has been selected, after accessing their personal profile on the Site by entering their username and password, the Customer can place the Order, which will be valid as a contractual offer to Piaggio, with all the details necessary to conclude the sale contract. If a Customer without a personal profile makes a purchase, to finalise the Order, they shall enter all the data and documents required in compliance with the instructions given on the Site.
- 3.3. The Order, once finalised, shall be deemed an irrevocable contractual offer to Piaggio. Piaggio's acceptance of the Order and, consequently, the conclusion of the sales Contract are understood to be conditional on verification: (i) in the case of the purchase of a Good, of the availability of that Good; (ii) the completeness of the data and the validity of the documents provided by the Customer and their conformity with the instructions given on the Site; and compliance of the Order with these General Terms and Conditions; (iii) the successful completion of the Customer's payment; and (iv) the feasibility of the method, timing and address of shipment of the Good selected by the Customer pursuant to Article 4.1 below. Piaggio will notify the Customer of (a) acceptance via an email confirming and summarising the Order, and (b) any further instructions necessary to proceed with delivery of the Good and/or performance of the Service.
3. Prosedur pembelian dan pembayaran (Indonesia)
- 3.1. Setelah memilih Barang, Layanan dan/atau Perpanjangan Garansi dalam Situs, Pelanggan harus memilih metode pembayaran Harga dari yang tersedia di Situs pada saat itu.
- 3.2. Ketika metode pembayaran sudah dipilih, setelah mengakses profil pribadi mereka di Situs dengan memasukkan nama pengguna dan kata sandi mereka, Pelanggan dapat membuat Pesanan, yang akan berlaku sebagai penawaran kontrak kepada Piaggio, dengan semua rincian yang diperlukan untuk menyepakati kontrak penjualan. Jika Pelanggan tanpa akun pribadi melakukan pembelian, maka untuk menyelesaikan Pesanan, mereka harus memasukkan semua data dan dokumen yang diperlukan sesuai dengan instruksi yang diberikan dalam Situs.
- 3.3. Pesanan, ketika selesai dibuat, akan dianggap sebagai tawaran kontrak yang tidak dapat dibatalkan kepada Piaggio. Penerimaan Piaggio atas Pesanan dan, akibatnya, kesepakatan dari Kontrak penjualan dipahami tergantung pada verifikasi: (i) dalam hal pembelian Barang, ketersediaan Barang tersebut; (ii) kelengkapan data dan keabsahan dokumen yang diberikan oleh Pelanggan dan kesesuaiannya dengan instruksi yang diberikan pada Situs; dan kepatuhan Pesanan dengan Syarat dan Ketentuan Umum ini; (iii) keberhasilan penyelesaian pembayaran Pelanggan; dan (iv) kemampuan untuk menyelesaikan pengiriman barang dengan metode, waktu, dan alamat yang dipilih oleh Pelanggan sesuai dengan Pasal 4.1 di bawah ini. Piaggio akan memberi tahu Pelanggan tentang (a) penerimaan melalui email yang mengonfirmasi dan meringkas Pesanan, dan (b) instruksi lebih lanjut yang diperlukan untuk melanjutkan pengiriman Barang dan/atau Layanan.
3. ขั้นตอนการซื้อและการชำระเงิน (Thailand)
- 3.1 หลังจากที่เลือกสินค้า บริการ และ/หรือการขยายระยะเวลาการรับประกันบนเว็บไซต์แล้ว ลูกค้าจะต้องเลือกวิธีการชำระเงินจากวิธีการที่มีให้เลือกบนเว็บไซต์ในขณะนั้น
- 3.2 เมื่อเลือกวิธีการชำระเงินแล้ว และหลังจากที่ลูกค้าเข้าบัญชีส่วนตัวบนเว็บไซต์ด้วยการใส่ชื่อผู้ใช้งานและรหัสผ่าน ลูกค้าจะสามารถส่งคำสั่งซื้อได้ ซึ่งจะถือเป็นข้อเสนออันเป็นสัญญาต่อพิอาจิโอ โดยมีรายละเอียดที่จำเป็นทั้งหมดเพื่อให้สัญญาซื้อขายมีผลสมบูรณ์ หากลูกค้าทำการซื้อโดยไม่มีบัญชีส่วนตัว ลูกค้าจะต้องป้อนข้อมูลและส่งเอกสารทั้งหมดที่จำเป็นตามคำแนะนำที่ระบุไว้บนเว็บไซต์เพื่อให้คำสั่งซื้อสมบูรณ์
- 3.3 เมื่อคำสั่งซื้อเสร็จเรียบร้อย จะถือเป็นข้อเสนออันเป็นสัญญาต่อพิอาจิโอที่เพิกถอนไม่ได้ การยอมรับคำสั่งซื้อโดยพิอาจิโออันจะมีผลให้สัญญาการขายสมบูรณ์ได้นั้น ให้ขึ้นอยู่กับผลการตรวจสอบดังนี้ (1) ในกรณีของการซื้อสินค้า ต้องตรวจสอบการมีสินค้านั้นไว้พร้อมจำหน่าย (2) ความครบถ้วนของข้อมูลและความถูกต้องของเอกสารที่ลูกค้าให้ไว้ ความสอดคล้องกับคำแนะนำที่ให้ไว้บนเว็บไซต์ และความถูกต้องของคำสั่งซื้อตามข้อกำหนดและเงื่อนไขทั่วไปนี้ (3) ความสมบูรณ์ของการชำระเงินของลูกค้า และ (4) ความเป็นไปได้ของวิธีการ เวลา และที่อยู่ในการจัดส่งสินค้าที่ลูกค้าเลือกตามข้อ 4.1 ซึ่งระบุไว้ด้านล่าง ทั้งนี้ พิอาจิโอจะแจ้งให้ลูกค้าทราบถึง (ก) การยอมรับคำสั่งซื้อผ่านทางอีเมลเพื่อยืนยันและสรุปคำสั่งซื้อ และ (ข) คำแนะนำเพิ่มเติมที่จำเป็นเพื่อดำเนินการจัดส่งสินค้าและ/หรือการให้บริการ
3. Quy trình mua và thanh toán (Vietnam)
- 3.1. Sau khi lựa chọn Hàng hóa, Dịch vụ và/hoặc Gia Hạn Bảo Hành trên Trang Điện Tử, Khách Hàng phải lựa chọn phương thức thanh toán Giá trong số các phương thức có sẵn trên Trang Điện Tử tại thời điểm đó.
- 3.2. Khi phương thức thanh toán đã được chọn, Khách Hàng có thể đặt Đơn Đặt Hàng sau khi đăng nhập tài khoản cá nhân của Khách Hàng trên Trang Điện Tử, bằng cách nhập tên người dùng và mật khẩu, theo đó Đơn Đặt Hàng này sẽ có giá trị như một đề nghị giao kết hợp đồng với Piaggio, với tất cả các thông tin chi tiết cần thiết để hoàn tất hợp đồng mua bán. Nếu Khách Hàng không có tài khoản cá nhân thực hiện mua hàng, để hoàn tất Đơn Đặt Hàng, Khách Hàng phải nhập tất cả dữ liệu và tài liệu được yêu cầu theo hướng dẫn được cung cấp trên Trang Điện Tử. Việc thu thập và xử lý dữ liệu cá nhân của Khách Hàng do Piaggio thực hiện phải tuân thủ các quy định về bảo vệ dữ liệu cá nhân theo Pháp Luật Việt Nam.
- 3.3. Đơn Đặt Hàng sau khi hoàn tất sẽ được coi là một đề nghị giao kết hợp đồng không thể hủy ngang với Piaggio. Việc Piaggio chấp nhận Đơn Đặt Hàng và dẫn đến, hoàn tất việc giao kết Hợp Đồng, được hiểu là có tính điều kiện, phụ thuộc vào việc xác minh: (i) trong trường hợp mua Hàng Hóa, tính sẵn có của Hàng Hóa đó; (ii) tính đầy đủ của dữ liệu và tính hợp lệ của các tài liệu do Khách Hàng cung cấp cũng như sự phù hợp của chúng với các hướng dẫn được đưa ra trên Trang Điện Tử; và việc tuân thủ của Đơn Đặt Hàng với các Điều Khoản Sử Dụng này; (iii) việc hoàn tất thanh toán của Khách Hàng; và (iv) tính khả thi của phương thức, thời gian và địa chỉ vận chuyển Hàng Hóa do Khách Hàng lựa chọn theo Điều 4.1 dưới đây. Piaggio sẽ thông báo cho Khách Hàng về (a) thư chấp nhận qua email xác nhận và tóm tắt Đơn Đặt Hàng và (b) mọi hướng dẫn bổ sung cần thiết để tiến hành giao Hàng Hóa và/hoặc thực hiện Dịch Vụ.
3. Purchase and payment procedure (Hong Kong)
- 3.1. After selecting the Good, Service and/or Warranty Extension on the Site, the Customer shall choose the payment method of the Price from those available on the Site at the time.
- 3.2. Once the payment method has been selected, after accessing their personal profile on the Site by entering their username and password, the Customer can place the Order, which will be valid as a contractual offer to Piaggio, with all the details necessary to conclude the sale contract. If a Customer without a personal profile makes a purchase, to finalise the Order, they shall enter all the data and documents required in compliance with the instructions given on the Site.
- 3.3. The Order, once finalised, shall be deemed an irrevocable contractual offer to Piaggio. Piaggio's acceptance of the Order and, consequently, the conclusion of the sales Contract are understood to be conditional on verification: (i) in the case of the purchase of a Good, of the availability of that Good; (ii) the completeness of the data and the validity of the documents provided by the Customer and their conformity with the instructions given on the Site; and compliance of the Order with these General Terms and Conditions; (iii) the successful completion of the Customer's payment; and (iv) the feasibility of the method, timing and address of shipment of the Good selected by the Customer pursuant to Article 4.1 below. Piaggio will notify the Customer of (a) acceptance via an email confirming and summarising the Order, and (b) any further instructions necessary to proceed with delivery of the Good and/or performance of the Service.
3. Satın Alma ve Ödeme Prosedürü (Turkey)
- 3.1. Müşteri, sitedeki malları, hizmeti ve/veya garanti uzatımını seçtikten sonra, ödeme yöntemini Site'de o an mevcut olan yöntemlerden seçmelidir.
- 3.2. Ödeme yöntemi seçildikten sonra, kullanıcı adı ve şifresini kullanarak sitedeki kişisel profiline erişen müşteri, Piaggio'ya sözleşmeye dayalı bir teklif olarak geçerli olacak siparişini, satış sözleşmesinin imzalanması için gerekli tüm ayrıntılarla birlikte verebilir. Kişisel profili olmayan bir müşteri bir satın alma işlemi yaparsa, siparişi sonuçlandırmak için, sitede verilen talimatlara uygun olarak gerekli tüm veri ve belgeleri eklemelidir.
- 3.3. Sipariş, kesinleştikten sonra Piaggio'ya geri alınamaz bir sözleşme teklifi olarak kabul edilecektir. Piaggio'nun Siparişi kabulü ve dolayısıyla satış sözleşmesinin kurulması, aşağıdaki şartların doğrulanmasına bağlı olarak gerçekleşir: (i) Bir Malın satın alınması durumunda, söz konusu Malın mevcudiyeti; (ii) Müşteri tarafından sağlanan verilerin eksiksizliği ve belgelerin geçerliliği ile bunların Site'de verilen talimatlara uygunluğu; ve Siparişin bu Genel Şartlara uygunluğu; (iii) Müşteri ödemesinin başarıyla tamamlanması; ve (iv) Müşteri tarafından aşağıda bahsedilen madde 5.1'e göre seçilen malın gönderim yöntemi, zamanlaması ve adresinin uygulanabilir olması. Piaggio, müşteriye şu hususlarda bildirimde bulunacaktır: (a) siparişi teyit eden ve özetleyen bir e-posta yoluyla kabulü ve (b) malın teslimine ve/veya Hizmetin ifasına devam etmek için gerekli diğer talimatlar.
3. Purchase and payment procedure (USA)
- 3.1. After selecting the Good, Service and/or Warranty Extension on the Site, the Customer shall choose the payment method of the Price from those available on the Site at the time.
- 3.2. Once the payment method has been selected, after accessing their personal profile on the Site by entering their username and password, the Customer can place the Order, which will be valid as a contractual offer to Piaggio, with all the details necessary to conclude the sale contract. If a Customer without a personal profile makes a purchase, to finalise the Order, they shall enter all the data and documents required in compliance with the instructions given on the Site.
- 3.3. The Order, once finalised, shall be deemed an irrevocable contractual offer to Piaggio. Piaggio's acceptance of the Order and, consequently, the conclusion of the sales Contract are understood to be conditional on verification: (i) in the case of the purchase of a Good, of the availability of that Good; (ii) the completeness of the data and the validity of the documents provided by the Customer and their conformity with the instructions given on the Site; and compliance of the Order with these General Terms and Conditions; (iii) the successful completion of the Customer's payment; and (iv) the feasibility of the method, timing and address of shipment of the Good selected by the Customer pursuant to Article 4.1 below. Piaggio will notify the Customer of (a) acceptance via an email confirming and summarising the Order, and (b) any further instructions necessary to proceed with delivery of the Good and/or performance of the Service.
3. Purchase and payment procedure (Philippines)
- 3.1. After selecting the Good, Service and/or Warranty Extension on the Site, the Customer shall choose the payment method of the Price from those available on the Site at the time.
- 3.2. Once the payment method has been selected, after accessing their personal profile on the Site by entering their username and password, the Customer can place the Order, which will be valid as a contractual offer to Piaggio, with all the details necessary to conclude the sale contract. If a Customer without a personal profile makes a purchase, to finalise the Order, they shall enter all the data and documents required in compliance with the instructions given on the Site.
- 3.3. The Order, once finalised, shall be deemed an irrevocable contractual offer to Piaggio. Piaggio's acceptance of the Order and, consequently, the conclusion of the sales Contract are understood to be conditional on verification: (i) in the case of the purchase of a Good, of the availability of that Good; (ii) the completeness of the data and the validity of the documents provided by the Customer and their conformity with the instructions given on the Site; and compliance of the Order with these General Terms and Conditions; (iii) the successful completion of the Customer's payment; and (iv) the feasibility of the method, timing and address of shipment of the Good selected by the Customer pursuant to Article 4.1 below. Piaggio will notify the Customer of (a) acceptance via an email confirming and summarising the Order, and (b) any further instructions necessary to proceed with delivery of the Good and/or performance of the Service.
3. 구매 및 지불 절차 (South Korea)
- 3.1. 사이트에서 상품, 서비스 및/또는 보증연장을 선택한 후, 고객은 해당 시점에 사이트에서 제공되는 지불 방법 중 하나를 선택합니다.
- 3.2. 지불 방법이 선택되면, 고객의 사용자 이름과 비밀번호를 입력함으로써 사이트 상 개인 계정에 접속한 후, 고객은 판매 계약을 체결하는데 필요한 모든 세부사항과 함께 피아지오에 대한 계약상 제안으로 유효한 주문을 할 수 있습니다. 만약 개인 계정이 없는 고객이 주문을 완료하기 위해 구매를 한다면, 사이트 상 지침에 따라 요구되는 모든 정보와 문서를 입력해야 합니다.
- 3.3. 주문이 확정되면, 그 주문은 피아지오에 대한 철회불가능한 계약적 제안으로 간주됩니다. 피아지오의 주문 수락과 그에 따른 판매 계약 체결은 (i) 상품 구매의 경우, 해당 상품의 재고; (ii) 고객이 제공한 정보의 완전성 및 문서의 유효성과 사이트 상의 지침에의 부합 여부; 그리고 주문의 일반 약관 준수 여부; (iii) 고객의 정상적인 결제; (iv) 아래 제4.1조에 따라 고객이 선택한 상품의 배송 방법, 시기, 주소의 실현 가능성에 대한 검증을 조건으로 합니다. 피아지오는 (a) 주문을 확인하고 요약하는 이메일을 통하여 주문 수락 여부를 통지하고, (b) 상품의 배송 및/또는 서비스의 이행을 위해 필요한 추가적인 지시사항을 고객에게 통지합니다.
4. Consegna dei Beni; esecuzione dei Servizi; attivazione dell’Estensione di Garanzia (Italy)
- 4.1. Beni. Il Cliente, al momento dell’effettuazione dell’Ordine sul Sito Piaggio, potrà scegliere la modalità e le tempistiche di spedizione del Bene tra quelle di volta in volta indicate come disponibili, indicando altresì l’indirizzo presso cui il Bene dovrà essere spedito.
- 4.2. Resta espressamente inteso che la consegna del Bene avrà luogo esclusivamente dopo la verifica da parte di Piaggio del buon esito del pagamento del Prezzo effettuato dal Cliente.
- 4.3. Servizi ed Estensioni di Garanzia. Al Cliente, al momento dell’effettuazione dell’Ordine sul Sito Piaggio, sarà richiesto di scegliere, tra quelli indicati come disponibili, (i) il Centro Autorizzato Piaggio nonché (ii) la data e l’ora in cui il Servizio oggetto dell’Ordine dovrà essere effettuato. Al Cliente, al momento dell’effettuazione dell’Ordine sul Sito Piaggio, sarà inoltre richiesto di scegliere se usufruire del Servizio e/o dell’Estensione di Garanzia entro il termine per l’esercizio del diritto di recesso, di cui al successivo paragrafo 5.1 (ferma l’applicazione del successivo paragrafo 5.7).
- 4.4. In ogni caso, Piaggio non sarà responsabile di eventuali ritardi o posticipi nella consegna del Bene o nell’esecuzione del Servizio che siano, a titolo esemplificativo, (i) imputabili al Cliente e/o (ii) derivanti da cause di forza maggiore (intendendosi per tali qualsivoglia evento o circostanza che sfugga al controllo di Piaggio e che impedisca, rallenti o renda comunque più difficoltosa la puntuale esecuzione del Servizio nelle tempistiche indicate nell’Ordine confermato da Piaggio).
- 4.5. Resta espressamente inteso che l’effettuazione del Servizio avrà luogo esclusivamente dopo la verifica da parte di Piaggio, anche per il tramite dei propri addetti e incaricati presso il Centro Autorizzato Piaggio, (i) del buon esito del pagamento del Prezzo effettuato dal Cliente nonché (ii) della conferma d’Ordine, che dovrà essere esibita dal Cliente preventivamente all’esecuzione del Servizio.
4. Entrega de los Productoes; prestación de los Servicios; activación de la Extensión de Garantía (España)
- 4.1. Productos. Al realizar una Orden en el Sitio, el Cliente puede elegir el método y el momento de envío de los Productos entre los indicados como disponibles en ese momento, especificando también la dirección a la que deben enviarse los Productos.
- 4.2. Queda expresamente entendido que el Producto solo será entregado después de que Piaggio haya verificado que el Cliente ha pagado exitosamente el Precio.
- 4.3. Servicios y Extensiones de Garantía. Al realizar una Orden en el Sitio de Piaggio, se le pedirá al Cliente que elija, entre los indicados como disponibles, (i) el Centro Piaggio Autorizado y (ii) la fecha y hora en la que se va a llevar a cabo el Servicio sujeto a la Orden. Al realizar una Orden en el Sitio de Piaggio, también se le pedirá al Cliente que elija si desea o no utilizar el Servicio y/o la Extensión de Garantía dentro del plazo para ejercer el derecho de desistimiento mencionado en el párrafo 5.1 a continuación (sin perjuicio de la aplicación del párrafo 5.7 a continuación)
- 4.4. En cualquier caso, Piaggio no será responsable de ningún retraso o aplazamiento en la entrega del Producto o en la prestación del Servicio, como aquellos que, por ejemplo, (i) sean atribuibles al Cliente y/o (ii) derivados de fuerza mayor (entendiendo por tal cualquier evento o circunstancia fuera del control de Piaggio que impida, retarde o dificulte de otro modo la ejecución puntual del Servicio dentro del plazo indicado en la Orden confirmada por Piaggio).
- 4.5. Queda expresamente entendido que el Servicio solo se llevará a cabo después de que Piaggio haya verificado, también a través de sus empleados y agentes en el Centro Piaggio Autorizado, (i) el exitoso pago del Precio por parte del Cliente y (ii) la confirmación de la Orden, que el Cliente debe mostrar antes de que se realice el Servicio.
4. Livraison des Produits, exécution des Services, activation de l’Extension de Garantie (France)
- 4.1. Produits : Quand une commande est passée sur le Site Piaggio, le Client peut choisir le mode de livraison et la date du Produit parmi ceux(celles) indiqué(e)s et disponible(s) au moment de la Commande, en précisant l’adresse à laquelle les Produits devront être livrés.
- 4.2. Il est expressément précisé que le Produit ne sera livré qu’après réception par Piaggio du paiement intégral des Produits.
- 4.3. Services et Extensions de garantie : Lorsque le Client passe une Commande sur le Site Piaggio, il est invité à choisir, parmi ceux indiqués comme disponibles, (i) le Centre Piaggio agréé et (ii) la date et l’heure à laquelle le Service objet de la Commande devra être réalisé. Lorsque le Client passe une Commande sur le Site Piaggio, le Client est également invité à choisir d'utiliser ou non le Service et/ou l'Extension de Garantie dans le délai d'exercice du droit de rétractation visé à l’article 5.1 ci-dessous (sans préjudice de l'application de l’article 5.7 ci-dessous).
- 4.4. En tout état de cause, Piaggio ne sera pas responsable des retards ou reports de la date de livraison du Produit ou dans l’exécution du Service si ceux-ci, par exemple, (i) sont imputables au Client et/ou (ii) découlent d’un cas de force majeure (c’est-à-dire tout événement ou circonstance indépendant(e) de la volonté de Piaggio et qui empêche, ralentit ou rend plus difficile l'exécution ponctuelle du Service dans les délais indiqués dans la Commande acceptée par Piaggio).
- 4.5. Il est expressément précisé que le Service ne sera exécuté qu’après que Piaggio ait vérifié, notamment par l'intermédiaire de ses salariés et agents du Centre Piaggio agréé, (i) que le Prix de la Commande ait été payé intégralement par le Client et (ii) l’acceptation de la Commande que le Client doit présenter avant que le Service ne soit exécuté.
4. Lieferung der Waren; Erbringung der Dienstleistungen; Inanspruchnahme der Gewährleistungsverlängerung (Deutschland)
- 4.1. Waren. Bei der Bestellung auf der Piaggio-Website kann der Kunde die Versandart und den Zeitpunkt des Versands der Ware aus den zu diesem Zeitpunkt als verfügbar angegebenen Möglichkeiten auswählen und dabei auch die Adresse angeben, an die die Ware geschickt werden soll.
- 4.2. Es wird ausdrücklich vereinbart, dass die Ware erst geliefert wird, nachdem Piaggio überprüft hat, dass der Kunde das Entgelt erfolgreich bezahlt hat.
- 4.3. Serviceleistungen und Gewährleistungsverlängerung. Bei der Aufgabe einer Bestellung auf der Piaggio-Website wird der Kunde aufgefordert, aus den als verfügbar angezeigten Angeboten (i) das autorisierte Piaggio-Zentrum und (ii) das Datum und die Uhrzeit auszuwählen, zu denen der bestellte Service durchgeführt werden soll. Bei der Bestellung auf der Piaggio-Website wird der Kunde außerdem aufgefordert, zu wählen, ob er den Service und/oder die Gewährleistungsverlängerung innerhalb der in Ziffer 5.1 genannten Widerrufsfrist in Anspruch nehmen möchte oder nicht (unbeschadet der Anwendung von Ziffer 5.3 unten).
- 4.4. Piaggio haftet in keinem Fall für Verzögerungen oder Verschiebungen bei der Lieferung der Ware oder der Erbringung der Dienstleistung, die beispielsweise (i) durch den Kunden verursacht sind und/oder (ii) auf höhere Gewalt zurückzuführen sind (d. h. auf ein Ereignis oder einen Umstand, auf den Piaggio keinen Einfluss hat und der die pünktliche Erbringung der Dienstleistung innerhalb des im von Piaggio bestätigten Auftrag angegebenen Zeitrahmens verhindert, verlangsamt oder anderweitig erschwert).
- 4.5. Es wird ausdrücklich darauf hingewiesen, dass etwaige Dienstleistungen erst ausgeführt werden, nachdem Piaggio, auch durch seine Mitarbeiter und Vertreter im autorisierten Piaggio-Zentrum, (i) die erfolgreiche Zahlung des Entgelts durch den Kunden und (ii) die Auftragsbestätigung, die der Kunde vor der Ausführung des Service vorlegen muss, überprüft hat.
4. Levering van de Goederen; uitvoering van de Diensten; activering van de Garantieverlenging (Netherlands)
- 4.1. Goederen. Tijdens het plaatsen van een Bestelling op de website van Piaggio kan de Klant de methode en het tijdstip van verzending van het Goed kiezen uit de keuzemogelijkheden die op dat moment als beschikbaar staan aangegeven; ook kan de Klant het adres opgeven waarheen het Goed moet worden verzonden.
- 4.2. Er wordt uitdrukkelijk overeengekomen dat het Goed pas wordt geleverd nadat Piaggio heeft geverifieerd dat de Klant de Prijs heeft betaald.
- 4.3. Zodra de Goederen op het opgegeven afleveradres van de Klant zijn afgeleverd, gaat het risico met betrekking tot deze Goederen over op de Klant. Indien uitdrukkelijk anders overeengekomen, gaat het risico in een eerdere fase over op de Klant.
- 4.4. Diensten en Garantieverlengingen. Tijdens het plaatsen van een Bestelling op de Site van Piaggio wordt de Klant gevraagd om uit de als beschikbaar aangegeven keuzemogelijkheden een keuze te maken voor (i) het Geautoriseerde Piaggio-centrum en (ii) de datum en het tijdstip waarop de onder de Bestelling vallende Dienst moet worden uitgevoerd. Tijdens het plaatsen van een Bestelling op de Site van Piaggio wordt de Klant ook gevraagd om te kiezen of hij/zij al dan niet gebruik wil maken van de Dienst en/of de Garantieverlenging binnen de termijn voor het uitoefenen van het herroepingsrecht als bedoeld in lid 5.1 hieronder (onverminderd de toepassing van lid 5.7 hieronder).
- 4.5. In elk geval is Piaggio niet aansprakelijk voor enigerlei vertraging of uitstel in de levering van het Goed of in de uitvoering van de Dienst zoals, bijvoorbeeld, een vertraging die of uitstel dat (i) toerekenbaar is aan de Klant en/of (ii) voortvloeit uit overmacht (zijnde elke gebeurtenis of situatie buiten de invloedssfeer van Piaggio die punctuele uitvoering van de Dienst binnen de termijn die is opgegeven in de door Piaggio bevestigde Bestelling belet, vertraagt of anderszins moeilijker maakt).
- 4.6. Er wordt uitdrukkelijk overeengekomen dat de Dienst pas uitgevoerd wordt nadat Piaggio, mede via haar werknemers en vertegenwoordigers in het Geautoriseerde Piaggio-centrum, het volgende heeft geverifieerd: (i) de betaling van de Prijs door de Klant en (ii) de bevestiging van de Bestelling, die de Klant moet tonen voordat de Dienst wordt uitgevoerd.
4. Delivery of the Goods; performance of the Services; activation of the Warranty Extension (UK)
- 4.1. Goods. When placing an Order on the Piaggio website, the Customer can choose the method and time of shipment of the Good from those indicated as available at the time, also specifying the address to which the Good should be sent.
- 4.2. It is expressly understood that the Good will only be delivered after Piaggio has verified that the Customer has successfully paid the Price.
- 4.3. Services and Warranty Extensions. When placing an Order on the Piaggio Site, the Customer will be asked to choose, from those indicated as available, (i) the Authorised Piaggio Centre and (ii) the date and time at which the Service subject to the Order is to be carried out. When placing an Order on the Piaggio Site, the Customer will also be asked to choose whether or not to use the Service and/or the Warranty Extension within the deadline for exercising the right of withdrawal referred to in paragraph 5.1 below (without prejudice to the application of paragraph 5.6 below).
- 4.4. In any case, Piaggio will not be liable for any delays or postponements in the delivery of the Good or in the performance of the Service such as those, for example, (i) attributable to the Customer and/or (ii) deriving from force majeure (meaning any event or circumstance beyond Piaggio's control which prevents, slows down or otherwise makes it more difficult to perform the Service punctually within the time-frame given in the Order confirmed by Piaggio).
- 4.5. It is expressly understood that the Service will only be carried out after Piaggio has verified, also through its employees and agents at the Authorised Piaggio Centre, (i) the Customer's successful payment of the Price and (ii) the Order confirmation, which the Customer must show before the Service is carried out.
4. Delivery of the Goods; performance of the Services; activation of the Warranty Extension (Canada)
- 4.1. Goods. When placing an Order on the Piaggio website, the Customer can choose the method and time of shipment of the Good from those indicated as available at the time, also specifying the address to which the Good should be sent.
- 4.2. It is expressly understood that the Good will only be delivered after Piaggio has verified that the Customer has successfully paid the Price.
- 4.3. Services and Warranty Extensions. When placing an Order on the Piaggio Site, the Customer will be asked to choose, from those indicated as available, (i) the Authorised Piaggio Centre and (ii) the date and time at which the Service subject to the Order is to be carried out. When placing an Order on the Piaggio Site, the Customer will also be asked to choose whether or not to use the Service and/or the Warranty Extension within the deadline for exercising the right of withdrawal referred to in paragraph 5.1 below (without prejudice to the application of paragraph 5.7 below).
- 4.4. In any case, Piaggio will not be liable for any delays or postponements in the delivery of the Good or in the performance of the Service such as those, for example, (i) attributable to the Customer and/or (ii) deriving from force majeure (meaning any event or circumstance beyond Piaggio's control which prevents, slows down or otherwise makes it more difficult to perform the Service punctually within the time-frame given in the Order confirmed by Piaggio).
- 4.5. It is expressly understood that the Service will only be carried out after Piaggio has verified, also through its employees and agents at the Authorised Piaggio Centre, (i) the Customer's successful payment of the Price and (ii) the Order confirmation, which the Customer must show before the Service is carried out.
4. Pengiriman Barang; penyediaan Layanan; aktivasi Perpanjangan Garansi (Indonesia)
- 4.1. Barang. Saat menempatkan Pesanan di situs web Piaggio, Pelanggan dapat memilih metode dan waktu pengiriman Barang dari pilihan yang tersedia pada saat itu, serta memberikan alamat tujuan pengiriman Barang tersebut.
- 4.2. Secara tegas dipahami bahwa Barang hanya akan dikirimkan setelah Piaggio memverifikasi bahwa Pelanggan telah berhasil membayar Harga.
- 4.3. Layanan dan Perpanjangan Garansi. Saat membuat Pesanan di Situs Piaggio, Pelanggan akan diminta untuk memilih, dari pilihan yang ditandai sebagai pilihan yang tersedia, (i) Tempat Resmi Piaggio dan (ii) tanggal dan waktu di mana Layanan yang dipesan berdasarkan Pesanan akan diberikan. Saat membuat Pesanan di Situs Piaggio, Pelanggan juga akan diminta untuk memilih apakah dirinya akan menggunakan Layanan dan/atau Perpanjangan Garansi dalam batas waktu untuk pelaksanaan hak penarikan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam paragraf 5.1 di bawah ini (tanpa mengurangi penerapan paragraf 5.7 di bawah).
- 4.4. Dalam hal apa pun, Piaggio tidak akan bertanggung jawab atas keterlambatan atau penundaan dalam pengiriman Barang atau dalam pelaksanaan Layanan seperti, misalnya, (i) yang disebabkan oleh Pelanggan dan/atau (ii) yang berasal dari keadaan memaksa (artinya setiap peristiwa atau keadaan di luar kendali Piaggio yang mencegah, memperlambat, atau mempersulit untuk melakukan Layanan tepat waktu dalam jangka waktu yang diberikan dalam Pesanan yang dikonfirmasi oleh Piaggio).
- 4.5. Secara tegas dipahami bahwa Layanan hanya akan diberikan setelah Piaggio memverifikasi, juga melalui karyawan dan agennya di Tempat Resmi Piaggio, (i) keberhasilan pembayaran Harga oleh Pelanggan dan (ii) konfirmasi Pesanan, yang harus ditunjukkan Pelanggan sebelum Layanan dilakukan.
4. การจัดส่งสินค้า การให้บริการ การเริ่มการขยายระยะเวลาการรับประกัน (Thailand)
- 4.1 สินค้า เมื่อส่งคำสั่งซื้อบนเว็บไซต์ของพิอาจิโอ ลูกค้าสามารถเลือกวิธีการและช่วงเวลาในการจัดส่งสินค้าจากที่มีให้เลือกในขณะนั้น และระบุที่อยู่สำหรับการจัดส่งสินค้า
- 4.2 เป็นที่เข้าใจโดยชัดแจ้งว่า สินค้าจะถูกจัดส่งหลังจากที่พิอาจิโอตรวจสอบแล้วว่าลูกค้าได้ชำระเงินสำเร็จแล้ว
- 4.3 บริการและการขยายระยะเวลารับประกัน เมื่อส่งคำสั่งซื้อบนเว็บไซต์ของพิอาจิโอ ลูกค้าจะต้องเลือก (1) ศูนย์พิอาจิโอที่ได้รับอนุญาต และ (2) วันและเวลาที่จะมีการให้บริการตามคำสั่งซื้อ จากตัวเลือกที่มีอยู่ในขณะนั้น เมื่อลูกค้าส่งคำซื้อบนเว็บไซต์ของพิอาจิโอ ลูกค้าจะต้องเลือกด้วยว่าจะใช้บริการ และ/หรือ การขยายระยะเวลารับประกันภายในกำหนดเวลาสำหรับการใช้สิทธิในการเพิกถอนตามข้อ 5.1 หรือไม่ (ทั้งนี้ ไม่มีผลต่อการใช้สิทธิตามข้อ 5.6)
- 4.4 ไม่ว่าในกรณีใด ๆ พิอาจิโอจะไม่รับผิดต่อความล่าช้าหรือการเลื่อนระยะเวลาการจัดส่งสินค้าหรือการให้บริการ อาทิเช่น (i) ความล่าช้าอันเนื่องมาจากลูกค้า และ/หรือ (2) ความล่าช้าอันเป็นผลมาจากเหตุสุดวิสัย (หมายถึงเหตุการณ์หรือสถานการณ์ใด ๆ ที่อยู่นอกเหนือการควบคุมของพิอาจิโอ ซึ่งขัดขวาง ชะลอ หรือก่อให้เกิดความยุ่งยากมากขึ้นในการจะให้บริการภายในกรอบเวลาที่กำหนดในคำสั่งซื้อที่ได้รับการยืนยันโดยพิอาจิโอ)
- 4.5 เป็นที่เข้าใจอย่างชัดแจ้งว่า การให้บริการจะมีขึ้นหลังที่พิอาจิโอได้ทำการตรวจสอบแล้วเท่านั้น รวมถึงการตรวจสอบโดยพนักงานของพิอาจิโอ และตัวแทนที่ศูนย์พิอาจิโอที่ได้รับอนุญาต โดยเป็นการตรวจสอบว่า (1) การชำระเงินของลูกค้าสำเร็จแล้ว และ (2) คำสั่งซื้อได้รับการยืนยัน ซึ่งลูกค้าจะต้องแสดงหลักฐานให้ชัดแจ้ง จึงจะมีการให้บริการ
4. Giao Hàng Hóa; thực hiện Các Dịch Vụ; kích hoạt Gia Hạn Bảo Hành (Vietnam)
- 4.1. Hàng Hóa. Khi đặt Đơn Đặt Hàng trên Trang Điện Tử Piaggio, Khách Hàng có thể chọn phương thức và thời gian vận chuyển Hàng Hóa từ những phương thức được chỉ định sẵn có tại thời điểm đó, đồng thời chỉ định địa chỉ mà Hàng Hóa sẽ được giao đến.
- 4.2. Điều này được hiểu rõ ràng rằng Hàng Hóa sẽ chỉ được giao sau khi Piaggio xác minh rằng Khách Hàng đã thanh toán Giá thành công.
- 4.3. Dịch Vụ và Gia Hạn Bảo Hành. Khi đặt Đơn Đặt Hàng trên Trang Điện Tử Piaggio, Khách Hàng sẽ được yêu cầu chọn trong số những mục sẵn có gồm, (i) Trung Tâm Piaggio Được Ủy Quyền và (ii) ngày và thời gian mà Dịch Vụ theo Đơn Đặt Hàng sẽ được thực hiện. Khi đặt Đơn Đặt Hàng trên Trang Điện Tử Piaggio, Khách Hàng cũng sẽ được yêu cầu lựa chọn có sử dụng Dịch Vụ và/hoặc Gia Hạn Bảo Hành trong thời hạn thực hiện quyền hủy đặt hàng được đề cập trong đoạn 5.1 bên dưới hay không (tuy nhiên điều khoản này không làm ảnh hưởng đến hiệu lực áp dụng đoạn 5.7 dưới đây).
- 4.4. Trong mọi trường hợp, Piaggio sẽ không chịu trách nhiệm về bất kỳ sự chậm trễ hoặc trì hoãn nào trong việc giao Hàng Hóa hoặc thực hiện Dịch Vụ, chẳng hạn như những trường hợp (i) do Khách Hàng và/hoặc (ii) do trường hợp bất khả kháng (có nghĩa là bất kỳ sự kiện hoặc tình huống nào nằm ngoài tầm kiểm soát của Piaggio mà cản trở, làm chậm lại hoặc theo cách khác gây khó khăn hơn cho việc thực hiện Dịch Vụ đúng theo khung thời gian được đưa ra trong Đơn Đặt Hàng được Piaggio xác nhận).
- 4.5. Điều này được hiểu rõ ràng rằng Dịch Vụ sẽ chỉ được thực hiện sau khi Piaggio, hoặc có thể Piaggio thông qua các nhân viên và đại lý của Piaggio tại Trung Tâm Piaggio Được Ủy Quyền, đã xác minh (i) việc Khách Hàng thanh toán Giá thành công và (ii) xác nhận Đơn Đặt Hàng, trong đó Khách Hàng phải xuất trình Đơn Đặt Hàng trước khi Dịch Vụ được thực hiện.
4. Delivery of the Goods; performance of the Services; activation of the Warranty Extension (Hong Kong)
- 4.1. Goods. When placing an Order on the Piaggio website, the Customer can choose the method and time of shipment of the Good from those indicated as available at the time, also specifying the address to which the Good should be sent.
- 4.2. It is expressly understood that the Good will only be delivered after Piaggio has verified that the Customer has successfully paid the Price.
- 4.3. Services and Warranty Extensions. When placing an Order on the Piaggio Site, the Customer will be asked to choose, from those indicated as available, (i) the Authorised Piaggio Centre and (ii) the date and time at which the Service subject to the Order is to be carried out. When placing an Order on the Piaggio Site, the Customer will also be asked to choose whether or not to use the Service and/or the Warranty Extension within the deadline for exercising the right of withdrawal referred to in paragraph 5.1 below (without prejudice to the application of paragraph 5.6 below).
- 4.4. In any case, Piaggio will not be liable for any delays or postponements in the delivery of the Good or in the performance of the Service such as those, for example, (i) attributable to the Customer and/or (ii) deriving from force majeure (meaning any event or circumstance beyond Piaggio's control which prevents, slows down or otherwise makes it more difficult to perform the Service punctually within the time-frame given in the Order confirmed by Piaggio).
- 4.5. It is expressly understood that the Service will only be carried out after Piaggio has verified, also through its employees and agents at the Authorised Piaggio Centre, (i) the Customer's successful payment of the Price and (ii) the Order confirmation, which the Customer must show before the Service is carried out.
4. Malların Teslimi; Hizmetlerin İfası; Garanti Uzatımının Etkinleştirilmesi (Turkey)
- 4.1. Mallar. Piaggio web sitesinde bir sipariş verirken, müşteri, malın gönderileceği adresi de belirterek, o anda mevcut olduğu belirtilenler arasından malın sevkiyat yöntemini ve zamanını seçebilir. Piaggio, malları gönderi onayında belirtilen teslim tarihine kadar veya tahmini bir teslim tarihi belirtilmemişse sipariş onayı tarihinden itibaren en fazla 30 gün içinde teslim edecektir.
- 4.2. Malın yalnızca Piaggio'nun, müşterinin ücreti başarıyla ödediğini doğrulamasından sonra teslim edileceği açıkça ifade edilmektedir.
- 4.3. Hizmetler ve Garanti Uzatmaları. Piaggio sitesinde bir sipariş verirken, müşteriden mevcut olarak belirtilenler arasından (i) Yetkili Piaggio merkezini ve (ii) Siparişe konu hizmetin gerçekleştirileceği tarih ve saati seçmesi istenecektir. Piaggio Sitesi üzerinden Sipariş verirken, Müşteriden, cayma hakkının kullanma süresi içinde (aşağıda 5.1 paragrafına atıfta bulunulmuş olup, aşağıdaki 5.7 paragrafın uygulanmasına halel getirmeksizin), Hizmet ve/veya Garanti Uzatmasını kullanıp kullanmamayı seçmesi istenir.
- 4.4. Her halükârda Piaggio, örneğin (i) Müşteriye atfedilebilecek ve/veya (ii) Mücbir sebeplerden (Piaggio tarafından onaylanan siparişte verilen zaman dilimi içerisinde hizmetin zamanında yerine getirilmesini engelleyen, yavaşlatan veya başka bir şekilde zorlaştıran Piaggio'nun kontrolü dışındaki herhangi bir olay veya durum anlamına gelir) kaynaklananlar gibi malın tesliminde veya hizmetin ifasında herhangi bir gecikme veya ertelemeden sorumlu olmayacaktır.
- 4.5. Hizmetin ancak Piaggio'nun ve aynı zamanda yetkili Piaggio merkezindeki çalışanları ve temsilcileri aracılığıyla (i) Müşterinin ücreti başarıyla ödediğini ve (ii) Müşterinin hizmet gerçekleştirilmeden önce göstermesi gereken sipariş onayını doğrulamasından sonra gerçekleştirileceği açıkça anlaşılmaktadır.
4. Delivery of the Goods; performance of the Services; activation of the Warranty Extension (USA)
- 4.1. Goods. When placing an Order on the Piaggio website, the Customer can choose the method and time of shipment of the Good from those indicated as available at the time, also specifying the address to which the Good should be sent. Shipment and delivery dates set forth in any Order, Order confirmation or in these General Terms and Conditions are estimates only and such estimates shall not be deemed a representation by Piaggio. Piaggio shall not be liable for failure to ship or deliver the Goods by the estimated delivery dates, and the Customer shall not be entitled to any refunds or cancellation of Orders as a result of delayed shipment. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event that Piaggio is unable to ship an Order within the delivery date provided in the Order confirmation, the Customer will receive an email from Piaggio notifying the Customer of the delay in shipment and informing the Customer that they have the right to cancel the Order for a full refund. In the event that Piaggio is unable to ship an Order within thirty (30) days of receipt of an Order, the Customer will have the option of cancelling the Order for a full refund or consenting in writing to the delay.
- 4.2. It is expressly understood that the Good will only be delivered after Piaggio has verified that the Customer has successfully paid the Price.
- 4.3. Services and Warranty Extensions. When placing an Order on the Piaggio Site, the Customer will be asked to choose, from those indicated as available, (i) the Authorised Piaggio Centre and (ii) the date and time at which the Service subject to the Order is to be carried out. When placing an Order on the Piaggio Site, the Customer will also be asked to choose whether or not to use the Service and/or the Warranty Extension within the deadline for exercising the right of withdrawal referred to in paragraph 5.1 below (without prejudice to the application of paragraph 5.7 below).
- 4.4. In any case, Piaggio will not be liable for any delays or postponements in the delivery of the Good or in the performance of the Service such as those, for example, (i) attributable to the Customer and/or (ii) deriving from force majeure (meaning any event or circumstance beyond Piaggio's control which prevents, slows down or otherwise makes it more difficult to perform the Service punctually within the time-frame given in the Order confirmed by Piaggio).
- 4.5. It is expressly understood that the Service will only be carried out after Piaggio has verified, also through its employees and agents at the Authorised Piaggio Centre, (i) the Customer's successful payment of the Price and (ii) the Order confirmation, which the Customer must show before the Service is carried out.
4. Delivery of the Goods; performance of the Services; activation of the Warranty Extension (Philippines)
- 4.1. Goods. When placing an Order on the Piaggio website, the Customer can choose the method and time of shipment of the Good from those indicated as available at the time, also specifying the address to which the Good should be sent.
- 4.2. It is expressly understood that the Good will only be delivered after Piaggio has verified that the Customer has successfully paid the Price.
- 4.3. Services and Warranty Extensions. When placing an Order on the Piaggio Site, the Customer will be asked to choose, from those indicated as available, (i) the Authorised Piaggio Centre and (ii) the date and time at which the Service subject to the Order is to be carried out. When placing an Order on the Piaggio Site, the Customer will also be asked to choose whether or not to use the Service and/or the Warranty Extension within the deadline for exercising the right of withdrawal referred to in paragraph 5.1 below (without prejudice to the application of paragraph 5.7 below).
- 4.4. In any case, Piaggio will not be liable for any delays or postponements in the delivery of the Good or in the performance of the Service such as those, for example, (i) attributable to the Customer and/or (ii) deriving from force majeure (meaning any event or circumstance beyond Piaggio's control which prevents, slows down or otherwise makes it more difficult to perform the Service punctually within the time-frame given in the Order confirmed by Piaggio).
- 4.5. It is expressly understood that the Service will only be carried out after Piaggio has verified, also through its employees and agents at the Authorised Piaggio Centre, (i) the Customer's successful payment of the Price and (ii) the Order confirmation, which the Customer must show before the Service is carried out.
4. 상품의 인도, 서비스의 이행, 보증연장의 활성화 (South Korea)
- 4.1. 상품. 피아지오 사이트를 통해 주문하는 경우, 고객은 당시 이용 가능한 것으로 표시된 배송방법과 시간 중에서 선택할 수 있으며, 상품의 배송되어야 하는 주소도 명시할 수 있습니다.
- 4.2. 고객이 물품대금을 성공적으로 지불하였음을 피아지오가 확인한 경우에만 상품을 배송할 것입니다.
- 4.3. 서비스 및 보증연장. 피아지오 사이트를 통해 주문하는 경우, 고객은 (i) 공인 피아지오 센터 및 (ii) 주문 대상 서비스가 수행될 일시를 당시 가능한 것으로 표시된 것 중에서 선택하도록 요청받게 됩니다. 또한, 피아지오 사이트를 통해 주문하는 경우, 고객은 아래 제5.1조에 언급된 철회권을 행사하기 위한 기한 내에 (아래 제5.7조의 적용을 저해함이 없이) 서비스 및/또는 보증 연장을 사용할지 여부를 선택하라는 요청을 받게 됩니다.
- 4.4. 어떠한 경우에도, 피아지오는 (i) 고객이 야기한 것 및/또는 (ii) 불가항력(피아지오가 확인한 주문서에 명시된 기간 내에 정확한 서비스 이행을 방지하거나, 지연하거나, 달리 어렵게 만드는, 피아지오의 통제 범위를 벗어난 사건이나 상황을 의미한다)으로 인한 것과 같은 상품의 배송 또는 서비스의 이행상의 지연이나 연기에 대하여 책임을 지지 아니합니다.
- 4.5. 본 서비스는, (i) 고객의 성공적인 대금 지급 및 (ii) 고객이 본 서비스가 수행되기 전에 제시하여야 하는 주문확인서를, 피아지오 및 공인 피아지오 센터의 직원 및 대리인을 통하여서 확인한 후에만 수행합니다.
5. Diritto di recesso e rimborso (Italy)
- 5.1. Il Cliente ha diritto di recedere dall’acquisto del Bene e/o del Servizio e/o dell’Estensione di Garanzia - senza alcuna penalità e senza onere di specificarne il motivo - entro 14 (quattordici) giorni: (a) in caso di acquisto di un Bene, dalla data di consegna del Bene;(b) in caso di acquisto di un Servizio e/o di un’Estensione di Garanzia, dalla data dell’Ordine, fatto salvo quanto previsto al successivo punto 5.7.
- 5.2. Il Cliente potrà esercitare il diritto di recesso inviando a Piaggio, entro la scadenza del termine sopraindicato, una comunicazione utilizzando il modulo allegato alle presenti Condizioni Generali di Contratto (da richiedere direttamente all'indirizzo mail info946@vespa.com), conforme al modulo di cui all’allegato I parte B del Codice del Consumo o comunque una qualsiasi altra dichiarazione esplicita della sua decisione di recedere dal Contratto. Tale dichiarazione di recesso dovrà essere inviata ove in versione cartacea all’indirizzo ovvero effettuata tramite l’apposita sezione del Sito dedicata ai resi, in conformità alle istruzioni e indicazioni ivi previste. In caso di dichiarazione effettuata tramite il Sito, Piaggio invierà al Cliente una conferma di ricevimento della comunicazione di recesso trasmessa dal Cliente.
- 5.3. Il Bene dovrà essere spedito dal Cliente in conformità alle istruzioni ricevute, al momento dell’effettuazione della comunicazione di recesso, nell’apposita sezione del Sito dedicata ai resi.
- 5.4. Qualora il recesso venga validamente esercitato da Parte del Cliente, quest’ultimo avrà diritto al rimborso del Prezzo. A seguito di recesso validamente esercitato dal Cliente, saranno a carico del Cliente (a) le spese di restituzione del Bene a Piaggio nonché (b) le spese di spedizione del Bene al Cliente, qualora lo stesso abbia scelto espressamente un tipo di consegna diversa dal tipo meno costoso di consegna offerto da Piaggio.
- 5.5. Il Cliente è responsabile per qualsiasi diminuzione del valore del Bene risultante da una manipolazione del Bene diversa da quella necessaria per stabilire la natura, le caratteristiche e il funzionamento del Bene e, fino alla riconsegna del Bene, sarà soggetto agli obblighi di custodia disciplinati dagli articoli 1804 e 1806 Codice Civile.
- 5.6. Con riferimento ai Servizi e le Estensioni di Garanzia, se il diritto di recesso viene esercitato da un Cliente che, al momento dell’Ordine, ha espressamente chiesto che la prestazione dei Servizi o l’Estensione di Garanzia abbia inizio durante il periodo di recesso previsto al precedente paragrafo 5.1 (ossia, 14 (quattordici) giorni dalla data dell’Ordine), il Cliente è tenuto a pagare il corrispettivo del Servizio già prestato o degli interventi sul veicolo già eseguiti al momento in cui egli ha informato Piaggio dell’esercizio del diritto di recesso.
- 5.7. Piaggio provvederà a rimborsare al Cliente il Prezzo al netto: a) di quanto dovuto dal Cliente a Piaggio per il deprezzamento eventualmente subito dal Bene a causa di una manipolazione diversa da quella necessaria per stabilire la natura, le caratteristiche e il funzionamento del Bene; b) delle spese di spedizione del Bene al Cliente connesse a opzioni di spedizione diverse dal tipo meno costoso di consegna offerto da Piaggio, entro 14 (quattordici) giorni da quando ha ricevuto la dichiarazione di recesso del Cliente, utilizzando lo stesso mezzo di pagamento utilizzato dal Cliente al momento dell’Ordine, salva la possibilità per Piaggio di trattenere il rimborso finché non ha ricevuto il Bene.
5. Derecho de desistimiento y reembolso (España)
- 5.1. El Cliente tiene derecho a desistir de la compra del Producto y/o del Servicio y/o de la Extensión de Garantía -sin penalización alguna y sin necesidad de especificar el motivo- en un plazo de 14 (catorce) días: (a) en el caso de la compra del Producto, a partir de la fecha de entrega del Producto, siempre que el Producto no haya sufrido daños o deterioro por el uso que hayan supuesto una pérdida de valor superior al 25% del Precio del Producto, (b) en el caso de la compra de un Servicio y/o de una Extensión de Garantía, a partir de la fecha de la Orden, sin perjuicio de lo dispuesto en el apartado 5.7 siguiente.
- 5.2. El Cliente podrá ejercer el derecho de desistimiento enviando una notificación a Piaggio dentro del plazo arriba indicado, utilizando el formulario adjunto a los presentes Términos y Condiciones Generales (Anexo 1), de conformidad con el formulario del Anexo I parte A del Código de Consumo o cualquier otra declaración explícita de su decisión de desistir del contrato. Esta declaración de desistimiento deberá producirse a través de la sección especial de devoluciones del Sitio, siguiendo las instrucciones e indicaciones que allí se facilitan. Piaggio enviará al Cliente un acuse de recibo de la declaración de desistimiento que haya enviado.
- 5.3. El Cliente reconoce y acepta expresamente que la efectividad del desistimiento queda en todo caso condicionada a: (i) la devolución por el Cliente del Producto en perfecto estado de funcionamiento y en condiciones que no afecten a su uso en el plazo de 14 (catorce) días desde la fecha de notificación del desistimiento; y (ii) la comprobación de que el Producto -como consecuencia de daños parciales y/o deterioro por uso- no ha sufrido una pérdida de valor superior al 25% del Precio del Producto.
- 5.4. El Cliente enviará el Producto de conformidad con las instrucciones recibidas tras la comunicación de la notificación de desistimiento en la sección de devoluciones del Sitio.
- 5.5. Si el Cliente ejerce válidamente su derecho de desistimiento, tendrá derecho al reembolso del Precio. Tras el desistimiento válido del Cliente, éste será responsable de (a) los costes de devolución del Producto a Piaggio y (b) los costes de envío del Producto al Cliente debido al uso de opciones de envío no estándar que el Cliente haya podido elegir en el momento de la Orden.
- 5.6. El Cliente será responsable de cualquier disminución del valor del Producto debido a su uso y, hasta que el Producto sea devuelto, estarán sujetos a las obligaciones de almacenamiento previstas en la legislación civil.
- 5.7. Con referencia a los Servicios y Extensiones de Garantía, si el derecho de desistimiento es ejercido por un Cliente que, en el momento de la Orden, solicitó expresamente que la prestación de los Servicios o la Extensión de Garantía comenzara durante el plazo de desistimiento previsto en el apartado 5.1 anterior (es decir, 14 (catorce) días a partir de la fecha de la Orden), el Cliente deberá pagar el importe adeudado por los Servicios ya prestados o los trabajos en el vehículo ya realizados en el momento en que el Cliente informó a Piaggio de que ejercía su derecho de desistimiento.
- 5.8. Piaggio reembolsará al Cliente el precio neto de: a) la cantidad adeudada por el Cliente a Piaggio por cualquier depreciación del Producto debida a una manipulación distinta de la necesaria para establecer la naturaleza, características y funcionamiento del Producto; b) los costes de envío del Producto al Cliente debidos al uso de opciones de envío no estándar que el Cliente haya podido elegir en el momento de la Orden; en un plazo de 14 (catorce) días tras la recepción de la declaración de desistimiento del Cliente, utilizando el mismo medio de pago que el Cliente utilizó al realizar la Orden.
5. Droit de rétractation et remboursement (France)
- 5.1. Le Client peut renoncer à l'achat du Produit et/ou du Service et/ou de l'Extension de Garantie, sans aucune pénalité et sans avoir à donner de motifs, dans un délai de 14 (quatorze) jours : - en cas d'achat d’un Produit, à compter de la date de livraison du Produit, à condition que le Produit n'ait pas été endommagé ou détérioré par l'usage entraînant une perte de valeur de plus de 25 % du Prix du Produit ; - en cas de commande d'un Service et/ou d'une Extension de Garantie, à compter du jour de l’envoi par Piaggio de l’acceptation de Commande sans préjudice de l'article 5.7 ci-dessous.
- 5.2. Le Client peut exercer son droit de rétractation en envoyant une notification à Piaggio dans le délai susmentionné, en utilisant le formulaire joint aux présentes Conditions Générales (Annexe 1), conformément au formulaire de l’annexe à l’article R.221-1 du Code de la Consommation ou toute autre déclaration, dénuée d'ambiguïté, exprimant sa volonté de se rétracter. Cette déclaration de rétractation peut être effectuée dans la section spéciale du Site dédiée aux retours, en suivant les instructions et les indications qui y sont fournies. Piaggio enverra au Client un accusé de réception de la rétractation, sur un support durable.
- 5.3. Le Client reconnaît et accepte expressément que la rétractation sera effective à condition que : (i) le Client restitue le Produit en parfait état de fonctionnement et dans un état qui n'affecte pas son utilisation dans un délai de 14 (quatorze) jours à compter de la date de notification de la rétractation ; et (ii) le Produit - suite à un dommage partiel et/ou une détérioration due à l'utilisation - n'ait pas subi une perte de valeur de plus de 25% du Prix du Produit.
- 5.4. Le Client doit renvoyer le Produit conformément aux instructions reçues lors de la communication de la notification de rétractation dans la section du Site dédiée aux retours.
- 5.5. Si le Client exerce valablement son droit de rétractation, il a droit au remboursement du Prix. Après la rétractation effective du Client, celui-ci supportera (a) les frais de renvoi du Produit à Piaggio et (b) les frais de livraison du Produit au Client si celui-ci a choisi un mode de livraison non standard au moment de la Commande.
- 5.6. Le Client est responsable de toute diminution de la valeur du Produit due à son utilisation et, jusqu'à la restitution du Produit, il doit respecter les obligations de stockage régies par les articles 1927 et 1928 du Code civil français.
- 5.7. Concernant les Services et les Extensions de Garantie, si le droit de rétractation est exercé par un Client qui, au moment de la Commande, a expressément demandé que l’exécution des Services ou l'Extension de Garantie commence pendant la période de rétractation prévue à l’article 5.1 ci-dessus (c'est-à-dire 14 (quatorze) jours à compter de la date de lla Commande), le Client est tenu de payer le montant dû pour les Services déjà fournis ou les prestations déjà effectuées au moment où le Client a informé Piaggio qu'il exerçait son droit de rétractation. Le Client reconnaît ainsi qu’il ne pourra pas exercer son droit de rétractation sur les Services déjà fournis ou lorsque l’Extension de garantie a déjà été utilisée.
- 5.8. Si le Client exerce valablement son droit de rétractation, Piaggio remboursera au Client le Prix à l’exception de (a) les frais de renvoi du Produit à Piaggio, (b) la somme due par le Client à Piaggio pour toute dépréciation du Produit résultant de manipulations autres que celles nécessaires pour établir la nature, les caractéristiques et le fonctionnement du Produit ; (c) les frais de livraison du Produit au Client si celui-ci avait choisi un mode de livraison non standard au moment de la Commande. Le remboursement interviendra dans un délai de 14 jours à compter de la date à laquelle Piaggio est informé de la décision de rétractation du Client, en utilisant le même moyen de paiement que celui utilisé par le Client lors de la passation de la Commande.
- 5.9. A défaut du renvoi des Produits dans le délai et selon les modalités ci-dessus, aucun remboursement ne pourra intervenir.
5. Widerrufsrecht und Erstattung (Deutschland)
- 5.1. Der Kunde hat das Recht, innerhalb von 14 (vierzehn) Tagen – ohne Vertragsstrafe und ohne Angabe von Gründen – den Vertrag über den Kauf der Ware und/oder der Dienstleistung und/oder der Gewährleistungsverlängerung zu widerrufen: (a) im Falle des Kaufs der Ware ab dem Datum des Erhalts der Ware; (b) im Falle des Erwerbs einer Dienstleistung und/oder des Erwerbs einer Gewährleistungsverlängerung ab dem Datum der Bestellung, unbeschadet der nachfolgenden Ziffer 5.3.
- 5.2. Der Kunde kann sein Widerrufsrecht ausüben, indem er Piaggio innerhalb der oben genannten Frist unter Verwendung des diesen Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen beigefügten Formulars (unter Anlage 1) oder mittels einer anderen eindeutigen Erklärung über seinen Entschluss, den Vertrag zu widerrufen, mitteilt. Diese Widerrufserklärung muss durch eine schriftliche Erklärung erfolgen, die an info946@vespa.com zu senden ist, oder über den speziellen Rücksendebereich der Website, unter Beachtung der dort angegebenen Anweisungen und Hinweise; wenn der Kunde den speziellen Rücksendebereich der Website nutzt, sendet Piaggio dem Kunden eine Empfangsbestätigung für die von ihm gesendeten Widerrufserklärung. Der Kunde hat die Ware gemäß den Anweisungen zu versenden, die im Rücksendebereich der Website aufgeführt sind. Wenn der Kunde sein Widerrufsrecht wirksam ausübt, hat er Anspruch auf Rückerstattung des gezahlten Entgelts. Nach dem wirksamen Widerruf trägt der Kunde (a) die Kosten für die Rücksendung der Ware an Piaggio und (b) die zusätzlichen Kosten, die sich daraus ergeben, dass der Kunde bei seiner Bestellung eine andere Art der Lieferung als die von Piaggio angebotene Standardlieferung gewählt hat. Der Kunde haftet nur für einen etwaigen Wertverlust der Waren, der auf einen zur Prüfung der Beschaffenheit, Eigenschaften und Funktionsweise der Waren nicht notwendigen Umgang mit ihnen zurückzuführen ist. Piaggio erstattet dem Kunden den Preis abzüglich: a) des Betrages, den der Kunde Piaggio für einen etwaigen Wertverlust der Ware schuldet, der auf einen Umgang mit der Ware zurückzuführen ist, der über den zur Prüfung der Beschaffenheit, der Eigenschaften und der Funktionsweise der Ware notwendigen Umgang hinausgeht; b) der zusätzlichen Kosten, die daraus entstanden sind, dass der Kunde bei seiner Bestellung eine andere Art der Lieferung als die von Piaggio angebotene Standardlieferung gewählt hat.
- 5.3. Wird das Widerrufsrecht von einem Kunden ausgeübt, der ausdrücklich verlangt hat, dass die Erbringung der Dienstleistung oder die Verlängerung der Gewährleistung innerhalb der in Ziffer 5.1 genannten Widerrufsfrist (d.h. 14 (vierzehn) Tage ab dem Datum des Vertragsabschlusses) beginnt, so hat der Kunde einen angemessenen Betrag zu zahlen, der dem Anteil, der bis zum Zeitpunkt der Mitteilung des Widerrufs an Piaggio bereits erbrachten Leistungen im Vergleich zum Gesamtumfang der im Vertrag vorgesehenen Leistungen entspricht.
5. Herroepingsrecht en restitutie (Netherlands)
- 5.1. De Klant heeft het recht om, zonder enige boete en zonder opgave van redenen, de koop van het Goed en/of de Dienst en/of de Garantieverlenging te herroepen binnen 14 (veertien) dagen: (a) na de datum van levering van het Goed (in geval van koop van een Goed) of (b) na de datum van de Bestelling (in geval van de aanschaf van een Dienst en/of een Garantieverlenging), onverminderd Artikel 5.7 hieronder.
- 5.2. De Klant kan het herroepingsrecht uitoefenen door dit binnen bovengenoemde termijn aan Piaggio kenbaar te maken via het formulier dat bij deze Algemene Voorwaarden is bijgevoegd (Bijlage 1), conform het formulier in Bijlage I deel B van de Consumentenrechtenrichtlijn van de Europese Unie, of via een andere uitdrukkelijke mededeling van zijn/haar beslissing de Overeenkomst te ontbinden/herroepen. Deze herroepingsverklaring dient op de Site via het speciale gedeelte “Retours” plaats te vinden, volgens de daar gegeven instructies en aanwijzingen. Piaggio zendt de Klant een bevestiging van ontvangst van de door de Klant verzonden herroepingsmededeling.
- 5.3. De Klant bevestigt en aanvaardt uitdrukkelijk dat de werking van de herroeping in elk geval afhankelijk is van het binnen 14 (veertien) dagen na de datum van de herroepingsmededeling retourneren van het Goed door de Klant in perfect werkende toestand en in een conditie die het gebruik ervan niet aantast.
- 5.4. De Klant dient het Goed te verzenden volgens de instructies die hij/zij op de Site in het gedeelte “Retours” ontvangt na het communiceren van de herroepingsmededeling.
- 5.5. Indien de Klant zijn/haar herroepingsrecht rechtsgeldig uitoefent, heeft hij/zij recht op restitutie van de Prijs. Na rechtsgeldige herroeping door de Klant is deze verantwoordelijk voor (a) de kosten van terugzending van het Goed aan Piaggio en (b) de kosten van verzending van het Goed aan de Klant wegens gebruikmaking van niet-standaard en duurdere verzendopties die de Klant ten tijde van de Bestelling mogelijk heeft gekozen.
- 5.6. Tijdens de herroepingstermijn dient de Klant het Goed en de verpakking ervan met zorg te behandelen. De Klant mag het Goed slechts uitpakken of gebruiken voor zover dit noodzakelijk is om de aard, kenmerken en werking van het Goed vast te stellen. De Klant is uitsluitend aansprakelijk voor een waardevermindering van het Goed die het gevolg is van een manier van behandelen van het Goed die verder gaat dan de in de voorgaande volzin beschreven handelingen.
- 5.7. Wat betreft Diensten en Garantieverlengingen, geldt dat indien het herroepingsrecht wordt uitgeoefend door een Klant die ten tijde van de Bestelling uitdrukkelijk verzocht de levering van de Diensten of de Garantieverlenging te laten aanvangen tijdens de herroepingstermijn die in lid 5.1 hierboven vermeld staat (d.w.z. 14 (veertien) dagen na de datum van de Bestelling), de Klant dan verplicht is tot betaling van het verschuldigde bedrag voor reeds geleverde Diensten of reeds aan het voertuig uitgevoerde werkzaamheden op het moment dat de Klant Piaggio in kennis stelde van uitoefening van zijn/haar herroepingsrecht.
- 5.8. Piaggio restitueert aan de Klant de Prijs minus: a) het door de Klant aan Piaggio verschuldigde bedrag voor mogelijke waardevermindering van het Goed als gevolg van het op enigerlei andere wijze behandelen van het Goed dan noodzakelijk was om de aard, kenmerken en werking van het Goed vast te stellen; (b) de kosten van verzending van het Goed aan de Klant wegens gebruikmaking van niet-standaard en duurdere verzendopties die de Klant ten tijde van de Bestelling mogelijk heeft gekozen, zulks binnen 14 (veertien) dagen na ontvangst van de herroepingsverklaring van de Klant, via dezelfde betalingswijze als door de Klant werd gebruikt bij het plaatsen van de Bestelling.
5. Right of withdrawal and refund (UK)
- 5.1. The Customer has the right to withdraw from the purchase of the Good and/or the Service and/or the Warranty Extension- without any penalty and without having to specify the reason - within 14 (fourteen) days: (a) in the case of the purchase of the Good, from the date of delivery of the Good; (b) in the event of the purchase of a Service and/or an Extension of Warranty, from the date of the Order, subject to Section 5.6 below.
- 5.2. The Customer may exercise the right of withdrawal by sending a notice to Piaggio within the above deadline, using the form attached to these General Terms and Conditions (Annex 1) or any other explicit statement of its decision to withdraw from the Contract. This declaration of withdrawal may be sent either in paper format to the address info946@vespa.com or through the special section of the Site for returns, following the instructions and indications provided therein. In case of withdrawal statement made through the Website, Piaggio will send the Customer an acknowledgement of receipt of the notice of withdrawal they have sent.
- 5.3. If the Customer validly exercises their right of withdrawal, the Customer shall send the Good in compliance with the instructions received upon communication of the notice of withdrawal in the returns section of the Site, or as otherwise directed by Piaggio.
- 5.4. If the Customer validly exercises their right of withdrawal, they shall be entitled to a refund of the Price. Following the Customer's valid withdrawal, the Customer will be responsible for the costs of returning the Good to Piaggio and (b) the costs of sending the Good to the Customer due to the use of non-standard shipping options that the Customer may have chosen at the time of the Order, should the same expressly chose a delivery method other than the least expensive type of delivery offered by Piaggio.
- 5.5. The Customer shall be liable for any decrease in the value of the Good due to any handling of the Goods other than that necessary to establish the nature, characteristics, and functioning of the Good
- 5.6. With reference to Services and Warranty Extensions, if the right of withdrawal is exercised by a Customer who, at the time of the Order, expressly requested that the provision of the Services or the Warranty Extension commence during the withdrawal period provided in paragraph 5.1 above (i.e., 14 (fourteen) days from the date of the Order), the Customer is required to pay the amount due for Services already provided or work on the vehicle already performed at the time when the Customer informed Piaggio they were exercising their right of withdrawal.
- 5.7. Piaggio will refund the Customer the price net of: a) the amount owed by the Customer to Piaggio for any depreciation of the Good due to handling other than that necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the Good; (b) the costs of shipping the Good to the Customer due to the use of shipping options different from the least expensive type of delivery offered by Piaggio, within 14 (fourteen) days after receipt of the Customer's declaration of withdrawal, using the same payment method as used by the Customer when placing the Order.
5. Right of withdrawal and refund (Canada)
- 5.1. The Customer has the right to withdraw from the purchase of the Good and/or the Service and/or the Warranty Extension- without any penalty and without having to specify the reason - within 14 (fourteen) days: (a) in the case of the purchase of the Good, from the date of delivery of the Good, provided that the Good has not been damaged or deteriorated through use (b) in the event of the purchase of a Service and/or an Extension of Warranty, from the date of the Order, without prejudice to Section 5.7 below.
- 5.2. The Customer may exercise the right of withdrawal by sending a notice to Piaggio within the above deadline, using the form attached to these General Terms and Conditions (Annex 1), or any other explicit statement of its decision to withdraw from the Contract. This declaration of withdrawal must occur through the special returns section of the Site, following the instructions and indications provided therein. Piaggio will send the Customer an acknowledgement of receipt of the notice of withdrawal they have sent.
- 5.3. The Customer expressly acknowledges and accepts that the effectiveness of withdrawal is in any case conditional on: (i) the return by the Customer of the Good in perfect working order and in a condition that does not affect its resale within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of notification of withdrawal; and (ii) verification that the Good - as a result of partial damage and/or deterioration due to use.
- 5.4. The Customer shall send the Good in compliance with the instructions received upon communication of the notice of withdrawal in the returns section of the Site.
- 5.5. If the Customer validly exercises their right of withdrawal, they shall be entitled to a refund of the Price. Following the Customer's valid withdrawal, they will be responsible for (a) the costs of returning the Good to Piaggio and (b) the costs of sending the Good to the Customer due to the use of non-standard shipping options that the Customer may have chosen at the time of the Order.
- 5.6. N/A
- 5.7. With reference to Services and Warranty Extensions, if the right of withdrawal is exercised by a Customer who, at the time of the Order, expressly requested that the provision of the Services or the Warranty Extension commence during the withdrawal period provided in paragraph 5.1 above (i.e., 14 (fourteen) days from the date of the Order), the Customer is required to pay the amount due for Services already provided or work on the vehicle already performed at the time when the Customer informed Piaggio they were exercising their right of withdrawal.
- 5.8. Piaggio will refund the Customer the price net of: a) the amount owed by the Customer to Piaggio for any depreciation of the Good due to handling other than that necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the Good; (b) the costs of shipping the Good to the Customer due to the use of non-standard shipping options that the Customer may have chosen at the time of the Order, within 14 (fourteen) days after receipt of the Customer's declaration of withdrawal, using the same payment method as used by the Customer when placing the Order.
5. Hak penarikan dan pengembalian dana (Indonesia)
- 5.1. Pelanggan berhak untuk menarik diri dari pembelian Barang dan/atau Layanan dan/atau Perpanjangan Garansi- tanpa penalti dan tanpa harus menentukan alasannya – dalam waktu 14 (empat belas) hari: (a) dalam hal pembelian Barang, sejak tanggal pengiriman Barang; (b) dalam hal pembelian Layanan dan/atau Perpanjangan Garansi, sejak tanggal Pesanan, tanpa mengurangi Pasal 5.6 di bawah ini.
- 5.2. Pelanggan dapat menggunakan hak penarikan dengan mengirimkan pemberitahuan kepada Piaggio dalam tenggat waktu di atas, menggunakan formulir yang dilampirkan pada Syarat dan Ketentuan Umum ini (Lampiran 1), sesuai dengan formulir dalam Lampiran I bagian B dari Undang-Undang Konsumen atau pernyataan eksplisit lainnya tentang keputusannya untuk menarik diri dari Kontrak. Pernyataan penarikan ini harus dikirim dalam format kertas ke alamat info946@vespa.com atau melalui bagian khusus dari Situs untuk pengembalian, dengan mengikuti instruksi dan petunjuk yang disediakan di dalamnya. Dalam hal pernyataan penarikan dibuat melalui Situs Web, Piaggio akan mengirimkan kepada Klien pengakuan penerimaan pemberitahuan penarikan yang telah mereka kirimkan.
- 5.3. Pelanggan harus mengirimkan Barang sesuai dengan instruksi yang diterima setelah komunikasi pemberitahuan penarikan di bagian pengembalian Situs.
- 5.4. Jika Pelanggan secara sah menggunakan hak penarikan mereka, mereka berhak untuk menerima pengembalian dana dari Harga. Setelah penarikan sah Pelanggan, mereka akan bertanggung jawab atas (a) biaya pengembalian Barang kepada Piaggio dan (b) biaya pengiriman Barang kepada Pelanggan, jika Pelanggan tersebut secara tegas memilih metode pengiriman selain jenis pengiriman paling murah yang ditawarkan oleh Piaggio.
- 5.5. Pelanggan bertanggung jawab atas setiap penurunan nilai Barang karena penanganan Barang selain yang diperlukan untuk menetapkan sifat, karakteristik, dan fungsi Barang dan, sampai Barang dikembalikan, barang tersebut harus tunduk pada kewajiban penyimpanan yang diatur oleh Pasal 1804 dan 1806 Undang-Undang Perdata Italia.
- 5.6. Dengan mengacu pada Layanan dan Perpanjangan Garansi, jika hak penarikan dilakukan oleh Pelanggan yang, pada saat Pesanan dibuat, secara tegas meminta agar penyediaan Layanan atau Perpanjangan Garansi dimulai selama periode penarikan yang ditentukan dalam paragraf 5.1 di atas (yaitu, 14 (empat belas) hari sejak tanggal Pesanan), Pelanggan diharuskan membayar biaya yang harus dibayarkan untuk Layanan yang telah disediakan atau pekerjaan yang sudah dilakukan terhadap suatu kendaraan pada saat Pelanggan memberi tahu Piaggio bahwa mereka akan untuk menggunakan hak penarikan mereka.
- 5.7. Piaggio akan mengembalikan kepada Pelanggan harga bersih dari: a) jumlah yang terutang oleh Pelanggan kepada Piaggio untuk setiap penyusutan Barang yang timbul dari penanganan selain yang diperlukan untuk menetapkan sifat, karakteristik, dan fungsi Barang; (b) biaya pengiriman Barang kepada Pelanggan yang timbul dari penggunaan opsi pengiriman yang berbeda dari jenis pengiriman paling murah yang ditawarkan oleh Piaggio, dalam waktu 14 (empat belas) hari setelah diterimanya pernyataan penarikan dari Pelanggan, dengan menggunakan metode pembayaran yang sama seperti yang digunakan oleh Pelanggan saat menempatkan Pesanan.
5. สิทธิในการเพิกถอนและการคืนเงิน (Thailand)
- 5.1 ลูกค้ามีสิทธิที่จะเพิกถอนการซื้อสินค้า และ/หรือ บริการ และ/หรือ การขยายระยะเวลารับประกันโดยไม่มีค่าปรับและไม่ต้องระบุเหตุผลได้ภายใน 14 (สิบสี่) วัน: (ก) ในกรณีของการซื้อสินค้า ให้นับจากวันที่สินค้าได้ถูกจัดส่ง (ข) ในกรณีของการซื้อบริการ และ/หรือ การขยายระยะเวลารับประกัน ให้นับจากวันที่ของคำสั่งซื้อ โดยไม่มีผลต่อการใช้สิทธิตามข้อ 5.6
- 5.2 ลูกค้าสามารถใช้สิทธิในการเพิกถอนได้โดยการแจ้งไปยังพิอาจิโอภายในกำหนดเวลาข้างต้น โดยใช้แบบฟอร์มที่แนบมากับข้อกำหนดและเงื่อนไขทั่วไปนี้ (เอกสารแนบ 1) อันเป็นไปตามแบบฟอร์มในภาคผนวก I ส่วน B ของประมวลกฎหมายผู้บริโภค หรือตามถ้อยแถลงอื่นใดที่แสดงอย่างชัดแจ้งถึงเจตนาในการเพิกถอนสัญญา การแจ้งการเพิกถอนนี้จะต้องส่งในรูปแบบเอกสารไปยังที่อยู่ที่ info946@vespa.com หรือส่งผ่านช่องทางพิเศษของเว็บไซต์เพื่อการคืนสินค้า โดยให้ปฏิบัติตามคำแนะนำและข้อบ่งชี้ที่ให้ไว้ในเว็บไซต์ ในกรณีที่มีการแจ้งการเพิกถอนผ่านทางเว็บไซต์ พิอาจิโอจะส่งหนังสือรับทราบการแจ้งการเพิกถอนที่ลูกค้าส่งมาให้กับลูกค้า
- 5.3 ลูกค้าจะต้องส่งสินค้าตามคำแนะนำที่ได้รับเมื่อมีการแจ้งการเพิกถอนในส่วนการคืนสินค้าบนเว็บไซต์
- 5.4 หากลูกค้าใช้สิทธิในการเพิกถอนโดยชอบ ลูกค้าจะมีสิทธิได้รับเงินคืนตามราคาที่ได้ชำระไว้ หลังจากการเพิกถอนของลูกค้ามีผลสมบูรณ์ ลูกค้าจะต้องเป็นฝ่ายรับผิดชอบต่อ (ก) ค่าใช้จ่ายในการส่งคืนสินค้าให้กับพิอาจิโอ และ (ข) ค่าใช้จ่ายในการส่งสินค้าให้กับลูกค้าอันเนื่องมาจากการใช้ตัวเลือกการจัดส่งแบบพิเศษ ซึ่งลูกค้าอาจเลือกไว้ ณ เวลาที่ส่งคำสั่งซื้อ
- 5.5 ลูกค้าจะต้องรับผิดต่อการลดลงของมูลค่าสินค้าอันเนื่องมาจากการจัดการสินค้าให้สินค้ามีลักษณะ คุณสมบัติ และการใช้งานที่เกินแก่ความจำเป็น และลูกค้าต้องรับผิดชอบภาระในการจัดเก็บสินค้า จนกว่าสินค้าจะถูกส่งกลับ ตามมาตรา 1804 และ 1806 ของประมวลกฎหมายแพ่งประเทศอิตาลี
- 5.6 ในส่วนของบริการและการขยายระยะเวลารับประกัน หากมีการใช้สิทธิเพิกถอนโดยลูกค้าที่ได้ขอไว้อย่างชัดแจ้ง ณ เวลาที่ส่งคำสั่งซื้อให้การให้บริการหรือการขยายระยะเวลารับประกันเริ่มต้นขึ้นระหว่างช่วงเวลาของการใช้สิทธิเพิกถอนตามที่ระบุไว้ในข้อ 5.1 ข้างต้น (14 (สิบสี่) วันนับจากวันที่ของคำสั่งซื้อ) ลูกค้าจะต้องชำระค่าบริการสำหรับบริการที่ให้ไปแล้ว หรือสำหรับงานที่ได้ดำเนินการกับสินค้าไปแล้ว ณ เวลาที่ลูกค้าแจ้งให้พิอาจิโอทราบว่าจะใช้สิทธิในการเพิกถอน
- 5.7 พิอาจิโอจะคืนเงินให้ลูกค้าตามราคาสุทธิที่คำนวณจาก ก) จำนวนเงินที่ลูกค้าต้องชำระให้พิอาจิโอสำหรับการเสื่อมราคาใด ๆ ของสินค้า อันเนื่องมาจากการจัดการสินค้าให้สินค้ามีลักษณะ คุณสมบัติ และการใช้งานที่เกินความจำเป็น และ ข) ค่าใช้จ่ายในการส่งสินค้าให้กับลูกค้าอันเนื่องมาจากการใช้ตัวเลือกการจัดส่งแบบพิเศษ ซึ่งลูกค้าอาจเลือกไว้ ณ เวลาที่ส่งคำสั่งซื้อ การคืนเงินจะถูกดำเนินการภายใน 14 (สิบสี่) วันหลังจากได้รับการแจ้งเพิกถอนจากลูกค้า โดยใช้วิธีการชำระเงินแบบเดียวกับที่ลูกค้าใช้เมื่อส่งคำสั่งซื้อ
5. Quyền hủy đặt hàng và hoàn tiền (Vietnam)
- 5.1. Khách Hàng có quyền hủy việc mua Hàng Hóa và/hoặc Dịch Vụ và/hoặc Gia Hạn Bảo Hành – mà không bị phạt và không cần nêu rõ lý do – trong vòng 14 (mười bốn) ngày: (a) trong trường hợp mua Hàng Hóa, kể từ ngày giao Hàng Hóa; (b) trong trường hợp mua Dịch Vụ và/hoặc Gia hạn Bảo hành, kể từ ngày của Đơn Đặt Hàng, tuy nhiên điều khoản này không làm ảnh hưởng đến hiệu lực áp dụng Mục 5.6 bên dưới.
- 5.2. Khách Hàng có thể thực hiện quyền hủy đặt hàng bằng cách gửi thông báo cho Piaggio trong thời hạn trên, sử dụng biểu mẫu đính kèm của Điều Khoản và Điều Kiện Chung này (Phụ lục 1), và tuân thủ bất kỳ chỉ định rõ ràng nào khác về quyết định hủy Hợp Đồng của Piaggio. Thông báo hủy đặt hàng này phải được gửi ở dạng văn bản đến địa chỉ info946@vespa.com hoặc thông qua mục đặc biệt của Trang Điện Tử dùng cho việc hoàn trả, theo hướng dẫn và chỉ dẫn được cung cấp trong mục đó. Trong trường hợp thông báo hủy đặt hàng được thực hiện thông qua Trang Điện Tử, Piaggio sẽ gửi cho Khách Hàng xác nhận đã nhận được thông báo hủy đặt hàng mà Khách Hàng đã gửi.
- 5.3. Khách Hàng phải gửi Hàng Hóa theo hướng dẫn nhận được sau khi gửi thông báo hủy đặt hàng trong mục hoàn trả của Trang Điện Tử.
- 5.4. Nếu Khách Hàng thực hiện quyền hủy đặt hàng một cách hợp lệ, Khách Hàng sẽ có quyền được hoàn trả lại Giá. Sau khi Khách hàng hủy Đơn Đặt Hàng hợp lệ, Khách Hàng sẽ chịu trách nhiệm về (a) chi phí hoàn trả Hàng Hóa cho Piaggio và (b) chi phí giao Hàng Hóa cho Khách Hàng, nếu Khách Hàng rõ ràng đã chọn phương thức giao hàng khác với phương thức giao hàng ít tốn kém nhất do Piaggio đề xuất.
- 5.5. Khách Hàng phải chịu trách nhiệm về bất kỳ sự giảm giá trị nào của Hàng Hóa do bất kỳ việc xử lý Hàng Hóa hơn mức cần thiết để xác định chủng loại, đặc tính và chức năng của Hàng hóa và cho đến khi Hàng Hóa được hoàn trả, Khách Hàng sẽ chịu rủi ro đối với Hàng Hóa theo quy định của Pháp Luật Việt Nam.
- 5.6. Liên quan đến Các Dịch Vụ và Gia Hạn Bảo Hành, nếu quyền hủy đặt hàng được thực hiện bởi Khách Hàng mà, tại thời điểm đặt Đơn Đặt Hàng, Khách Hàng đã yêu cầu rõ ràng rằng việc cung cấp Dịch Vụ hoặc Gia Hạn Bảo Hành bắt đầu tiến hành trong thời gian hủy đặt hàng được quy định tại đoạn 5.1 ở trên (tức là trong vòng 14 (mười bốn) ngày kể từ ngày đặt Đơn Đặt Hàng), Khách Hàng phải thanh toán số tiền đến hạn cho Các Dịch Vụ đã được cung cấp, hoặc cho công việc sửa chữa phương tiện đã được thực hiện tính đến thời điểm Khách Hàng thông báo thực hiện quyền hủy đặt hàng cho Piaggio. 5.7. Piaggio sẽ hoàn lại cho Khách Hàng một khoản tiền đã được cấn trừ các khoản sau đây trong vòng 14 (mười bốn) ngày sau khi nhận được tuyên bố hủy đặt hàng của Khách Hàng, sử dụng cùng một phương thức thanh toán mà Khách Hàng sử dụng khi đặt Đơn Đặt Hàng: a) bất kỳ khoản khấu hao Hàng Hóa nào mà Khách Hàng còn chưa thanh toán cho Piaggio do xử lý vượt mức cần thiết để xác định chủng loại, đặc tính và chức năng của Hàng Hóa; (b) chi phí vận chuyển Hàng Hóa cho Khách Hàng do sử dụng các phương thức vận chuyển khác với phương thức giao hàng ít tốn kém nhất do Piaggio đề xuất.
5. Right of withdrawal and refund (Hong Kong)
- 5.1. The Customer has the right to withdraw from the purchase of the Good and/or the Service and/or the Warranty Extension- without any penalty and without having to specify the reason - within 14 (fourteen) days: (a) in the case of the purchase of the Good, from the date of delivery of the Good; (b) in the event of the purchase of a Service and/or an Extension of Warranty, from the date of the Order, without prejudice to Section 5.6 below.
- 5.2. The Customer may exercise the right of withdrawal by sending a notice to Piaggio within the above deadline, using the form attached to these General Terms and Conditions (Annex 1), in compliance with the form in Annex I part B of the Consumer Code or any other explicit statement of its decision to withdraw from the Contract. This declaration of withdrawal must be sent either in paper format to the address info946@vespa.com or through the special section of the Site for returns, following the instructions and indications provided therein. In case of withdrawal statement made through the Website, Piaggio will send the Customer an acknowledgement of receipt of the notice of withdrawal they have sent.
- 5.3. The Customer shall send the Good in compliance with the instructions received upon communication of the notice of withdrawal in the returns section of the Site.
- 5.4. If the Customer validly exercises their right of withdrawal, they shall be entitled to a refund of the Price. Following the Customer's valid withdrawal, they will be responsible for (a) the costs of returning the Good to Piaggio and (b) the costs of sending the Good to the Customer due to the use of non-standard shipping options that the Customer may have chosen at the time of the Order.
- 5.5. The Customer shall be liable for any decrease in the value of the Good due to any handling of the Goods other than that necessary to establish the nature, characteristics, and functioning of the Good and, until the Good is returned, they shall be subject to the storage obligations governed by Articles 1804 and 1806 of the Italian Civil Code.
- 5.6. With reference to Services and Warranty Extensions, if the right of withdrawal is exercised by a Customer who, at the time of the Order, expressly requested that the provision of the Services or the Warranty Extension commence during the withdrawal period provided in paragraph 5.1 above (i.e., 14 (fourteen) days from the date of the Order), the Customer is required to pay the amount due for Services already provided or work on the Good already performed at the time when the Customer informed Piaggio they were exercising their right of withdrawal.
- 5.7. Piaggio will refund the Customer the price net of: a) the amount owed by the Customer to Piaggio for any depreciation of the Good due to handling other than that necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the Good; and (b) the costs of shipping the Good to the Customer due to the use of non-standard shipping options different that the Customer may have chosen at the time of the Order, within 14 (fourteen) days after receipt of the Customer's declaration of withdrawal, using the same payment method as used by the Customer when placing the Order.
5. Cayma ve İade Hakkı (Turkey)
- 5.1. Müşteri, 14 (on dört) gün içinde - herhangi bir ceza ödemeksizin ve nedenini belirtmeksizin- malın ve/veya hizmetin ve/veya garanti uzatmasının satın alınmasından şu hallerde vazgeçme hakkına sahiptir: (a) Malın satın alınması durumunda, malın kullanım nedeniyle hasar görmemiş veya bozulmamış olması ve malın Fiyatının %25'inden daha fazla bir değer kaybına neden olmaması koşuluyla, malın teslim tarihinden itibaren; (b) Hizmetin ve/veya garanti uzatmasının satın alınması durumunda, aşağıdaki bölüm 6.7.6 saklı kalmak kaydıyla, sipariş tarihinden itibaren.
- 5.2. Müşteri, Tüketici Kanunu B Kısmı Ek 1’e uygun olarak, işbu Genel Hüküm ve Koşullara ekli formu (Ek 1) kullanarak, veya sözleşmeden çekilme kararına dair başka herhangi bir açık beyanla, yukarıdaki süre içerisinde Piaggio'ya bir bildirim göndererek cayma hakkını kullanabilir. Bu cayma beyanı, kağıt formatında info946@vespa.com adresine veya sitenin iadeler için ayrılan bölümü aracılığıyla, burada verilen talimatları ve göstergeleri izleyerek gönderilmelidir. Web Sitesi üzerinden yapılan cayma beyanı durumunda, Piaggio müşteriye gönderdikleri cayma bildiriminin alındığına dair bir onay gönderecektir.
- 5.3. Müşteri, caymanın geçerliliğinin her durumda aşağıdaki koşullara bağlı olduğunu açıkça kabul ve beyan eder: (i) Müşteri tarafından malın, cayma bildirimi tarihinden itibaren 14 (on dört) gün içinde kusursuz çalışır durumda ve kullanımını etkilemeyecek bir durumda iade edilmesi; ve (ii) Malın -kullanımdan kaynaklanan kısmi hasar ve/veya bozulma sonucunda- malın fiyatının %25'inden daha fazla bir değer kaybına uğramadığının doğrulanması.
- 5.4. Müşteri, sitenin iadeler bölümündeki cayma bildiriminin iletilmesi üzerine aldığı talimatlara uygun olarak malı gönderecektir.
- 5.5. Müşteri cayma hakkını geçerli bir şekilde kullanırsa, ücret'in iadesine hak kazanacaktır. Müşterinin geçerli caymasını takiben, (a) Malın Piaggio'ya iade masraflarından ve (b) Müşterinin Sipariş sırasında seçmiş olabileceği standart dışı nakliye seçeneklerinin kullanılması nedeniyle malın müşteriye gönderilme masraflarından sorumlu olacaktır.
- 5.6. Müşteri, malın doğasını, özelliklerini ve işleyişini belirlemek için gerekli olanın dışında malın herhangi bir şekilde kullanılması nedeniyle malın değerindeki herhangi bir düşüşten sorumlu olacaktır ve mal iade edilene kadar müşteri, malları işleyişlerine, teknik özelliklerine ve kullanım talimatlarına uygun olarak kullanmalı ve saklamalıdır.
- 5.7. Hizmetler ve Garanti Uzatmaları ile ilgili olarak, cayma hakkı, sipariş sırasında hizmetlerin sağlanmasının veya garanti uzatmasının yukarıdaki paragraf 5.1'de belirtilen cayma süresi içinde (yani sipariş tarihinden itibaren 14 (on dört) gün) başlamasını açıkça talep eden bir müşteri tarafından kullanılırsa, müşterinin cayma hakkını kullandığını Piaggio'ya bildirdiği tarihte zaten sağlanmış olan hizmetler veya araç üzerinde zaten yapılmış olan çalışmalar için ödenmesi gereken tutarı ödemesi gerekir.
- 5.8. Piaggio, müşteriye, a) Malınyapısını , özelliklerini ve işleyişini belirlemek için gerekli olanın dışında kullanım nedeniyle malın değer kaybı için müşterinin Piaggio'ya borçlu olduğu tutar; (b) Müşterinin cayma beyanının alınmasından sonraki 14 (on dört) gün içinde, müşterinin siparişi verirken kullandığı aynı ödeme yöntemini kullanarak müşterinin sipariş sırasında seçmiş olabileceği farklı nakliye seçeneklerinin kullanılması nedeniyle malın müşteriye nakliye masraflarını mahsup ederek net ücreti ödeyecektir.
5. Right of withdrawal and refund (USA)
- 5.1. The Customer has the right to withdraw from the purchase of the Good and/or the Service and/or the Warranty Extension- without any penalty and without having to specify the reason - within 14 (fourteen) days: (a) in the case of the purchase of the Good, from the date of delivery of the Good, provided that the Good has not been damaged or deteriorated through use resulting in a loss of value of more than 25% of the Price of the Good. (b) in the event of the purchase of a Service and/or an Extension of Warranty, from the date of the Order, without prejudice to Section 5.7 below.
- 5.2. The Customer may exercise the right of withdrawal by sending a notice to Piaggio within the above deadline, using the form attached to these General Terms and Conditions (Annex 1), or any other explicit statement of its decision to withdraw from the Contract. This declaration of withdrawal must occur through the special returns section of the Site, following the instructions and indications provided therein. Piaggio will send the Customer an acknowledgement of receipt of the notice of withdrawal they have sent.
- 5.3. The Customer expressly acknowledges and accepts that the effectiveness of withdrawal is in any case conditional on: (i) the return by the Customer of the Good in perfect working order and in a condition that does not affect its use within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of notification of withdrawal; and (ii) verification that the Good - as a result of partial damage and/or deterioration due to use - has not suffered a loss in value of more than 25% of the Price of the Good.
- 5.4. The Customer shall send the Good in compliance with the instructions received upon communication of the notice of withdrawal in the returns section of the Site.
- 5.5. If the Customer validly exercises their right of withdrawal, they shall be entitled to a refund of the Price. Following the Customer's valid withdrawal, they will be responsible for (a) the costs of returning the Good to Piaggio and (b) the costs of sending the Good to the Customer due to the use of non-standard shipping options that the Customer may have chosen at the time of the Order.
- 5.6. The Customer shall be liable for any decrease in the value of the Good due to its use, and, until the Good is returned to Piaggio in accordance with its return instructions, the Customer shall bear the risk of loss of the Good(s).
- 5.7. With reference to Services and Warranty Extensions, if the right of withdrawal is exercised by a Customer who, at the time of the Order, expressly requested that the provision of the Services or the Warranty Extension commence during the withdrawal period provided in paragraph 5.1 above (i.e., 14 (fourteen) days from the date of the Order), the Customer is required to pay the amount due for Services already provided or work on the vehicle already performed at the time when the Customer informed Piaggio they were exercising their right of withdrawal.
- 5.8. Piaggio will refund the Customer the price net of: a) the amount owed by the Customer to Piaggio for any depreciation of the Good due to handling other than that necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the Good; (b) the costs of shipping the Good to the Customer due to the use of non-standard shipping options that the Customer may have chosen at the time of the Order, within 14 (fourteen) days after receipt of the Customer's declaration of withdrawal, using the same payment method as used by the Customer when placing the Order.
5. Right of withdrawal and refund (Philippines)
- 5.1. The Customer has the right to withdraw from the purchase of the Good and/or the Service and/or the Warranty Extension- without any penalty and without having to specify the reason - within 14 (fourteen) days: (a) in the case of the purchase of the Good, from the date of delivery of the Good; (b) in the event of the purchase of a Service and/or an Extension of Warranty, from the date of the Order, without prejudice to Section 5.6 below.
- 5.2. The Customer may exercise the right of withdrawal by sending a notice to Piaggio within the above deadline, using the form attached to these General Terms and Conditions (Annex 1), in compliance with the form in Annex I part B of the Consumer Code or any other explicit statement of its decision to withdraw from the Contract. This declaration of withdrawal must be sent either in paper format to the address info946@vespa.com or through the special section of the Site for returns, following the instructions and indications provided therein. In case of withdrawal statement made through the Website, Piaggio will send the Customer an acknowledgement of receipt of the notice of withdrawal they have sent.
- 5.3. The Customer shall send the Good in compliance with the instructions received upon communication of the notice of withdrawal in the returns section of the Site.
- 5.4. If the Customer validly exercises their right of withdrawal, they shall be entitled to a refund of the Price. Following the Customer's valid withdrawal, they will be responsible for (a) the costs of returning the Good to Piaggio and (b) the costs of sending the Good to the Customer, should the same expressly chose a delivery method other than the least expensive type of delivery offered by Piaggio.
- 5.5. The Customer shall be liable for any decrease in the value of the Good due to any handling of the Goods other than that necessary to establish the nature, characteristics, and functioning of the Good and, until the Good is returned, they shall be subject to the storage obligations governed by Articles 1804 and 1806 of the Italian Civil Code.
- 5.6. With reference to Services and Warranty Extensions, if the right of withdrawal is exercised by a Customer who, at the time of the Order, expressly requested that the provision of the Services or the Warranty Extension commence during the withdrawal period provided in paragraph 5.1 above (i.e., 14 (fourteen) days from the date of the Order), the Customer is required to pay the amount due for Services already provided or work on the vehicle already performed at the time when the Customer informed Piaggio they were exercising their right of withdrawal.
- 5.7. Piaggio will refund the Customer the price net of: a) the amount owed by the Customer to Piaggio for any depreciation of the Good due to handling other than that necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the Good; (b) the costs of shipping the Good to the Customer due to the use of shipping options different from the least expensive type of delivery offered by Piaggio, within 14 (fourteen) days after receipt of the Customer's declaration of withdrawal, using the same payment method as used by the Customer when placing the Order.
5. 철회 및 환불에 관한 권리 (South Korea)
- 5.1. 고객은 위약금 및 철회사유의 명시 없이 상품 및/또는 서비스 및/또는 보증연장의 구매를 철회할 수 있는 권리를 (a) 상품의 구매의 경우, 상품의 사용으로 인하여 상품 가격의 25% 이상의 가치 손실을 초래하지 아니하였다면, 상품의 배송일로부터, (b) 서비스 구매 및/또는 보증연장의 경우, 아래 제5.7조를 저해함이 없이, 주문일로부터 14일 간 보유합니다.
- 5.2. 고객은 소비자법 부속서 I 제B부의 서식에 따른 본 일반 약관(부속서 1)에 첨부된 서식을 사용하거나 그 밖에 계약 철회에 대한 명시적 의사표시를 통해서 상기 기한 내에 피아지오에게 통지를 발송함으로써 철회권을 행사할 수 있습니다. 이러한 철회의 의사표시는 사이트 상의 특별한 반품 섹션 상에 제시된 지시에 따라 해당 섹션을 통해 이루어져야 합니다. 피아지오는 고객이 발송한 철회 통지에 대한 수령 확인서를 고객에게 발송할 것입니다.
- 5.3. 고객은 (i) 고객이 철회의 통지일로부터 14일 이내에 완벽히 사용가능한 상태 및 그 사용에 영향이 없는 상태로 상품을 반환하고; (ii) 상품이 사용으로 인해 부분적으로 손상되거나 저하된 경우에는 상품 가격의 25%를 초과하는 가치 손실을 입지 아니하였음을 확인하는 것을 조건으로 철회의 유효성이 인정됨을 명시적으로 인정하고 수락합니다.
- 5.4. 고객은 사이트의 반품 섹션에 명시된 반품 공지 상의 지시에 따라 상품을 반환하여야 합니다.
- 5.5. 만약 고객이 철회권을 유효하게 행사하는 경우, 상품 가격을 환불 받을 수 있습니다. 고객의 유효한 철회 시, 고객은 (a) 피아지오에 상품을 반환하는 비용과 (b) 고객이 주문 시 선택한 일반적이지 않은 배송 방법으로 인해 고객에게 상품을 발송하는데 소요된 비용을 부담하여야 합니다.
- 5.6. 고객은 상품의 사용으로 인한 상품의 가치 하락에 대하여 책임을 지며, 상품이 반환될 때까지 이탈리아 민법(Italian Civil Code) 제1804조 및 제1806조에 따른 보관의무를 부담합니다.
- 5.7. 서비스 및 보증연장과 관련하여, 주문 당시 서비스 제공 또는 보증연장이 상기 제5.1조에 규정된 인출 기간(즉, 주문일로부터 14일) 내에 개시될 것을 명시적으로 요청한 고객이 철회권을 행사하는 경우, 해당 고객은 철회권 행사를 피아지오에 알린 시점에 이미 제공된 서비스 또는 차량 서비스에 대한 금액을 지급하여야 합니다.
- 5.8. 피아지오는 (a) 고객이 상품의 성질, 특성 및 기능을 확립하는데 필요한 사용 이외의 취급으로 인한 상품의 감가상각과 관련하여 피아지오에게 지급하여야 하는 금액; (b) 고객이 주문 시 선택한 일반적이지 않은 배송 방법으로 인해 고객에게 상품을 발송하는데 소요된 비용을 제외한 금액을 고객으로부터 물건을 반품 받은 때로부터 (또는 물건을 배송하지 않은 경우에는 철회의 의사표시를 수령한 때로부터) 3일 이내에 고객이 주문 시 사용한 지불 방법과 동일한 방법으로 고객에게 환불할 것입니다.
6. Garanzia (Italy)
- 6.1. Piaggio, per un periodo pari a 24 (ventiquattro) mesi dalla data di consegna del Bene, garantisce al Cliente l’assenza di vizi di produzione e di carenze di conformità rispetto al contratto di acquisto del Bene, se esistenti al momento della sua consegna. Questa garanzia si intende in ogni caso limitata a difetti non derivanti dall’uso normale del Bene e non comprende vizi e difetti noti al momento della consegna o ritiro,
- 6.2. Devono ritenersi esclusi dal campo di applicazione della garanzia, a titolo esemplificativo, eventuali vizi, guasti o malfunzionamenti determinati da (i) fatti accidentali, (ii) eventi naturali o atmosferici, (iii) responsabilità dell’utente, (iv) un uso del Bene non conforme alla sua destinazione d’uso e/o una manutenzione non conforme a quanto previsto nelle eventuali Istruzioni di Uso e Manutenzione, (v) negligenze di terzi e/o (vi) sinistri e incidenti.
- 6.3. Nel dettaglio, la garanzia non copre, a titolo esemplificativo:
a) spese e costi di manutenzione del Bene, anche in conformità a quanto indicato dalle eventuali Istruzioni di Uso e Manutenzione;
b) danni e usura derivanti da un uso e una manutenzione del Bene non conforme a quanto previsto dalle eventuali Istruzioni di Uso e Manutenzione;
c) sostituzione del Bene o parti di esso conseguentemente alla sua usura;
d) danni, usura e deterioramenti provocati da cause esterne o di forza maggiore (quali, a titolo meramente esemplificativo, incidenti, urti, eventi atmosferici, fenomeni di inquinamento atmosferico, agenti vegetali, animali e chimici, inondazioni, terremoti, guerre, sommosse e attentati);
e) danni causati dal trasporto di beni e/o persone in maniera non conforme alle indicazioni delle eventuali Istruzioni di Uso e Manutenzione;
f) danni causati da errato utilizzo, mancata o errata manutenzione o altri vizi del veicolo sul quale vengono installati i Beni;
g) utilizzo di carburanti e lubrificanti non conformi a quanto indicato nelle eventuali Istruzioni di Uso e Manutenzione;
h) danni derivanti da trasformazioni al Bene o dal montaggio di accessori e altre componenti non autorizzati da Piaggio (o, anche se autorizzati, effettuati non in conformità alle prescrizioni di Piaggio).
- 6.4. In tutti i casi di esclusione della garanzia sopra elencati, Piaggio è liberata da ogni responsabilità ed obbligo di indennizzo o risarcimento.
- 6.5. Fatto salvo il caso di dolo o colpa grave, Piaggio è unicamente responsabile per i danni diretti e prevedibili al momento della conclusione del contratto di compravendita. Non sarà pertanto responsabile per le eventuali perdite subite, per il mancato guadagno o per qualsiasi altro danno che non sia conseguenza immediata e diretta di un eventuale proprio inadempimento o che non fosse prevedibile all’atto della conclusione del contratto di compravendita.
- 6.6. Il Cliente avrà diritto al ripristino della conformità del Bene mediante riparazione o sostituzione: in tali casi, rimarranno a carico di Piaggio i soli costi di manodopera e materiali utilizzati per rendere conforme il Bene e di eventuale spedizione e/o trasporto del Bene.
- 6.7. Qualora la riparazione e/o la sostituzione del Bene risultino impossibili o eccessivamente onerose per Piaggio, il Cliente avrà diritto ad una riduzione del Prezzo proporzionale alla diminuzione di valore del Bene rispetto al valore che avrebbe avuto se fosse stato conforme o alla risoluzione del contratto, salvi i casi di lievi difetti di conformità.
- 6.8. Piaggio adempirà ai suoi obblighi di riparazione e sostituzione in garanzia, a sua discrezione, direttamente, tramite i Centri Autorizzati Piaggio e/o tramite terzi incaricati da Piaggio a tal fine. Resta espressamente inteso che il Cliente non potrà eseguire o far eseguire riparazioni e/o sostituzioni di qualsivoglia componente del Bene senza la preventiva autorizzazione scritta di Piaggio, la quale non sarà in alcun modo tenuta a rispondere de, e garantire, gli interventi eseguiti o fatti eseguire dal Cliente e non sarà tenuta a rimborsare al Cliente il costo dei pezzi di ricambio e della manodopera per l’effettuazione di tali lavorazioni.
- 6.9. Le riparazioni e le sostituzioni saranno eseguite (e/o fatte eseguire) da Piaggio entro tempistiche ragionevoli, tenuto conto della natura e dell’importanza della specifica lavorazione da effettuare e in modo tale da ridurre al minimo i possibili inconvenienti per il Cliente. La garanzia relativa ai pezzi riparati e sostituiti nel periodo di garanzia termina allo scadere del periodo di garanzia relativo al Bene, come indicato al precedente paragrafo 6.1.
6. Garantía (España)
- 6.1. Durante 36 (treinta y seis) meses a partir de la fecha de entrega del Producto, Piaggio garantiza al Cliente la ausencia de defectos de producción y de no conformidad con el contrato de compra del Producto, si existieran en el momento de la entrega. En cualquier caso, esta garantía se limita a los defectos no derivados del uso habitual del Producto y no incluye los defectos conocidos en el momento de la entrega o recogida.
- 6.2. Por ejemplo, quedan excluidos del ámbito de aplicación de la garantía: los defectos, fallos o mal funcionamiento causados por (i) hechos accidentales, (ii) hechos naturales o atmosféricos, (iii) responsabilidad del usuario, (iv) uso del Producto no conforme con su finalidad prevista y/o mantenimiento no conforme con lo dispuesto en las Instrucciones de uso y mantenimiento, si las hubiere, (v) negligencia de terceros y/o (vi) accidentes e incidentes.
- 6.3. En detalle, la garantía no cubre, por ejemplo:
- a) gastos y costes de mantenimiento del Producto, también en cumplimiento de lo dispuesto en las Instrucciones de uso y mantenimiento, si las hubiere;
- b) los daños y desgastes resultantes de un uso y mantenimiento del Producto que no se ajuste a lo dispuesto en las Instrucciones de uso y mantenimiento, si las hubiere;
- c) sustitución del Producto o de partes del mismo por desgaste;
- d) daños, desgaste y deterioro provocados por causas externas o de fuerza mayor (como, entre otros, accidentes, choques, fenómenos atmosféricos, contaminación atmosférica, agentes vegetales, animales y químicos, inundaciones, terremotos, guerras, disturbios y atentados);
- e) daños causados por el transporte de Productos y/o personas de forma no conforme con las Instrucciones de uso y mantenimiento, si las hubiera;
- f) daños causados por mal uso, falta de mantenimiento o mantenimiento incorrecto u otros defectos del vehículo en el que están instalados los Productos;
- g) uso de combustibles y lubricantes que no se ajusten a las Instrucciones de uso y mantenimiento, en su caso;
- h) daños resultantes de modificaciones del Producto o del montaje de accesorios y otros componentes no autorizados por Piaggio (o, aun estando autorizados, no realizados según las instrucciones de Piaggio).
- 6.4. En todos los casos de exclusión de la garantía enumerados anteriormente, Piaggio queda eximido de toda responsabilidad u obligación de indemnización o compensación.
- 6.5. Salvo en los casos de dolo o negligencia grave, Piaggio sólo será responsable de los daños directos previsibles en el momento de la celebración del contrato de venta. Por lo tanto, no será responsable de ninguna pérdida sufrida, lucro cesante o cualquier otro daño que no sea consecuencia inmediata y directa de su incumplimiento o que no fuera previsible cuando se celebró el contrato de venta.
- 6.6. El Cliente tendrá derecho a que se restablezca la conformidad del Producto mediante reparación o sustitución. En tales casos, Piaggio sólo será responsable de los costes de mano de obra y materiales utilizados para que el Producto sea conforme y de cualquier envío y/o transporte del Producto.
- 6.7. En caso de que la reparación y/o sustitución del Producto resulte imposible o excesivamente costosa para Piaggio, el Cliente tendrá derecho a una reducción del Precio proporcional a la disminución del valor del Producto en comparación con el valor que habría tenido si hubiera sido conforme o a resolver el contrato, salvo en los casos de falta de conformidad menor.
- 6.8. Piaggio cumplirá sus obligaciones de reparación y sustitución en garantía, a su elección, directamente, a través de la Red de Piaggio y/o a través de terceros designados por Piaggio a tal efecto. Queda expresamente entendido que el Cliente no podrá efectuar o hacer efectuar reparaciones y/o sustituciones de cualquier componente del Producto sin la previa autorización por escrito de Piaggio. Este último no estará obligado en ningún caso a responder ni a garantizar los trabajos realizados o encargados por el Cliente y no estará obligada a reembolsar al Cliente el coste de las piezas de recambio y de la mano de obra para la realización de dichos trabajos.
- 6.9. Piaggio llevará a cabo (y/o encargará) las reparaciones y sustituciones en un plazo razonable, teniendo en cuenta la naturaleza e importancia del trabajo concreto a realizar y minimizando las posibles molestias al Cliente. La garantía de las piezas reparadas y sustituidas durante el periodo de garantía expira al final del periodo de garantía del Producto, tal y como se establece en el apartado 6.1 anterior.
6. Garanties (France)
L e consommateur dispose d'un délai de deux ans à compter de la délivrance du bien pour obtenir la mise en œuvre de la garantie légale de conformité en cas d'apparition d'un défaut de conformité. Durant ce délai, le consommateur n'est tenu d'établir que l'existence du défaut de conformité et non la date d'apparition de celui-ci. Lorsque le contrat de vente du bien prévoit la fourniture d'un contenu numérique ou d'un service numérique de manière continue pendant une durée supérieure à deux ans, la garantie légale est applicable à ce contenu numérique ou ce service numérique tout au long de la période de fourniture prévue. Durant ce délai, le consommateur n'est tenu d'établir que l'existence du défaut de conformité affectant le contenu numérique ou le service numérique et non la date d'apparition de celui-ci. La garantie légale de conformité emporte obligation pour le professionnel, le cas échéant, de fournir toutes les mises à jour nécessaires au maintien de la conformité du bien. La garantie légale de conformité donne au consommateur droit à la réparation ou au remplacement du bien dans un délai de trente jours suivant sa demande, sans frais et sans inconvénient majeur pour lui. Si le bien est réparé dans le cadre de la garantie légale de conformité, le consommateur bénéficie d'une extension de six mois de la garantie initiale. Si le consommateur demande la réparation du bien, mais que le vendeur impose le remplacement, la garantie légale de conformité est renouvelée pour une période de deux ans à compter de la date de remplacement du bien. Le consommateur peut obtenir une réduction du prix d'achat en conservant le bien ou mettre fin au contrat en se faisant rembourser intégralement contre restitution du bien, si :- 1° Le professionnel refuse de réparer ou de remplacer le bien ;
- 2° La réparation ou le remplacement du bien intervient après un délai de trente jours ;
- 3° La réparation ou le remplacement du bien occasionne un inconvénient majeur pour le consommateur, notamment lorsque le consommateur supporte définitivement les frais de reprise ou d'enlèvement du bien non conforme, ou s'il supporte les frais d'installation du bien réparé ou de remplacement ;
- 4° La non-conformité du bien persiste en dépit de la tentative de mise en conformité du vendeur restée infructueuse.
Le consommateur a également droit à une réduction du prix du bien ou à la résolution du contrat lorsque le défaut de conformité est si grave qu'il justifie que la réduction du prix ou la résolution du contrat soit immédiate. Le consommateur n'est alors pas tenu de demander la réparation ou le remplacement du bien au préalable. Le consommateur n'a pas droit à la résolution de la vente si le défaut de conformité est mineur. Toute période d'immobilisation du bien en vue de sa réparation ou de son remplacement suspend la garantie qui restait à courir jusqu'à la délivrance du bien remis en état. Les droits mentionnés ci-dessus résultent de l'application des articles L. 217-1 à L. 217-32 du code de la consommation. Le vendeur qui fait obstacle de mauvaise foi à la mise en œuvre de la garantie légale de conformité encourt une amende civile d'un montant maximal de 300 000 euros, qui peut être porté jusqu'à 10 % du chiffre d'affaires moyen annuel (article L. 241-5 du code de la consommation). Le consommateur bénéficie également de la garantie légale des vices cachés en application des articles 1641 à 1649 du code civil, pendant une durée de deux ans à compter de la découverte du défaut. Cette garantie donne droit à une réduction de prix si le bien est conservé ou à un remboursement intégral contre restitution du bien.
- 7.1. Par exemple, sont exclus du champ d'application de la garantie les défauts, défaillances ou dysfonctionnements causés par (i) des événements accidentels, (ii) des événements naturels ou atmosphériques, (iii) la responsabilité de l'utilisateur, (iv) une utilisation du Produit non conforme à sa destination et/ou un entretien non conforme aux dispositions des Instructions d'utilisation et d'entretien, le cas échéant, (v) la négligence de tiers et/ou (vi) des accidents et des incidents.
- 7.2. Plus précisément, la garantie ne couvre pas, par exemple :
- a) les frais et coûts d'entretien du Produit qui sont prévues par les dispositions des Instructions d'utilisation et d'entretien, le cas échéant ;
- b) les dommages et l'usure résultant d'une utilisation et d'un entretien du Produit non conformes aux dispositions des instructions d'utilisation et d'entretien, le cas échéant ;
- c) le remplacement du Produit ou de parties de celui-ci en raison de l'usure ;
- d) les dommages, l'usure et la détérioration causés par des causes externes ou de force majeure (telles que, sans que cette liste soit exhaustive, les accidents, les chocs, les événements atmosphériques, la pollution atmosphérique, les substances végétales, animales et chimiques, les inondations, les tremblements de terre, les guerres, les émeutes et les attentats) ;
- e) les dommages causés par le transport de biens et/ou de personnes d'une manière non conforme aux Instructions d'utilisation et d'entretien, s'il y en a ;
- f) les dommages causés par une mauvaise utilisation, un manque d'entretien, un entretien incorrect ou d'autres défauts du véhicule sur lequel le Produit est installé ;
- g) l'utilisation de carburants et de lubrifiants non conformes aux instructions d'utilisation et d'entretien, le cas échéant ;
- h) les dommages résultant de modifications du Produit ou du montage d'accessoires et d'autres composants non autorisés par Piaggio (ou, même s'ils sont autorisés, non effectués selon les instructions de Piaggio).
- 7.3. Dans tous les cas d'exclusion de la garantie énumérés ci-dessus, Piaggio est déchargé de toute responsabilité ou obligation d'indemnisation ou de compensation.
- 7.4. Sauf en cas de dol ou de faute lourde, Piaggio n'est responsable que des dommages directs prévisibles au moment de la conclusion du contrat de vente. Par conséquent, Piaggio n'est pas responsable des pertes subies, du manque à gagner ou de tout autre dommage qui n'est pas une conséquence immédiate et directe de son inexécution ou qui n'était pas prévisible au moment de la conclusion du contrat de vente.
- 7.5. Si la réparation et/ou le remplacement du Produit s'avère impossible ou excessivement coûteux pour Piaggio, le Client aura droit à une réduction du Prix proportionnelle à la diminution de la valeur du Produit par rapport à la valeur qu'il aurait eue s'il avait été conforme ou à la résiliation du Contrat, sauf en cas de non-conformité mineure.
- 7.6. Piaggio exécutera ses obligations de réparation et de remplacement sous garantie, à sa discrétion, soit directement, soit par l'intermédiaire des Centres Agréés Piaggio et/ou soit par l'intermédiaire de tiers désignés par Piaggio à cet effet. Il est expressément précisé que le Client ne peut effectuer ou faire effectuer des réparations et/ou des remplacements de tout composant du Produit sans l'autorisation écrite préalable de Piaggio. Piaggio ne sera en aucun cas tenu de répondre ou de garantir les travaux effectués ou commandés par le Client et ne sera pas tenue de rembourser au Client le coût des pièces détachées et de la main d'œuvre pour l'exécution de ces travaux.
- 7.7. Piaggio effectuera (et/ou fera effectuer) les réparations et les remplacements dans un délai raisonnable, en tenant compte de la nature et de l'importance du travail particulier à effectuer et en minimisant les inconvénients éventuels pour le Client. La garantie des pièces réparées et remplacées pendant la période de garantie expire à la fin de la période de garantie du Produit telle que définie au paragraphe 6.1 ci-dessus.
6. Gewährleistung (Deutschland)
- 6.1. Die Gewährleistung für Mängel der Kaufsache richtet sich nach den gesetzlichen Vorschriften, einschließlich der gesetzlichen Verjährungsfrist.
- 6.2. Von der Gewährleistung ausgeschlossen sind beispielsweise: Mängel, Ausfälle oder Funktionsstörungen, die durch (i) zufällige Ereignisse, (ii) natürliche oder Witterungseinflüsse, (iii) Verantwortlichkeit des Benutzers, (iv) nicht bestimmungsgemäße Verwendung der Ware und/oder nicht den Bestimmungen der Gebrauchs- und Wartungsanleitung entsprechende Wartung, (v) Fahrlässigkeit Dritter im Umgang mit der Kaufsache und/oder (vi) Unfälle verursacht werden.
- 6.3. Im Einzelnen deckt die Gewährleistung beispielsweise nicht ab:
- a) Instandhaltungskosten der Ware, auch wenn diese in Übereinstimmung mit den Bestimmungen der Gebrauchs- und Wartungsanleitung entstehen;
- b) Schäden und Verschleiß, die sich aus der Verwendung und Wartung der Ware ergeben, die nicht mit den Bestimmungen der Gebrauchs- und Wartungsanleitung übereinstimmen;
- c) den Ersatz der Ware oder von Teilen der Ware aufgrund von Verschleiß oder natürlicher Abnutzung;
- d) Schäden, Verschleiß und Verschlechterung, die durch äußere Ursachen oder höhere Gewalt verursacht werden (z. B., aber nicht abschließend, Unfälle, Erschütterungen, Witterungseinflüsse, Luftverschmutzung, pflanzliche, tierische und chemische Stoffe, Überschwemmungen, Erdbeben, Kriege, Unruhen und Anschläge);
- e) Schäden, die durch die Beförderung von Sachen und/oder Personen in einer Weise verursacht werden, die nicht der Betriebs- und Wartungsanleitung entspricht;
- f) Schäden, die durch unsachgemäßen Gebrauch, mangelnde oder falsche Wartung oder andere Mängel des Fahrzeugs, in das die Waren eingebaut sind, verursacht wurden;
- g) Verwendung von Kraft- und Schmierstoffen, die nicht der Betriebs- und Wartungsanleitung entsprechen;
- h) Schäden, die durch Veränderungen an der Ware oder den Einbau von Zubehör und anderen Komponenten entstehen, die nicht von Piaggio zugelassen wurden (oder, selbst wenn sie zugelassen wurden, nicht gemäß den Anweisungen von Piaggio durchgeführt wurden).
- 6.4. In allen Fällen der oben genannten Gewährleistungsausschlüssen ist Piaggio von jeglicher Haftung oder Verpflichtung zur Entschädigung oder zum Schadenersatz befreit; Ziffer 6.5 bleibt hiervon jedoch unberührt.
- 6.5. Piaggio haftet für Vorsatz und grobe Fahrlässigkeit nach den gesetzlichen Bestimmungen. Außer in den Fällen des Vorsatzes und der groben Fahrlässigkeit haftet Piaggio nur für den bei Abschluss des Kaufvertrages vorhersehbaren Schaden. Die Haftungsbeschränkungen und -ausschlüsse in dieser Ziffer 6.5 gelten nicht a) für Schäden aus der Verletzung von Leben, Körper oder der Gesundheit und b) wenn Piaggio den Mangel arglistig verschwiegen oder eine Garantie für die Beschaffenheit der Ware übernommen hat oder c) wenn Piaggio und der Kunde eine Vereinbarung über die Beschaffenheit der Ware getroffen haben. Die Bestimmungen des Produkthaftungsgesetzes bleiben hiervon unberührt.
- 6.6. Der Kunde hat das Recht, die Mangelfreiheit der Ware durch Beseitigung des Mangels oder die Lieferung einer mangelfreien Sache herstellen zu lassen. In diesem Fall haftet Piaggio nur für die Arbeits- und Materialkosten, die zur Herstellung der Mangelfreiheit der Ware erforderlich sind, sowie für den Versand und/oder Transport der Ware.
- 6.7. Erweist sich die Nachbesserung und/oder der Ersatzlieferung der Ware als unmöglich oder unverhältnismäßig teuer für Piaggio, hat der Kunde das Recht auf Minderung des Kaufpreises oder auf Rücktritt vom Vertrag; der Kunde kann nicht zurücktreten, wenn die Pflichtverletzung unerheblich ist; das gesetzliche Widerrufsrecht bleibt von dieser Ziffer 6.7 unberührt. Bei der Minderung ist der Kaufpreis in dem Verhältnis herabzusetzen, in welchem zur Zeit des Vertragsschlusses der Wert der Sache in mangelfreiem Zustand zu dem wirklichen Wert gestanden haben würde.
- 6.8. Piaggio erfüllt seine Gewährleistungsverpflichtungen in Bezug auf eine Reparatur und den Austausch nach eigenem Ermessen entweder selbst, durch autorisierte Piaggio-Zentren und/oder durch von Piaggio zu diesem Zweck beauftragte Dritte.
- 6.9. Piaggio führt die Reparaturen und den Austausch innerhalb eines angemessenen Zeitrahmens durch (und/oder gibt sie in Auftrag), wobei die Art und der Umfang der durchzuführenden Arbeiten berücksichtigt und mögliche Unannehmlichkeiten für den Kunden so gering wie möglich gehalten werden. Die Gewährleistung für die während der Gewährleistungszeitraums reparierten und ausgetauschten Teile erlischt am Ende des Gewährleistungszeitraums der Ware, wie in Ziffer 6.1 beschrieben.
6. Garantie (Netherlands)
- 6.1. Gedurende 24 (vierentwintig) maanden vanaf de datum van levering van het Goed garandeert Piaggio de Klant dat het Goed vrij is van productiegebreken en afwijkingen van de koopovereenkomst, indien bestaand op het moment van levering. Deze garantie is in elk geval beperkt tot gebreken die niet voortvloeien uit regulier gebruik van het Goed en omvat geen gebreken die ten tijde van het leveren of afhalen bekend zijn.
- 6.2. Het volgende is bijvoorbeeld uitgesloten van de reikwijdte van de garantie: alle gebreken, fouten of storingen die worden veroorzaakt door (i) toevallige gebeurtenissen, (ii) natuurlijke of atmosferische gebeurtenissen, (iii) aansprakelijkheid van de gebruiker, (iv) gebruik van het Goed in strijd met het beoogd doel ervan en/of onderhoud in strijd met de voorschriften in eventuele Gebruiks- en onderhoudsinstructies, (v) nalatigheid van derden en/of (vi) ongevallen en incidenten.
- 6.3. Meer in het bijzonder bestrijkt de garantie bijvoorbeeld niet het volgende:
- a) onderhoudskosten en kosten van het Goed, ook indien ter naleving van de voorschriften in eventuele Gebruiks- en onderhoudsinstructies;
- b) schade en slijtage als gevolg van gebruik en onderhoud van het Goed in strijd met de voorschriften in eventuele Gebruiks- en onderhoudsinstructies;
- c) vervanging van het Goed of onderdelen ervan vanwege slijtage;
- d) schade, slijtage en achteruitgang veroorzaakt door externe oorzaken of overmacht (zoals bijvoorbeeld ongevallen, schokken, atmosferische gebeurtenissen, atmosferische vervuiling, plantaardige, dierlijke en chemische middelen, overstromingen, aardbevingen, oorlogen, opstanden en aanvallen);
- e) schade veroorzaakt door het vervoeren van goederen en/of personen op een wijze die in strijd is met eventuele Gebruiks- en onderhoudsinstructies;
- f) schade veroorzaakt door verkeerd gebruik, gebrekkig of onjuist onderhoud of andere gebreken van het voertuig waarop de Goederen zijn geïnstalleerd;
- g) gebruik van brandstoffen en smeermiddelen die in strijd zijn met eventuele Gebruiks- en onderhoudsinstructies;
- h) schade als gevolg van wijzigingen aan het Goed of de montage van accessoires en andere onderdelen die niet door Piaggio zijn geautoriseerd (of, indien wel geautoriseerd, niet volgens de instructies van Piaggio zijn uitgevoerd).
- 6.4. In alle bovengenoemde gevallen van uitsluiting van garantie is Piaggio ontheven van iedere aansprakelijkheid of verplichting tot vrijwaring of compensatie.
- 6.5. Behoudens gevallen van opzettelijk wangedrag of grove nalatigheid, is Piaggio uitsluitend aansprakelijk voor directe schade die voorzienbaar was op het moment dat de koopovereenkomst werd gesloten. Derhalve is Piaggio niet aansprakelijk voor enigerlei geleden verlies, winstderving of andere schade dat c.q. die geen onmiddellijk en rechtstreeks gevolg van haar niet-naleving is of die niet voorzienbaar was op het moment dat de koopovereenkomst werd gesloten.
- 6.6. De Klant heeft het recht om het Goed in overeenstemming met de overeenkomst te laten brengen door middel van reparatie of vervanging.
- 6.7. Mocht reparatie en/of vervanging van het Goed onmogelijk of buitensporig kostbaar voor Piaggio blijken te zijn, is de Klant gerechtigd tot een verlaging van de Prijs evenredig aan de vermindering in waarde van het Goed ten opzichte van de waarde die het zou hebben gehad als het wel in overeenstemming met de overeenkomst was of tot beëindiging van de overeenkomst, behalve in gevallen van een gering gebrek aan overeenstemming.
- 6.8. Piaggio zal haar herstel- en vervangingsverplichtingen onder de garantie naar eigen keuze rechtstreeks, via Geautoriseerde Piaggio-centra en/of via daartoe door Piaggio aangewezen derden vervullen. Er wordt uitdrukkelijk overeengekomen dat de Klant reparaties en/of vervangingen van onderdelen van het Goed niet mag uitvoeren of laten uitvoeren zonder voorafgaande schriftelijke toestemming van Piaggio.
- 6.9. Piaggio zal reparaties en vervangingen binnen een redelijke termijn uitvoeren (en/of opdracht daartoe geven) en daarbij rekening houden met de aard en het belang van de specifieke te verrichten werkzaamheden en mogelijk ongemak voor de Klant zo veel mogelijk beperken. De garantie op tijdens de garantieperiode herstelde en vervangen onderdelen vervalt aan het einde van de garantieperiode van het Goed, zoals uiteengezet in lid 6.1 hierboven.
- 6.10. Een door Piaggio of haar leverancier, fabrikant of importeur verleende aanvullende garantie zal nimmer de wettelijke rechten en vorderingen inperken die de Klant mogelijk heeft ingeval Piaggio haar verplichtingen onder de overeenkomst niet heeft vervuld.
6. Warranty (UK)
- 6.1. Piaggio, for a period of 24 (twenty-four) months from the date of delivery of the Goods, guarantees to the Customer the absence of manufacturing defects and lack of conformity with the contract of purchase of the Goods, if existing at the time of delivery. This guarantee is in any case limited to defects not arising from the normal use of the Good and does not include defects and faults known at the time of delivery or collection.
- 6.2. Excluded from the scope of the guarantee are, by way of example, any faults, failures or malfunctions caused by (i) accidental events, (ii) natural or atmospheric events, (iii) the user's liability, (iv) use of the Good not in accordance with its intended purpose and/or maintenance not in accordance with the provisions of the Instructions for Use and Maintenance, if any, (v) negligence of third parties and/or (vi) accidents and incidents.
6.3. In detail, the warranty does not cover, by way of example:
(a) expenses and costs for the maintenance of the Goods, even in accordance with any Use and Maintenance Instructions;
b) damage and wear and tear resulting from use and maintenance of the Good not in accordance with the provisions of the Use and Maintenance Instructions, if any;
c) replacement of the Good or parts thereof as a result of wear and tear;
d) damage, wear and tear and deterioration caused by external causes or force majeure (such as, but not limited to, accidents, shocks, atmospheric pollution, plant, animal and chemical agents, floods, earthquakes, wars, riots and attacks);
e) damage caused by transporting goods and/or persons in a manner not in accordance with the instructions in the Operating and Maintenance Instructions, if any;
f) damage caused by misuse, lack of or incorrect maintenance or other defects of the vehicle on which the Goods are installed;
g) use of fuels and lubricants that do not comply with the instructions in the Use and Maintenance Instructions, if any;
h) damage deriving from alterations to the Goods or from the assembly of accessories and other components not authorised by Piaggio (or, even if authorised, carried out not in accordance with Piaggio's instructions).
- 6.4. In all cases of exclusion of the warranty listed above, Piaggio is released from any responsibility and obligation to provide compensation or indemnity.
- 6.5. With the exception of cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence, Piaggio is only liable for direct and foreseeable damage at the time the sales contract is concluded. It will not therefore be liable for any loss suffered, loss of earnings or any other damage which is not an immediate and direct consequence of its own breach or which was not foreseeable at the time the sales contract was concluded.
- 6.6. The customer will have the right to restore the conformity of the Goods by repair or replacement: in such cases, Piaggio will only be responsible for the costs of labour and materials used to make the Goods compliant and for any shipping and/or transport of the Goods.
- 6.7. Should repair and/or replacement of the Goods be impossible or excessively burdensome for Piaggio, the Customer will have the right to a price reduction proportional to the decrease in value of the Goods compared to the value they would have had if they were in conformity or to termination of the contract, except in cases of minor conformity defects.
- 6.8. Piaggio will fulfil its obligations of repair and replacement under warranty, at its discretion, directly, through Authorised Piaggio Centres and/or through third parties appointed by Piaggio for this purpose. It is expressly understood that the Customer may not carry out or have repairs and/or replace any component of the Goods carried out without prior written authorisation from Piaggio, which will in no way be liable for, or guarantee, any work carried out or commissioned by the Customer and will not be required to reimburse the Customer for the cost of spare parts and labour for such work.
- 6.9. Repairs and replacements will be carried out (and/or ordered) by Piaggio within a reasonable time frame, taking into account the nature and importance of the specific work to be carried out and in such a way as to minimise possible inconvenience to the Customer. The warranty for parts repaired and replaced during the warranty period will expire at the end of the warranty period for the Goods, as indicated in paragraph 6.1 above.
6. Warranty (Canada)
- 6.1. Piaggio, for a period of 24 (twenty-four) months from the date of delivery of the Goods, guarantees to the Customer the absence of manufacturing defects and lack of conformity with the contract of purchase of the Goods, if existing at the time of delivery. This guarantee is in any case limited to defects not arising from the normal use of the Good and does not include defects and faults known at the time of delivery or collection.
- 6.2. Excluded from the scope of the guarantee are, by way of example, any faults, failures or malfunctions caused by (i) accidental events, (ii) natural or atmospheric events, (iii) the user's liability, (iv) use of the Good not in accordance with its intended purpose and/or maintenance not in accordance with the provisions of the Instructions for Use and Maintenance, if any, (v) negligence of third parties and/or (vi) accidents and incidents.
6.3. In detail, the warranty does not cover, by way of example:
(a) expenses and costs for the maintenance of the Goods, even in accordance with any Use and Maintenance Instructions;
b) damage and wear and tear resulting from use and maintenance of the Good not in accordance with the provisions of the Use and Maintenance Instructions, if any;
c) replacement of the Good or parts thereof as a result of wear and tear;
d) damage, wear and tear and deterioration caused by external causes or force majeure (such as, but not limited to, accidents, shocks, atmospheric pollution, plant, animal and chemical agents, floods, earthquakes, wars, riots and attacks);
e) damage caused by transporting goods and/or persons in a manner not in accordance with the instructions in the Operating and Maintenance Instructions, if any;
f) damage caused by misuse, lack of or incorrect maintenance or other defects of the vehicle on which the Goods are installed;
g) use of fuels and lubricants that do not comply with the instructions in the Use and Maintenance Instructions, if any;
h) damage deriving from alterations to the Goods or from the assembly of accessories and other components not authorised by Piaggio (or, even if authorised, carried out not in accordance with Piaggio's instructions).
- 6.4. In all cases of exclusion of the warranty listed above, Piaggio is released from any responsibility and obligation to provide compensation or indemnity.
- 6.5. With the exception of cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence, Piaggio is only liable for direct and foreseeable damage at the time the sales contract is concluded. It will not therefore be liable for any loss suffered, loss of earnings or any other damage which is not an immediate and direct consequence of its own breach or which was not foreseeable at the time the sales contract was concluded.
- 6.6. The customer will have the right to restore the conformity of the Goods by repair or replacement: in such cases, Piaggio will only be responsible for the costs of labour and materials used to make the Goods compliant and for any shipping and/or transport of the Goods.
- 6.7. Should repair and/or replacement of the Goods be impossible or excessively burdensome for Piaggio, the Customer will have the right to a price reduction proportional to the decrease in value of the Goods compared to the value they would have had if they were in conformity or to termination of the contract, except in cases of minor conformity defects.
- 6.8. Piaggio will fulfil its obligations of repair and replacement under warranty, at its discretion, directly, through Authorised Piaggio Centres and/or through third parties appointed by Piaggio for this purpose. It is expressly understood that the Customer may not carry out or have repairs and/or replace any component of the Goods carried out without prior written authorisation from Piaggio, which will in no way be liable for, or guarantee, any work carried out or commissioned by the Customer and will not be required to reimburse the Customer for the cost of spare parts and labour for such work.
- 6.9. Repairs and replacements will be carried out (and/or ordered) by Piaggio within a reasonable time frame, taking into account the nature and importance of the specific work to be carried out and in such a way as to minimise possible inconvenience to the Customer. The warranty for parts repaired and replaced during the warranty period will expire at the end of the warranty period for the Goods, as indicated in paragraph 6.1 above.
6. Garansi (Indonesia)
- 6.1. Selama 24 (dua puluh empat) bulan sejak tanggal pengiriman Barang, Piaggio menjamin kebebasan Pelanggan dari cacat produksi dan ketidaksesuaian dengan kontrak pembelian Barang, jika kecatatan dan ketidaksesuaian muncul pada saat pengiriman. Bagaimanapun, garansi ini hanya terbatas pada cacat yang tidak berasal dari penggunaan Barang secara rutin dan tidak termasuk cacat yang diketahui pada saat pengiriman atau pengambilan,
- 6.2. Misalnya, hal-hal berikut dikecualikan dari ruang lingkup garansi: setiap cacat, kegagalan, atau malfungsi yang disebabkan oleh (i) peristiwa yang tidak disengaja, (ii) peristiwa alam atau atmosfer, (iii) tanggung jawab pengguna, (iv) penggunaan Barang tidak sesuai dengan tujuan yang dimaksudkan dan/atau pemeliharaan yang tidak sesuai dengan ketentuan Petunjuk Penggunaan dan Pemeliharaan, jika ada, (v) kelalaian pihak ketiga dan/atau (vi) kecelakaan dan insiden.
6.3. Secara rinci, garansi tidak mencakup, misalnya:
a) pengeluaran yang dikeluarkan sehubungan pemeliharaan dan biaya untuk Barang, juga sesuai dengan ketentuan Petunjuk Penggunaan dan Pemeliharaan, jika ada;
b) kerusakan dan keausan akibat penggunaan dan pemeliharaan Barang yang tidak mematuhi ketentuan Petunjuk Penggunaan dan Pemeliharaan, jika ada;
c) penggantian Barang atau bagian-bagiannya karena keausan dan kerusakan akibat penggunaan;
d) kerusakan, keausan dan kerusakan akibat penggunaan serta kerusakan yang disebabkan oleh penyebab eksternal atau keadaan memaksa (seperti, namun tidak terbatas pada, kecelakaan, benturan, peristiwa alam (atmospheric events), kontaminasi polusi, tanaman, hewan dan bahan kimia, banjir, gempa bumi, perang, kerusuhan dan serangan);
e) kerusakan yang disebabkan oleh pengangkutan barang dan/atau orang dengan cara yang tidak sesuai dengan Petunjuk Penggunaan dan Pemeliharaan, jika ada;
f) kerusakan yang disebabkan oleh penyalahgunaan, kurangnya atau kesalahan selama pemeliharaan atau cacat lain dari kendaraan tempat Barang dipasang;
g) penggunaan bahan bakar dan pelumas yang tidak sesuai dengan Petunjuk Penggunaan dan Pemeliharaan, jika ada;
h) kerusakan akibat perubahan pada Barang atau perakitan aksesori dan komponen lain yang tidak diizinkan oleh Piaggio (atau, jika diizinkan, tidak dilakukan sesuai dengan instruksi Piaggio).
- 6.4. Dalam semua kasus pengecualian dari garansi yang tercantum di atas, Piaggio dibebaskan dari semua kewajiban atau kewajiban ganti rugi atau kompensasi.
- 6.5. Kecuali untuk kasus-kasus kesalahan yang disengaja atau kelalaian besar, Piaggio hanya bertanggung jawab atas kerusakan langsung yang dapat diperkirakan ketika Kontrak penjualan disepakati. Oleh karena itu, Piaggio tidak akan bertanggung jawab atas kerugian yang diderita, kehilangan keuntungan atau kerusakan lainnya yang bukan merupakan konsekuensi serta merta dan langsung dan langsung dari segala ketidakberhasilan Piaggio dalam melaksanakan kewajibannya atau yang tidak dapat diperkirakan ketika Kontrak penjualan disepakati.
- 6.6. Pelanggan berhak untuk mendapatkan Barang yang diperbaiki agar menjadi sesuai, dengan perbaikan atau penggantian. Dalam kasus seperti itu, Piaggio hanya akan bertanggung jawab atas biaya tenaga kerja dan bahan yang digunakan untuk membuat Barang sesuai dan untuk setiap pengiriman dan/atau pengangkutan Barang.
- 6.7. Jika perbaikan dan/atau penggantian Barang terbukti tidak mungkin atau terlalu mahal bagi Piaggio, Pelanggan berhak atas pengurangan Harga sebanding dengan penurunan nilai Barang dibandingkan dengan nilai yang akan dimilikinya jika Barang tersebut telah sesuai atau untuk mengakhiri kontrak, kecuali dalam hal ketidaksesuaian minor.
- 6.8. Piaggio akan memenuhi kewajiban perbaikan dan penggantian garansi, atas kebijakannya sendiri, secara langsung, melalui Tempat Resmi Piaggio dan/atau melalui pihak ketiga yang ditunjuk oleh Piaggio untuk tujuan ini. Secara tegas dipahami bahwa Pelanggan tidak boleh melakukan atau belum melakukan perbaikan dan/atau penggantian komponen Barang apa pun tanpa terlebih dahulu mendapatkan izin tertulis dari Piaggio. Ketiadaan izin terlebih dahulu secara tertulis dari Piaggio mengakibatkan Piaggio sama sekali tidak akan diminta untuk menjawab, atau memberikan garansi, atas pekerjaan apa pun yang dilakukan atau dimintakan oleh Pelanggan dan tidak akan diminta untuk mengganti biaya suku cadang dan tenaga kerja yang dikeluarkan oleh Pelanggan untuk melaksanakan pekerjaan tersebut.
- 6.9. Piaggio akan melakukan (dan/atau meminta) perbaikan dan penggantian dalam jangka waktu yang wajar, dengan mempertimbangkan sifat dan pentingnya pekerjaan tersebut yang harus dilakukan dan meminimalkan kemungkinan menimbulkan ketidaknyamanan bagi Pelanggan. Garansi untuk suku cadang yang diperbaiki dan diganti selama masa garansi akan berakhir bersamaan dengan akhir masa garansi yang berlaku untuk Barang sebagaimana diatur dalam paragraf 6.1 di atas.
6. การรับประกัน (Thailand)
- 6.1 นับจากวันที่ได้จัดส่งสินค้าเป็นระยะเวลา 24 (ยี่สิบสี่) เดือน พิอาจิโอรับประกันต่อลูกค้าต่อข้อบกพร่องที่เกิดจากการผลิต และความไม่สอดคล้องของสินค้ากับสัญญาซื้อขายสินค้านั้น หากข้อบกพร่องและความไม่สอดคล้องนั้นมีอยู่ ณ เวลาส่งมอบสินค้า ไม่ว่าในกรณีใดก็ตาม การรับประกันนี้จำกัดเฉพาะกับข้อบกพร่องที่ไม่ได้เกิดจากการใช้สินค้าโดยปกติทั่วไป และไม่รวมถึงข้อบกพร่องที่ลูกค้าทราบ ณ เวลาจัดส่งหรือรับสินค้า โดยมีเงื่อนไขว่าข้อบกพร่องนั้นสามารถมองเห็นได้อย่างชัดแจ้งและลูกค้ายอมรับสินค้าดังกล่าวในสภาพนั้น
- 6.2 ตัวอย่างต่อไปนี้ไม่อยู่ในขอบเขตของการรับประกัน: ข้อบกพร่อง ตำหนิ หรือการทำงานผิดปกติใด ๆ ที่เกิดจาก (1) อุบัติเหตุ (2) เหตุการณ์ธรรมชาติหรือเหตุในชั้นบรรยากาศ (3) ความรับผิดของผู้ใช้ (4) การใช้สินค้าในลักษณะที่ไม่เป็นไปตามวัตถุประสงค์ที่กำหนด และ/หรือ การบำรุงรักษาที่ไม่เป็นไปตามข้อกำหนดในคู่มือการใช้งานและการบำรุงรักษา (ถ้ามี) (5) ความประมาทเลินเล่อของบุคคลภายนอก และ/หรือ (6) อุบัติเหตุและอุบัติการณ์
- 6.3 โดยละเอียด ตัวอย่างต่อไปนี้ไม่อยู่ภายใต้การรับประกัน
ก) ค่าใช้จ่ายและต้นทุนในการบำรุงรักษาสินค้า ตามข้อกำหนดในคู่มือการใช้งานและการบำรุงรักษา (ถ้ามี)
ข) ความเสียหายและการเสื่อมสภาพที่เกิดจากการใช้และการบำรุงรักษาสินค้าที่ไม่เป็นไปตามข้อกำหนดในคู่มือการใช้และการบำรุงรักษา (ถ้ามี)
ค) การเปลี่ยนทดแทนสินค้าหรือชิ้นส่วนของสินค้านั้นอันเนื่องมาจากการเสื่อมสภาพและการสึกหรอ
ง) ความเสียหาย การเสื่อมสภาพและการสึกหรอ และความทรุดโทรมที่เกิดจากสาเหตุภายนอกหรือเหตุสุดวิสัย (ตัวอย่างเช่น แต่ไม่จำกัดเพียง อุบัติเหตุ แรงกระแทก เหตุในชั้นบรรยากาศ มลภาวะในชั้นบรรยากาศ พืช สัตว์และสารเคมี อุทกภัย แผ่นดินไหว สงคราม การจลาจล และ การโจมตี)
จ) ความเสียหายที่เกิดจากการขนส่งสินค้า และ/หรือ ผู้ขนส่งสินค้าในลักษณะที่ไม่เป็นไปตามคู่มือการใช้งานและการบำรุงรักษา (ถ้ามี)
ฉ) ความเสียหายที่เกิดจากการใช้งานในทางที่ผิด การบำรุงรักษาที่ไม่เพียงพอหรือไม่ถูกต้อง หรือข้อบกพร่องอื่น ๆ ของยานพาหนะที่ติดตั้งสินค้า
ช) การใช้เชื้อเพลิงและสารหล่อลื่นที่ไม่เป็นไปตามคู่มือการใช้งานและการบำรุงรักษา (ถ้ามี)
ซ) ความเสียหายที่เกิดจากการเปลี่ยนแปลงสินค้าหรือการประกอบอุปกรณ์เสริมและส่วนประกอบอื่น ๆ ที่ไม่ได้รับอนุญาตจากพิอาจิโอ (หรือแม้ได้รับอนุญาต แต่ไม่ได้ดำเนินการตามคำแนะนำของพิอาจิโอ)
- 6.4 ในทุกกรณีที่เป็นข้อยกเว้นจากการรับประกันที่ระบุไว้ข้างต้น พิอาจิโอจะไม่มีความรับผิดหรือภาระผูกพันใด ๆ ในการชดใช้ค่าเสียหายหรือค่าชดเชยทั้งหมด
- 6.5 พิอาจิโอจะรับผิดเฉพาะต่อความเสียหายโดยตรงที่คาดการณ์ได้เมื่อมีสัญญาซื้อขายสมบูรณ์แล้วเท่านั้น ยกเว้นในกรณีของการประพฤติมิชอบโดยเจตนาหรือประมาทเลินเล่ออย่างร้ายแรง ดังนั้น พิอาจิโอจะไม่รับผิดต่อความสูญเสียใด ๆ ที่เกิดขึ้น การขาดทุนกำไร หรือความเสียหายอื่นใดที่ไม่ได้เกิดขึ้นทันทีและไม่ได้เป็นผลโดยตรงจากการที่พิอาจิโอไม่ปฏิบัติตามสัญญา หรือที่ไม่สามารถคาดการณ์ได้เมื่อสัญญาซื้อขายสมบูรณ์
- 6.6 ลูกค้ามีสิทธิขอให้ดำเนินการซ่อมแซมหรือการเปลี่ยนทดแทนเพื่อให้สินค้ากลับสู่สภาพที่เป็นไปตามข้อกำหนด ในกรณีเช่นนี้ พิอาจิโอจะรับผิดชอบเฉพาะส่วนของค่าแรงและค่าวัสดุที่ใช้เพื่อการทำให้สินค้าเป็นไปตามข้อกำหนด และเพื่อการขนส่ง และ/หรือ การเคลื่อนย้ายสินค้าเท่านั้น
- 6.7 หากพิสูจน์ได้ว่าการซ่อมแซม และ/หรือ การเปลี่ยนทดแทนสินค้านั้นเป็นไปไม่ได้ หรือมีค่าใช้จ่ายสูงเกินไปสำหรับพิอาจิโอ ลูกค้ามีสิทธิได้รับส่วนลดราคาตามสัดส่วนกับมูลค่าที่ลดลงของสินค้า เมื่อเทียบกับมูลค่าหากสินค้าเป็นไปตามเงื่อนไขของสัญญา หรือลูกค้ามีสิทธิยกเลิกสัญญา ยกเว้นในกรณีที่ความคลาดเคลื่อนของสินค้ามีเพียงเล็กน้อยเท่านั้น
- 6.8 พิอาจิโอจะปฏิบัติตามภาระหน้าที่ในการซ่อมแซมและการเปลี่ยนทดแทนสินค้าตามดุลยพินิจของพิอาจิโอเองโดยตรง ผ่านศูนย์บริการพิอาจิโอที่ได้รับอนุญาต และ/หรือ ผ่านบุคคลภายนอกที่ได้รับการแต่งตั้งโดยพิอาจิโอเพื่อการนี้ โดยให้เป็นที่เข้าใจโดยชัดแจ้งว่า ลูกค้าจะต้องไม่ดำเนินการหรือดำเนินการซ่อมแซม และ/หรือ เปลี่ยนทดแทนส่วนประกอบใด ๆ ของสินค้าโดยไม่ได้รับอนุญาตเป็นลายลักษณ์อักษรล่วงหน้าจากพิอาจิโอ โดยพิอาจิโอจะไม่รับผิดชอบหรือรับประกันงานใด ๆ ที่ลูกค้าเป็นผู้ดำเนินการหรือมอบหมายให้ดำเนินการ และจะไม่จ่ายชดเชยค่าอะไหล่และค่าแรงในการดำเนินการดังกล่าวให้แก่ลูกค้า
- 6.9 พิอาจิโอจะดำเนินการ (และ/หรือมอบหมายให้ดำเนินการ) ซ่อมแซมและเปลี่ยนทดแทนสินค้าภายในกรอบเวลาที่สมแก่เหตุผล โดยคำนึงถึงลักษณะและความสำคัญของงานที่จะดำเนินการ และความไม่สะดวกที่อาจเกิดขึ้นกับลูกค้าโดยให้เกิดน้อยที่สุด การรับประกันชิ้นส่วนที่จะได้รับการซ่อมแซมและเปลี่ยนทดแทนในระหว่างระยะเวลาการรับประกันจะสิ้นสุดลงเมื่อครบระยะเวลาการรับประกันสำหรับสินค้านั้น ตามที่ระบุไว้ในข้อ 6.1 ข้างต้น
6. Bảo Hành (Vietnam)
- 6.1. Trong vòng 24 (hai mươi bốn) tháng kể từ ngày giao Hàng Hóa, Piaggio cam kết với Khách Hàng sẽ bảo hành đối với các khiếm khuyết do sản xuất và những điểm không phù hợp của Hàng Hóa với hợp đồng mua Hàng Hóa, nếu có, tại thời điểm giao hàng. Trong mọi trường hợp, trách nhiệm bảo hành này chỉ giới hạn đối với các khiếm khuyết không phát sinh từ việc sử dụng Hàng hóa thường xuyên và không bao gồm các khiếm khuyết đã được biết tại thời điểm giao hàng hoặc nhận hàng.
- 6.2. Chằng hạn, những trường hợp sau đây được loại trừ khỏi phạm vi bảo hành: bất kỳ khiếm khuyết, hỏng hóc hoặc trục trặc nào gây ra bởi (i) các sự kiện bất ngờ, (ii) các sự kiện do môi trường tự nhiên hoặc biến đổi khí hậu, (iii) trách nhiệm của người dùng, (iv) việc sử dụng Hàng Hóa không phù hợp với mục đích dự kiến và/hoặc việc bảo trì không tuân thủ các quy định trong Hướng Dẫn Sử Dụng Và Bảo Trì, nếu có, (v) sơ suất của bên thứ ba và/hoặc (vi) tai nạn và sự cố.
- 6.3. Cụ thể, trách nhiệm bảo hành không bao gồm, ví dụ:
a) các chi phí và phí tổn bảo trì cho Hàng Hóa, phù hợp với các quy định của Hướng Dẫn Sử Dụng Và Bảo Trì, nếu có;
b) hư hỏng và hao mòn do việc sử dụng và bảo trì Hàng Hóa không tuân thủ các quy định trong Hướng Dẫn Sử Dụng Và Bảo Trì, nếu có;
c) thay thế Hàng Hóa hoặc các bộ phận của Hàng Hóa do hao mòn;
d) hư hỏng, hao mòn do các nguyên nhân khách quan hoặc trường hợp bất khả kháng (chẳng hạn, nhưng không giới hạn, tai nạn, chấn động, hiện tượng biến đổi khí hậu, ô nhiễm không khí, tác nhân thực vật, động vật và hóa học, lũ lụt, động đất, chiến tranh, bạo loạn và tấn công);
e) thiệt hại do vận chuyển hàng hóa và/hoặc người theo cách không tuân thủ Hướng Dẫn Vận Hành Và Bảo Trì, nếu có;
f) thiệt hại do sử dụng sai, thiếu hoặc bảo dưỡng không đúng hoặc các khiếm khuyết khác của phương tiện có gắn Hàng Hóa;
g) sử dụng các nhiên liệu và chất bôi trơn không tuân thủ Hướng Dẫn Vận Hành Và Bảo Trì, nếu có;
h) hư hỏng do các thay đổi đối với Hàng Hóa hoặc việc lắp ráp các phụ kiện và bộ phận khác không được Piaggio ủy quyền (hoặc, ngay cả khi được ủy quyền, không được thực hiện theo các hướng dẫn của Piaggio).
- 6.4. Trong mọi trường hợp loại trừ khỏi phạm vi bảo hành được liệt kê ở trên, Piaggio được miễn trừ mọi trách nhiệm pháp lý hoặc nghĩa vụ đền bù hoặc bồi thường.
- 6.5. Ngoại trừ các trường hợp cố ý làm sai hoặc sơ suất nghiêm trọng, Piaggio chỉ chịu trách nhiệm về những thiệt hại trực tiếp có thể lường trước được khi Hợp Đồng mua bán được giao kết. Do đó, Piaggio sẽ không chịu trách nhiệm về bất kỳ tổn thất, sự giảm lợi nhuận hoặc bất kỳ thiệt hại nào khác không phải là hậu quả trực tiếp và ngay lập tức của việc không thực hiện Hợp Đồng hoặc các hậu quả không thể lường trước được khi giao kết Hợp Đồng mua bán.
- 6.6. Khách Hàng có quyền khôi phục Hàng Hóa về trạng thái phù hợp bằng cách sửa chữa hoặc thay thế. Trong những trường hợp như vậy, Piaggio sẽ chỉ chịu trách nhiệm về chi phí nhân công và vật liệu được sử dụng để đảm bảo Hàng Hóa phù hợp và đối với các hoạt động giao hàng và/hoặc vận chuyển Hàng Hóa.
- 6.7. Nếu việc sửa chữa và/hoặc thay thế Hàng Hóa được chứng minh là không thể hoặc quá tốn kém đối với Piaggio, Khách Hàng sẽ có quyền được giảm Giá tương ứng với phần giá trị bị sụt giảm của Hàng Hóa so với giá trị lẽ ra phải có của Hàng Hóa khi phù hợp, hoặc có quyền chấm dứt hợp đồng, trừ các trường hợp sự thiếu phù hợp không đáng kể.
- 6.8. Piaggio sẽ trực tiếp thực hiện các nghĩa vụ bảo hành sửa chữa và thay thế của Piaggio, thông qua các Trung Tâm Piaggio Được Ủy Quyền và/hoặc thông qua các bên thứ ba do Piaggio chỉ định cho mục đích này. Điều này được hiểu rõ ràng rằng Khách Hàng không được thực hiện hoặc tiến hành sửa chữa và/hoặc thay thế bất kỳ bộ phận nào của Hàng Hóa mà không có sự cho phép trước bằng văn bản của Piaggio. Điều này trong mọi trường hợp không bắt buộc Piaggio phải trả lời hoặc bảo đảm cho bất kỳ công việc nào đã được Khách Hàng thực hiện hoặc ủy thác thực hiện, và sẽ không bắt buộc Piaggio phải hoàn trả cho Khách hàng chi phí phụ tùng thay thế và nhân công để thực hiện công việc đó.
- 6.9. Piaggio sẽ tiến hành (và/hoặc ủy thác) sửa chữa và thay thế trong khung thời gian hợp lý, có tính đến tính chất và tầm quan trọng của công việc cụ thể cần thực hiện và giảm thiểu sự bất tiện có thể xảy ra cho Khách Hàng. Việc bảo hành cho các bộ phận đã được sửa chữa và thay thế trong thời gian bảo hành sẽ hết hạn khi kết thúc thời hạn bảo hành đối với Hàng Hóa như quy định tại đoạn 6.1 ở trên.
6. Warranty (Hong Kong)
- 6.1. Piaggio, for a period of 24 (twenty-four) months from the date of delivery of the Goods, guarantees to the Customer the absence of manufacturing defects and lack of conformity with the contract of purchase of the Goods, if existing at the time of delivery. This guarantee is in any case limited to defects not arising from the normal use of the Good and does not include defects and faults known at the time of delivery or collection.
- 6.2. Excluded from the scope of the guarantee are, by way of example, any faults, failures or malfunctions caused by (i) accidental events, (ii) natural or atmospheric events, (iii) the user's liability, (iv) use of the Good not in accordance with its intended purpose and/or maintenance not in accordance with the provisions of the Instructions for Use and Maintenance, if any, (v) negligence of third parties and/or (vi) accidents and incidents.
6.3. In detail, the warranty does not cover, by way of example:
(a) expenses and costs for the maintenance of the Goods, even in accordance with any Use and Maintenance Instructions;
b) damage and wear and tear resulting from use and maintenance of the Good not in accordance with the provisions of the Use and Maintenance Instructions, if any;
c) replacement of the Good or parts thereof as a result of wear and tear;
d) damage, wear and tear and deterioration caused by external causes or force majeure (such as, but not limited to, accidents, shocks, atmospheric pollution, plant, animal and chemical agents, floods, earthquakes, wars, riots and attacks);
e) damage caused by transporting goods and/or persons in a manner not in accordance with the instructions in the Operating and Maintenance Instructions, if any;
f) damage caused by misuse, lack of or incorrect maintenance or other defects of the vehicle on which the Goods are installed;
g) use of fuels and lubricants that do not comply with the instructions in the Use and Maintenance Instructions, if any;
h) damage deriving from alterations to the Goods or from the assembly of accessories and other components not authorised by Piaggio (or, even if authorised, carried out not in accordance with Piaggio's instructions).
- 6.4. In all cases of exclusion of the warranty listed above, Piaggio is released from any responsibility and obligation to provide compensation or indemnity.
- 6.5. With the exception of cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence, Piaggio is only liable for direct and foreseeable damage at the time the sales contract is concluded. It will not therefore be liable for any loss suffered, loss of earnings or any other damage which is not an immediate and direct consequence of its own breach or which was not foreseeable at the time the sales contract was concluded.
- 6.6. The customer will have the right to restore the conformity of the Goods by repair or replacement: in such cases, Piaggio will only be responsible for the costs of labour and materials used to make the Goods compliant and for any shipping and/or transport of the Goods.
- 6.7. Should repair and/or replacement of the Goods be impossible or excessively burdensome for Piaggio, the Customer will have the right to a price reduction proportional to the decrease in value of the Goods compared to the value they would have had if they were in conformity or to termination of the contract, except in cases of minor conformity defects.
- 6.8. Piaggio will fulfil its obligations of repair and replacement under warranty, at its discretion, directly, through Authorised Piaggio Centres and/or through third parties appointed by Piaggio for this purpose. It is expressly understood that the Customer may not carry out or have repairs and/or replace any component of the Goods carried out without prior written authorisation from Piaggio, which will in no way be liable for, or guarantee, any work carried out or commissioned by the Customer and will not be required to reimburse the Customer for the cost of spare parts and labour for such work.
- 6.9. Repairs and replacements will be carried out (and/or ordered) by Piaggio within a reasonable time frame, taking into account the nature and importance of the specific work to be carried out and in such a way as to minimise possible inconvenience to the Customer. The warranty for parts repaired and replaced during the warranty period will expire at the end of the warranty period for the Goods, as indicated in paragraph 6.1 above.
6. Garanti (Turkey)
- 6.1. Piaggio, malın teslim tarihinden itibaren 24 (yirmi dört) ay boyunca, teslimat sırasında mevcutsa, müşteriye üretim kusurlarından ve malın satın alma sözleşmesine uygunsuzluklardan muaf olduğunu garanti eder. Her durumda, bu garanti malın düzenli kullanımından kaynaklanmayan kusurlarla sınırlıdır ve teslimat veya teslim alma sırasında bilinen kusurları içermez,
- 6.2. Örneğin, (i) Kazara meydana gelen olaylar, (ii) Doğal veya atmosferik olaylar, (iii) Kullanıcı sorumluluğu, (iv) Malın amacına uygun olmayan kullanımı ve/veya varsa Kullanım ve Bakım Talimatlarının hükümlerine uygun olmayan bakım, (v) Üçüncü kişilerin ihmali ve/veya (vi) Kazalar ve olaylardan kaynaklanan kusurlar ve arızalar garanti kapsamı dışındadır.
- 6.3. Ayrıntılı olarak, garanti aşağıdaki örnekleri kapsamaz:
a) Varsa Kullanım ve Bakım Talimatları hükümlerine de uygun olarak malın bakım masrafları ve maliyetleri;
b) Malın, varsa Kullanım ve Bakım Talimatlarının hükümlerine uygun olmayan kullanım ve bakımından kaynaklanan hasar ve aşınma;
c) Malın veya parçalarının aşınma ve yıpranma nedeniyle değiştirilmesi;
d)Dış etkenlerden veya mücbir sebeplerden kaynaklanan hasar, aşınma, yıpranma ve bozulma (kazalar, darbeler, atmosferik olaylar, atmosferik kirlilik, bitki, hayvan ve kimyasal maddeler, sel, deprem, savaş, isyan ve saldırılar gibi, ancak bunlarla sınırlı olmamak üzere);
e) Malların ve/veya kişilerin varsa işletme ve bakım talimatlarına uygun olmayan bir şekilde taşınmasından kaynaklanan hasarlar;
f) Malların monte edildiği vasıtanın yanlış kullanımı, bakım eksikliği veya yanlış bakımı ya da diğer kusurlarından kaynaklanan hasarlar;
g) Varsa işletme ve bakım talimatlarına uygun olmayan yakıt ve yağların kullanılması;
h) Piaggio tarafından izin verilmeyen (veya izin verilmiş olsa bile Piaggio'nun talimatlarına göre yapılmayan) mal üzerinde yapılan değişikliklerden veya aksesuarların ve diğer bileşenlerin montajından kaynaklanan hasarlar.
- 6.4. Yukarıda listelenen tüm garanti dışı bırakma durumlarında, Piaggio tüm yükümlülüklerden veya tazminat veya telafi yükümlülüğünden muaf tutulur.
- 6.5. Kasıtveya ağır ihmal durumları hariç olmak üzere, Piaggio yalnızca satış sözleşmesi akdedildiğinde öngörülebilir olan doğrudan zarardan sorumludur. Bu nedenle, uğranılan herhangi bir kayıptan, kar kaybından veya ifa etmemesinin ani ve doğrudan bir sonucu olmayan veya satış Sözleşmesi imzalandığında öngörülebilir olmayan diğer zararlardan sorumlu olmayacaktır.
- 6.6. Müşteri, malın onarım veya değiştirme yoluyla uygun hale getirilmesini isteme hakkına sahip olacaktır. Bu gibi durumlarda Piaggio sadece malın uygun hale getirilmesi için kullanılan işçilik ve malzeme masraflarından ve malın nakliye ve/veya nakliyesinden sorumlu olacaktır.
- 6.7. Malın onarımının ve/veya değiştirilmesinin Piaggio için imkânsız veya aşırı maliyetli olduğu ortaya çıkarsa, Müşteri, küçük uygunsuzluk durumları hariç olmak üzere, malın uygun olsaydı sahip olacağı değere kıyasla değerindeki düşüşle orantılı olarak fiyatında bir indirim yapma veya sözleşmeyi feshetme hakkına sahip olacaktır.
- 6.8. Piaggio, garanti kapsamındaki onarım ve değiştirme yükümlülüklerini kendi takdirine bağlı olarak doğrudan, Piaggio yetkili merkezleri ve/veya Piaggio tarafından bu amaçla atanan üçüncü taraflar aracılığıyla yerine getirecektir. Müşterinin, Piaggio'nun önceden yazılı izni olmaksızın malın herhangi bir bileşeninin onarımını ve/veya değişimini yapamayacağı veya yaptıramayacağı açıkça anlaşılmaktadır. Piaggio'nun hiçbir şekilde müşteri tarafından yapılan veya yaptırılan herhangi bir onarım için cevap vermesi veya garanti vermesi gerekmeyecektir ve bu tür bir onarımın gerçekleştirilmesi için gerekli yedek parça ve işçilik masraflarını Müşteriye geri ödemesi gerekmeyecektir.
- 6.9. Piaggio, yapılacak işin niteliğini ve önemini dikkate alarak ve müşteriye olası külfeti en aza indirerek makul bir zaman dilimi içerisinde onarım ve değişimleri gerçekleştirecektir (ve/veya yaptıracaktır). Garanti süresi boyunca onarılan ve değiştirilen parçaların garantisi, yukarıdaki paragraf 7.1'de belirtildiği gibi mal için garanti süresinin sonunda sona erer.
6. Limited Warranty (USA)
- 6.1. For 24 (twenty-four) months from the date of delivery of the Good, Piaggio offers a limited warranty to the Customer for production defects and non-conformities with the purchase contract for the Good, if existing at the time of delivery. In any case, this warranty is limited to defects not deriving from the regular use of the Good and does not include defects known at the time of delivery or collection,
- 6.2. For example, the following are excluded from the scope of the warranty: any defects, failures or malfunctions caused by (i) accidental events, (ii) natural or atmospheric events, (iii) user liability, (iv) use of the Good not in compliance with its intended purpose and/or maintenance not in compliance with the provisions of the Use and Maintenance Instructions, if any, (v) negligence of third parties and/or (vi) accidents and incidents.
- 6.3. In detail, the warranty does not cover, for example:
a) maintenance expenses and costs for the Good, also in compliance with the provisions of the Use and Maintenance Instructions, if any;
b) damage and wear resulting from use and maintenance of the Good not complying with the provisions of the Use and Maintenance Instructions, if any;
c) replacement of the Good or parts thereof due to wear and tear;
d) damage, wear and tear and deterioration caused by external causes or force majeure (such as, but not limited to, accidents, shocks, atmospheric events, atmospheric pollution, plant, animal and chemical agents, floods, earthquakes, wars, riots and attacks);
e) damage caused by transporting Goods and/or persons in a way non-compliant with the Operating and Maintenance Instructions, if any;
f) damage caused by misuse, lack of or incorrect maintenance or other defects of the vehicle on which the Goods are installed;
g) use of fuels and lubricants not complying with the Operating and Maintenance Instructions, if any;
h) damage resulting from changes to the Good or the assembly of accessories and other components not authorised by Piaggio (or, even if authorised, not carried out according to Piaggio's instructions).
- 6.4. In all cases of exclusion from the warranty listed above, Piaggio is released from all liabilities or obligation of indemnity or compensation.
- 6.5. Except for cases of wilful misconduct or gross negligence, Piaggio is only liable for direct damage foreseeable when the sales Contract was concluded. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, to the fullest extent permissible by applicable law, it shall not be liable for any loss suffered, loss of profit or any other damage that is not an immediate and direct consequence of its non-performance or that was not foreseeable when the sales Contract was concluded, including indirect, special, incidental, punitive or consequential damages, loss of profits, revenue, opportunity or data, or delay, whether based on contract, tort, negligence, strict liability or any other legal theory.
- 6.6. Except as otherwise provided herein, the products are provided “as-is” and “as available,” and Piaggio makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the products, and, to the fullest extent permissible by applicable law, Piaggio disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of quality, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement, and there are no warranties, express or implied, which extend beyond the warranties provided herein and the description of the products contained on the order confirmation.
- 6.7. The Customer shall be entitled to have the Good restored to conformity by repair or replacement. In such cases, Piaggio will only be liable for the costs of labour and materials used to make the Good compliant and for any shipping and/or transport of the Good.
- 6.8. Should repair and/or replacement of the Good prove impossible or excessively costly for Piaggio, the Customer will be entitled to a reduction in the Price proportional to the decrease in value of the Good compared to the value it would have had if it had conformed or to terminate the contract, except in cases of minor lack of conformity.
- 6.9. Piaggio will fulfil its warranty repair and replacement obligations, at its discretion, directly, through Piaggio Authorised Centres and/or through third parties appointed by Piaggio for this purpose. It is expressly understood that the Customer may not carry out or have carried out repairs and/or replacements of any component of the Good without Piaggio's prior written authorisation. The latter will in no way be required to answer for, or guarantee, any work carried out or commissioned by the Customer and will not be required to reimburse the Customer for the cost of spare parts and labour for carrying out such work.
- 6.10. Piaggio will carry out (and/or commission) repairs and replacements within a reasonable time frame, taking into account the nature and importance of the particular work to be performed and minimising possible inconvenience to the Customer. The warranty for parts repaired and replaced during the warranty period expires at the end of the warranty period for the Good as set out in paragraph 6.1 above.
6. Warranty (Philippines)
- 6.1. For 24 (twenty-four) months from the date of delivery of the Good, Piaggio guarantees the Customer freedom from production defects and non-conformities with the purchase contract for the Good, if existing at the time of delivery. In any case, this warranty is limited to defects not deriving from the regular use of the Good and does not include defects known at the time of delivery or collection.
- 6.2. For example, the following are excluded from the scope of the warranty: any defects, failures or malfunctions caused by (i) accidental events, (ii) natural or atmospheric events, (iii) user liability, (iv) use of the Good not in compliance with its intended purpose and/or maintenance not in compliance with the provisions of the Use and Maintenance Instructions, if any, (v) negligence of third parties and/or (vi) accidents and incidents.
- 6.3. In detail, the warranty does not cover, for example:
a) maintenance expenses and costs for the Good, also in compliance with the provisions of the Use and Maintenance Instructions, if any;
b) damage and wear resulting from use and maintenance of the Good not complying with the provisions of the Use and Maintenance Instructions, if any;
c) replacement of the Good or parts thereof due to wear and tear;
d) damage, wear and tear and deterioration caused by external causes or force majeure (such as, but not limited to, accidents, shocks, atmospheric events, atmospheric pollution, plant, animal and chemical agents, floods, earthquakes, wars, riots and attacks);
e) damage caused by transporting goods and/or persons in a way non-compliant with the Operating and Maintenance Instructions, if any;
f) damage caused by misuse, lack of or incorrect maintenance or other defects of the vehicle on which the Goods are installed;
g) use of fuels and lubricants not complying with the Operating and Maintenance Instructions, if any;
h) damage resulting from changes to the Good or the assembly of accessories and other components not authorised by Piaggio (or, even if authorised, not carried out according to Piaggio's instructions).
- 6.4. In all cases of exclusion from the warranty listed above, Piaggio is released from all liabilities or obligation of indemnity or compensation.
- 6.5. Except for cases of wilful misconduct or gross negligence, Piaggio is only liable for direct damage foreseeable when the sales Contract was concluded. Therefore, it shall not be liable for any loss suffered, loss of profit or any other damage that is not an immediate and direct consequence of its non-performance or that was not foreseeable when the sales Contract was concluded.
- 6.6. The Customer shall be entitled to have the Good restored to conformity by repair or replace. In such cases, Piaggio will only be liable for the costs of labour and materials used to make the Good compliant and for any shipping and/or transport of the Good. Should the product continue to have a defect or malfunction after a reasonable number of attempts to remedy the defect or malfunction, the Customer may elect request for the replacement of the product or part without charge, or for a refund thereof. In case a refund of the purchase price is elected by the Customer, the amount directly attributable to the use of the Customer prior to the discovery of the non-conformity shall be deducted.
- 6.7. Should repair and/or replacement of the Good prove impossible or excessively costly for Piaggio, the Customer will be entitled to a reduction in the Price proportional to the decrease in value of the Good compared to the value it would have had if it had conformed or to terminate the contract, except in cases of minor lack of conformity.
- 6.8. Piaggio will fulfil its warranty repair and replacement obligations, at its discretion, directly, through Piaggio Authorised Centres and/or through third parties appointed by Piaggio for this purpose. It is expressly understood that the Customer may not carry out or have carried out repairs and/or replacements of any component of the Good without Piaggio's prior written authorisation. The latter will in no way be required to answer for, or guarantee, any work carried out or commissioned by the Customer and will not be required to reimburse the Customer for the cost of spare parts and labour for carrying out such work.
- 6.9. Piaggio will carry out (and/or commission) repairs and replacements within a reasonable time frame, taking into account the nature and importance of the particular work to be performed and minimising possible inconvenience to the Customer. The warranty for parts repaired and replaced during the warranty period expires at the end of the warranty period for the Good as set out in paragraph 6.1 above.
6. 보증 (South Korea)
- 6.1. 피아지오는 상품의 인도일로부터 24개월 동안 상품 결함이나 주문 계약과의 부적합으로부터 자유로울 것을 보증합니다. 어떠한 경우에도, 본 보증은 상품의 일반적인 사용으로 인한 것이 아닌 경우나 상품의 인도 및 회수 시점에 알려진 하자를 포함하지 않습니다.
- 6.2. 예를 들어, (i) 우발적 사건, (ii) 자연발생적 사건, (iii) 이용자 책임, (iv) 의도된 목적에 부합하지 않는 상품의 사용 및/또는 사용 및 유지관리 설명서에 부합하지 않는 유지관리, (v) 제3자의 과실 및/또는 (vi) 사고 및 사건으로 인하여 발생하는 어떠한 결함, 고장 또는 장애는 보증 범위에서 제외됩니다.
- 6.3. 구체적으로, 보증에는 다음과 같은 사항은 포함되지 않습니다. 예를 들어:
a) 사용 및 유지관리 설명서의 규정을 준수하여 이루어진 경우에도, 상품에 대한 유지관리 비용(해당 사항이 있을 경우);
b) 사용 및 유지관리 설명서를 준수하지 않는 방식으로 상품을 사용하거나 유지관리하여 발생한 손상 및 마모(해당 사항이 있을 경우);
c) 마모로 인한 상품 또는 그 부품의 교체;
d) 외부의 원인이나 불가항력(사고, 충격, 자연적 사건, 대기오염, 식물, 동물 및 화학 물질, 홍수, 지진, 전쟁, 폭동 및 공격 등)으로 인한 손상, 마모 및 변질;
e) 사용 및 유지관리 설명서를 준수하지 않는 방식으로 상품 및/또는 사람을 운송함으로써 야기된 손해;
f) 상품이 설치된 차량의 오용, 정비의 부족 또는 부정확성 또는 그 밖의 결함으로 인한 손해;
g) 사용 및 유지관리 설명서를 준수하지 않은 연료 및 윤활유 사용;
h) 피아지오에 의하여 허가되지 아니한 상품 또는 부속품 및 기타 구성품의 조립의 변경으로 인한 손상(또는, 허가된 경우라도, 피아지오의 지시에 따라 수행되지 아니한 경우).
- 6.4. 위에서 열거한 보증에서 제외되는 모든 경우에서, 피아지오는 면책 또는 보상 의무 관련 모든 책임이나 의무로부터 면제됩니다.
- 6.5. 피아지오는 고의 또는 중과실로 인한 경우를 제외하고는 매매계약 체결 당시 예견할 수 있었던 직접 손해에 대하여만 책임을 부담합니다. 따라서, 그 불이행의 즉각적이고 직접적인 결과가 아니거나 매매계약 체결 당시 예견할 수 없었던 손실, 이익의 상실 또는 그 밖의 손해에 대하여는 책임을 부담하지 아니합니다.
- 6.6. 고객은 수리 또는 교체를 통해 상품의 적합성을 복원할 권리를 보유합니다. 이러한 경우, 피아지오는 상품의 적합성을 복원하는데 소요된 인건비 및 재료비와 상품을 배송 및/또는 운송에 대해서만 책임을 부담합니다.
- 6.7. 만약 피아지오가 상품의 수리 및/또는 대체를 할 수 없거나 과도하게 비용이 드는 경우, 고객은 사소한 적합성 결함의 경우를 제외하고, 상품이 계약에 따른 적합한 것이었거나 계약을 해지하였다면 가질 수 있었던 가치와 실제 상품의 가치를 비교하여 그에 상응하는 가격의 인하를 받을 권리를 가집니다.
- 6.8. 피아지오는 재량에 따라 직접 공인 피아지오 센터 및/또는 피아지오가 지정한 제3자를 통해 보증 수리 및 교체 의무를 이행합니다. 고객은 피아지오의 사전 서면 승인 없이 상품의 어떠한 구성품의 수리 및/또는 교체를 수행하지 않아야 하며 수행할 수 없습니다. 후자의 경우, 고객이 수행하거나 의뢰한 작업에 대해 답변하거나 보증할 의무가 없으며, 해당 작업을 수행하기 위한 교체부품 및 인건비를 고객에게 상환할 필요가 없습니다.
- 6.9. 피아지오는 수행 업무의 특성 및 중요성을 고려하고 고객의 불편을 최소화하면서, 합리적인 기간 내에 수리 및 교체를 수행(및/또는 위탁)할 것입니다. 보증기간 동안 수리 및 교체된 부품에 대한 보증은 상기 제6.1조에 명시된 바에 따라 해당 상품에 대한 보증기간이 종료되는 시점에 만료됩니다.
7. Ambito di applicazione (Italy)
- 7.1. I contratti di compravendita disciplinati dalle presenti Condizioni Generali di Contratto potranno essere conclusi esclusivamente da Clienti maggiorenni che rivestono la qualifica di consumatore o utente ex art. 3, co.1, lett. A del Codice del Consumo e solo qualora la consegna del Bene e/o l’effettuazione del Servizio debbano essere effettuati in Italia.
7. Champ d’application des Conditions Générales (France)
- 7.1. Les contrats de vente régis par les Conditions Générales ne peuvent être conclus que par des clients majeurs ayant la qualité de consommateurs au sens de l'article liminaire du code de la consommation.
7. Anwendungsbereich (Deutschland)
- 7.1. Verträge, die diesen Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen unterliegen, können nur von volljährigen Kunden, die Verbraucher im Sinne des § 13 des Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuches sind (siehe Definition in Ziffer 1.2), und nur dann geschlossen werden, wenn die Lieferung der Ware an eine Lieferadresse in Deutschland erfolgt und/oder die Leistung in Deutschland erbracht wird.
7. Scope (UK)
7.1. Contracts of sale governed by these General Terms and Conditions may only be concluded by Customers of 18 age.7. Scope (Canada)
7.1. Contracts of sale governed by these General Terms and Conditions may only be concluded by Customers of Canada who qualify as consumers or users pursuant to applicable Canadian laws.7. Ruang lingkup (Indonesia)
7.1. Kontrak penjualan yang diatur oleh Syarat dan Ketentuan Umum ini hanya dapat disepakati oleh Pelanggan yang telah mencapai usia cakap berdasarkan hukum untuk memenuhi syarat sebagai konsumen atau pengguna sesuai dengan Pasal 3(1)(A) Undang-Undang Konsumen dan hanya jika pengiriman Barang dan/atau kinerja Layanan dilakukan di Italia.7. ขอบเขตการบังคับใช้ (Thailand)
- 7.1 สัญญาซื้อขายภายใต้ข้อกำหนดและเงื่อนไขทั่วไปนี้จะสมบูรณ์ก็ต่อเมื่อลูกค้าเป็นบุคคลซึ่งบรรลุนิติภาวะ และมีคุณสมบัติการเป็นผู้บริโภคหรือผู้ใช้งานตามมาตรา 3(1)(A) ของประมวลกฎหมายผู้บริโภค และเฉพาะในกรณีที่การส่งมอบสินค้า และ/หรือ การให้บริการเกิดขึ้นในประเทศอิตาลีเท่านั้น
7. Phạm vi áp dụng (Vietnam)
7.1. Các Hợp Đồng mua bán được điều chỉnh bởi Điều Khoản và Điều Kiện Chung này chỉ có thể được ký kết bởi những Khách Hàng trong độ tuổi hợp pháp đủ điều kiện là khách hàng hoặc người sử dụng theo Pháp Luật Việt Nam và chỉ khi việc giao Hàng Hóa và/hoặc thực hiện Dịch Vụ diễn ra tại Việt Nam.7. Scope (Hong Kong)
7.1. Contracts of sale governed by these General Terms and Conditions may only be concluded by Customers of legal age who qualify as consumers or users pursuant to Article 3(1)(A) of the Consumer Code and only if the delivery of the Good and/or the performance of the Service takes place in Hong-Kong.7. Kapsam (Turkey)
- 7.1. Bu Genel Hüküm ve Koşullara tabi satış sözleşmeleri yalnızca Tüketici Kanunu Madde 3(1)(k) uyarınca tüketici veya kullanıcı olarak nitelendirilen reşit müşteriler tarafından akdedilebilir.
7. Scope (USA)
- 7.1. Contracts of sale governed by these General Terms and Conditions may only be concluded by Customers of legal age who purchase Goods for personal use, and not for resale or other commercial purposes and only if the delivery of the Good and/or the performance of the Service takes place in the United States
7. Scope (Philippines)
- 7.1. Contracts of sale governed by these General Terms and Conditions may only be concluded by Customers of legal age who qualify as consumers or users pursuant to Article 3(1)(A) of the Consumer Code and only if the delivery of the Good and/or the performance of the Service takes place in Italy.
7. 범위 (South Korea)
- 7.1. 본 일반 약관에 의해 규율되는 매매계약은 이탈리아 소비자법 제3조 제1항 제A호 및 전자상거래 등에서의 소비자 보호에 관한 법률 제2조 제5호에 따라 소비자 또는 이용자의 자격을 갖춘 성년의 고객에 의하여만 체결될 수 있으며, 상품의 인도 및/또는 서비스의 수행이 대한민국에서 이루어지는 경우에 한합니다.
8. Modifica delle Condizioni Generali di Contratto (Italy)
- 8.1. Piaggio si riserva il diritto di modificare il Sito Piaggio nonché le presenti Condizioni Generali di Contratto in qualsiasi momento.
- 8.2. Il Cliente sarà soggetto ai termini e alle condizioni delle Condizioni Generali di Contratto come di volta in volta vigenti al momento dell’effettuazione dell’Ordine, eccezion fatta per le modifiche resesi necessarie per conformarsi alla legge e/o agli ordini delle competenti autorità (nel qual caso, le eventuali modifiche saranno applicabili anche agli Ordini già effettuati ed in corso di esecuzione).
8. Modificaciones de las Condiciones Generales (España)
- 8.1. Piaggio se reserva el derecho a modificar su Sitio y las presentes Condiciones Generales en cualquier momento.
- 8.2. El Cliente estará sujeto a las Condiciones Generales vigentes en el momento de la realización de la Orden, salvo cambios necesarios para cumplir la ley y/o las órdenes de las autoridades competentes (en cuyo caso, los cambios también se aplicarán a las Órdenes ya realizadas y en curso).
8. Modifications des Conditions Générales (France)
- 8.1. Piaggio se réserve le droit de modifier son Site et les Conditions Générales à tout moment.
- 8.2. Le Client est soumis aux Conditions Générales en vigueur au moment de la passation de la Commande, à l'exception des dispositions qui seraient modifiées pour se conformer à la loi et/ou aux décisions des autorités compétentes (dans ce cas, les dispositions modifiées s'appliquent également aux Commandes déjà passées et en cours).
- 8.3. Le Client est invité à conserver les CGV et tout élément relatif à sa commande sur un support durable.
8. Änderungen der Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen (Deutschland)
- 8.1. Piaggio behält sich das Recht vor, seine Website und die vorliegenden Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen jederzeit zu ändern.
- 8.2. Der Kunde unterliegt den zum Zeitpunkt der Bestellung geltenden Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen, mit Ausnahme von Änderungen, die zur Einhaltung von Gesetzen und/oder Anordnungen der zuständigen Behörden erforderlich sind (in diesem Fall gelten die Änderungen auch für bereits erteilte und laufende Bestellungen).
8. Wijzigingen in de Algemene Voorwaarden (Netherlands)
- 8.1. De Klant is onderworpen aan de bepalingen en voorwaarden van de Algemene Voorwaarden die van kracht zijn wanneer de Bestelling wordt geplaatst, behoudens wijzigingen die noodzakelijk zijn om de wet en/of bevelen van bevoegde autoriteiten na te leven (in welk geval eventuele wijzigingen ook van toepassing zijn op reeds geplaatste en lopende Bestellingen).
- 8.2. Piaggio behoudt zich het recht voor haar Site en deze Algemene Voorwaarden te allen tijde te wijzigen. Dergelijke gewijzigde Algemene Voorwaarden worden van kracht vanaf het moment dat Piaggio de gewijzigde Algemene Voorwaarden op haar Site heeft gepubliceerd. De Klant dient de Site regelmatig te raadplegen om na te gaan of de Algemene Voorwaarden zijn gewijzigd. Met betrekking tot Diensten en Garantieverlengingen informeert Piaggio de Klant over de gewijzigde Algemene Voorwaarden. In dat geval heeft de Klant het recht de overeenkomst kosteloos te ontbinden.
8. Changes to the General Terms and Conditions (UK)
- 8.1. Piaggio reserves the right to change its Site and these General Terms and Conditions at any time (“Changes"). If Piaggio does make any Changes, Piaggio will notify the Customer and the Customer can contact Piaggio at [insert website address, email address or telephone number] to terminate the General Terms and Conditions before the changes takes effect and to the extent allowed by applicable law, receive a refund for any Goods, Services or Warranty Extensions the Customer has paid for in advance, but not received.
- 8.2. The Customer shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the General Terms and Conditions of Business in force when the Order is placed, except for changes necessary (“Necessary Changes”) to comply with the law and/or orders of the competent authorities (in which case, any changes shall also apply to Orders already placed and in progress).If Piaggio does make any Necessary Changes, Piaggio will notify the Customer and the Customer can contact Piaggio at [insert website address, email address or telephone number] to terminate the General Terms and Conditions before the changes takes effect and to the extent allowed by applicable law, receive a refund for any Goods, Services or Warranty Extensions the Customer has paid for in advance, but not received.
8. Changes to the General Terms and Conditions (Canada)
- 8.1. Piaggio reserves the right to change its Site and these General Terms and Conditions at any time.
- 8.2. The Customer shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the General Terms and Conditions of Business in force when the Order is placed, except for changes necessary to comply with the law and/or orders of the competent authorities (in which case, any changes shall also apply to Orders already placed and in progress).
8. Perubahan Syarat dan Ketentuan Umum (Indonesia)
- 8.1. Piaggio berhak untuk mengubah Situs dan Syarat dan Ketentuan Umum ini pada setiap saat.
- 8.2. Walaupun terdapat perubahan terhadap Syarat dan Ketentuan ini sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 8.1, Pelanggan akan tetap tunduk pada syarat dan ketentuan dalam Syarat dan Ketentuan Umum Bisnis yang berlaku ketika Pesanan dibuat, kecuali untuk perubahan yang diperlukan untuk mematuhi hukum dan/atau perintah dari otoritas yang berwenang (dalam hal ini, setiap perubahan juga berlaku untuk Pesanan yang sudah dibuat dan sedang berlangsung).
8. การเปลี่ยนแปลงข้อกำหนดและเงื่อนไขทั่วไป (Thailand)
- 8.1 พิอาจิโอขอสงวนสิทธิ์ในการเปลี่ยนแปลงเว็บไซต์และข้อกำหนดและเงื่อนไขทั่วไปนี้ได้ทุกเมื่อ
- 8.2 ลูกค้าจะต้องปฏิบัติตามข้อกำหนดและเงื่อนไขภายใต้ข้อกำหนดและเงื่อนไขทั่วไปที่มีผลใช้บังคับขณะที่มีการส่งคำสั่งซื้อ ยกเว้นในกรณีที่จำเป็นต้องเปลี่ยนแปลงเพื่อให้เป็นไปตามกฎหมาย และ/หรือ คำสั่งของหน่วยงานรัฐที่มีอำนาจ (ซึ่งในกรณีนี้ การเปลี่ยนแปลงใด ๆ จะบังคับใช้กับทุกคำสั่งซื้อที่ส่งแล้วและอยู่ระหว่างดำเนินการ)
8. Thay đổi đối với Điều Khoản và Điều Kiện Chung (Vietnam)
- 8.1. Piaggio có quyền sửa đổi Trang Điện Tử và Điều Khoản và Điều Kiện Chung này bất cứ lúc nào.
- 8.2. Khách Hàng phải tuân theo các điều khoản và điều kiện của Điều Khoản và Điều Kiện Kinh Doanh Chung có hiệu lực khi Đơn Đặt Hàng được đặt, ngoại trừ những thay đổi cần thiết để tuân thủ luật pháp và/hoặc lệnh của cơ quan nhà nước có thẩm quyền (trong trường hợp đó, mọi thay đổi cũng sẽ được áp dụng cho các Đơn Đặt Hàng đã được đặt và đang được xử lý).
8. Changes to the General Terms and Conditions (Hong Kong)
- 8.1. Piaggio reserves the right to change its Site and these General Terms and Conditions at any time.
- 8.2. The Customer shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the General Terms and Conditions in force when the Order is placed, except for changes necessary to comply with the law and/or orders of the competent authorities (in which case, any changes shall also apply to Orders already placed and in progress).
8. Genel Hüküm ve Koşullarda Yapılan Değişiklikler (Turkey)
- 8.1. Piaggio, sitesini ve işbu Genel Hüküm ve Koşulları her zaman değiştirme hakkını saklı tutar.
- 8.2. Müşteri, yasalara ve/veya yetkili makamların talimatlarına uymak için gerekli olan değişiklikler haricinde, siparişin verildiği tarihte yürürlükte olan Genel Şartlar ve Koşullarının hüküm ve koşullarına tabi olacaktır (bu durumda, herhangi bir değişiklik halihazırda verilmiş ve devam etmekte olan siparişler için de geçerli olacaktır).
8. Changes to the General Terms and Conditions (USA)
- 8.1. Piaggio reserves the right to change its Site and these General Terms and Conditions at any time.
- 8.2. The Customer shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the General Terms and Conditions in force when the Order is placed, except for changes necessary to comply with the law and/or orders of the competent authorities (in which case, any changes shall also apply to Orders already placed and in progress).
8. Changes to the General Terms and Conditions (Philippines)
- 8.1. Piaggio reserves the right to change its Site and these General Terms and Conditions at any time.
- 8.2. The Customer shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the General Terms and Conditions of Business in force when the Order is placed, except for changes necessary to comply with the law and/or orders of the competent authorities (in which case, any changes shall also apply to Orders already placed and in progress).
8. 일반 약관에 대한 변경 (South Korea)
- 8.1. 피아지오는 언제라도 사이트와 본 일반 약관을 변경할 권리를 가집니다.
- 8.2. 고객은 주문 접수 시점에 유효한 일반 약관의 조건의 적용을 받습니다. 단, 관련 기관의 법률 및/또는 명령을 준수하기 위하여 필요한 변경(이 경우, 변경 사항은 이미 접수되어 처리 중인 주문에도 적용된다)은 예외로 합니다.
9. Legge applicabile e Foro competente (Italy)
- 9.1. Le presenti Condizioni Generali di Contratto – unitamente al contratto concluso per mezzo della conferma da parte di Piaggio dell’Ordine effettuato dal Cliente - saranno regolati dalla, e interpretati in conformità alla, legge italiana.
- 9.2. Per le controversie che dovessero sorgere in ordine alla validità, interpretazione ed esecuzione delle presenti Condizioni Generali di Contratto e del contratto, il Cliente potrà rivolgersi ad un Organismo di Risoluzione Alternativa delle Controversie (ADR), secondo le condizioni previste dal Regolamento di tale Organismo e le disposizioni previste dal Codice del Consumo agli articoli 141 e seguenti.
- 9.3. In ogni caso, il Cliente potrà rivolgersi al giudice ordinario e, per ogni controversia giudiziale che dovesse sorgere in ordine alla validità, all’interpretazione, o all’esecuzione delle presenti Condizioni Generali di Contratto e del contratto, è competente il giudice del luogo dove il Cliente la residenza o il domicilio.
9. Legislación y jurisdicción applicable (España)
- 9.1. Las presentes Condiciones Generales - junto con el contrato celebrado mediante la confirmación por Piaggio de la Orden del Cliente - se regirán e interpretarán de conformidad con la legislación española.
- 9.2. En caso de litigio sobre la validez, la interpretación y la ejecución de las presentes Condiciones Generales y del contrato, el Cliente podrá recurrir a un organismo de resolución alternativa de litigios (RAL), en las condiciones previstas en el reglamento de dicho organismo y en las disposiciones del Código de Consumo.
- 9.3. En cualquier caso, el Cliente podrá acudir a los tribunales ordinarios. Asimismo, para cualquier controversia judicial que surja en relación con la validez, interpretación o ejecución de las presentes Condiciones Generales y del contrato, la competencia corresponde al tribunal del lugar de residencia o domicilio del Cliente.
9. Droit applicable et juridiction compétente (France)
- 9.1. Les Conditions Générales - ainsi que le contrat conclu après acceptation de la Commande du Client par Piaggio - sont régies et interprétées conformément au droit français.
- 9.2. Le Client peut recourir au service de médiation ci-après pour les litiges liés à une commande auprès de Piaggio sur le Site.
- 9.3. Conformément aux règles applicables à la médiation, tout litige concernant la validité, l'interprétation et l'exécution des Conditions Générales et du contrat doit être confié préalablement par écrit au Service Client de Piaggio, par courrier électronique ou postal, aux Adresses mail ou postale de Contact indiquées ci-après.
- 9.4. Dès lors après avoir informé le Service Client comme indiqué ci-dessus, le Client peut recourir au Service du Médiateur en suivant les modalités de saisine à l’adresse suivante : info946@vespa.com
- 9.5. En tout état de cause, le Client peut s'adresser aux tribunaux ordinaires. Aussi, pour tout litige relatif à la validité, l'interprétation ou l'exécution des Conditions Générales et du contrat, le tribunal du domicile ou de la résidence du Client est compétent.
9. Anwendbares Recht und Gerichtsbarkeit (Deutschland)
- 9.1. Diese Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen unterliegen – ebenso wie der durch die Auftragsbestätigung des Kunden durch Piaggio geschlossene Vertrag – deutschem Recht und werden nach diesem ausgelegt.
- 9.2. Die EU-Kommission hat gemäß Art. 14 der Verordnung (EU) Nr. 524/2013 eine Online-Streitbeilegungsplattform (OS-Plattform) für die Online-Beilegung von Streitigkeiten eingerichtet. Die Plattform dient als Anlaufstelle für die außergerichtliche Beilegung von Streitigkeiten über vertragliche Verpflichtungen aus Online-Kaufverträgen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter folgendem Link: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr. Piaggio ist weder bereit noch verpflichtet, an einem Streitbeilegungsverfahren vor einer Verbraucherschlichtungsstelle teilzunehmen.
- 9.3. In jedem Fall ist der Kunde berechtigt, die ordentlichen Gerichte anzurufen. Für alle Rechtsstreitigkeiten im Zusammenhang mit der Gültigkeit, Auslegung oder Durchführung dieser Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen und des geschlossenen Vertrages, sind die deutschen Gerichte zuständig.
9. Toepasselijk recht en bevoegde rechter (Netherlands)
- 9.1. Deze Algemene Voorwaarden – tezamen met de Overeenkomst die wordt gesloten met het door Piaggio bevestigen van de Bestelling door de Klant – worden beheerst door en uitgelegd volgens Nederlands recht.
- 9.2. Voor zover dwingendrechtelijke bepalingen niet anders voorschrijven, worden alle geschillen die mogelijk ten gevolge van de Overeenkomst ontstaan, voorgelegd aan de bevoegde Nederlandse rechter in het arrondissement waar de Klant zijn/haar woonplaats of verblijfplaats heeft.
9. Applicable law and jurisdiction (UK)
- 9.1. These General Terms and Conditions – along with the Contract concluded through Piaggio's confirmation of the Customer's Order - shall be governed by, and interpreted in compliance with the laws of England and Wales.
- 9.2. If disputes arise concerning the validity, interpretation and performance of these General Terms and Conditions and the contract, the Customer may have recourse to Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR).
- 9.3. In any case, the Customer shall have recourse to the ordinary courts. Also, for any legal dispute arising concerning the validity, interpretation, or performance of these General Terms and Conditions and the contract, jurisdiction falls to the court of the Customer's place of residence or domicile.
9. Applicable law and jurisdiction (Canada)
- 9.1. These General Terms and Conditions – along with the Contract concluded through Piaggio’s confirmation of the Customer’s Order – shall be governed by, and interpreted in compliance with, applicable federal and/or provincial Canadian law.
- 9.2. If disputes arise concerning the validity, interpretation and performance of these General Terms and Conditions and the contract, the Customer may have recourse to an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Body and shall be initiated through the ADR Institute of Canada Inc. or another mutually agreed upon institution or ad hoc process. This provision may not apply to residents of Quebec.
- 9.3. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, the sole and entire maximum liability of Piaggio for any reason, and Customer’s sole and exclusive remedy for any cause or claim whatsoever, shall be limited to the amount paid by Customer for any Goods or Services purchased by Customer. Some jurisdictions do not allow the disclaimer of certain warranties or the limitation or exclusion of liability for certain types of damagers. Accordingly, some of the above disclaimers and limitations may not apply to certain Customers depending on their location.
- 9.4. In any case, the Customer shall have recourse to the ordinary courts. Also, for any legal dispute arising concerning the validity, interpretation, or performance of these General Terms and Conditions and the contract, jurisdiction falls to the court of the Customer's place of residence or domicile.
9. Hukum dan yurisdiksi yang berlaku (Indonesia)
- 9.1. Syarat dan Ketentuan Umum ini – bersama dengan Kontrak yang disepakati melalui konfirmasi Piaggio atas Pesanan Pelanggan – akan diatur oleh, dan ditafsirkan sesuai dengan hukum Italia.
- 9.2. Jika perselisihan timbul mengenai keabsahan, interpretasi, dan pelaksanaan Syarat dan Ketentuan Umum ini dan kontrak, Pelanggan dapat meminta bantuan kepada Badan Penyelesaian Sengketa Alternatif (Alternative Dispute Resolution atau ADR), berdasarkan ketentuan yang ditetapkan dalam Peraturan Badan tersebut dan ketentuan Undang-Undang Konsumen dalam Pasal 141 et seq.
- 9.3. Dalam hal apa pun, Pelanggan harus meminta bantuan ke pengadilan biasa. Juga, untuk setiap sengketa hukum yang timbul mengenai keabsahan, interpretasi, atau pelaksanaan Syarat dan Ketentuan Umum ini dan kontrak, yurisdiksi jatuh ke pengadilan tempat tinggal atau domisili Pelanggan.
- 9.4. Dalam rangka pengakhiran Syarat dan Ketentuan Umum ini, Piaggio dan Pelanggan dengan ini sepakat untuk mengabaikan ketentuan yang diatur dalam Pasal 1266 Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata Indonesia, sejauh pembatalan pengadilan dari Syarat dan Ketentuan Umum ini dibutuhkan sebagai prasyarat untuk Syarat dan Ketentuan Umum ini.
9. กฎหมายและเขตอำนาจศาลที่บังคับใช้ (Thailand)
- 9.1 ข้อกำหนดและเงื่อนไขทั่วไปนี้ รวมถึงสัญญาที่สมบูรณ์ด้วยการยืนยันคำสั่งซื้อของลูกค้าโดยพิอาจิโอ จะอยู่ภายใต้การกำกับและการตีความตามกฎหมายของประเทศอิตาลี ยกเว้นข้อกำหนดที่ถือว่าขัดต่อศีลธรรมและความสงบเรียบร้อยของประเทศไทย
- 9.2 หากเกิดข้อพิพาทเกี่ยวกับการมีผล การตีความ และการปฏิบัติตามข้อกำหนดและเงื่อนไขนี้ ลูกค้ามีสิทธินำความขึ้นสู่หน่วยงานด้านการระงับข้อพิพาททางเลือก (ADR) โดยต้องเป็นไปตามเงื่อนไขที่กำหนดไว้ในกฎเกณฑ์ของหน่วยงานดังกล่าว และข้อกำหนดตามมาตรา 141 และมาตราอื่นที่ตามมาในประมวลกฎหมายผู้บริโภค
- 9.3 ไม่ว่าในกรณีใด ๆ ลูกค้าใช้สิทธินำความขึ้นสู่ศาล โดยสำหรับกรณีการเกิดข้อพิพาทเกี่ยวกับการมีผล การตีความ หรือการปฏิบัติตามข้อกำหนดและเงื่อนไขนี้ ให้อยู่ในเขตอำนาจของศาลตามสถานที่พำนักหรือภูมิลำเนาของลูกค้า
9. Luật áp dụng và quyền tài phán (Vietnam)
- 9.1. Điều Khoản và Điều Kiện Chung này – cùng với Hợp Đồng được ký kết thông qua xác nhận của Piaggio đối với Đơn Đặt Hàng của Khách Hàng – được điều chỉnh và giải thích theo pháp luật Việt Nam.
- 9.2. Nếu phát sinh tranh chấp liên quan đến hiệu lực, cách giải thích và thực hiện Điều Khoản và Điều Kiện Chung này và hợp đồng, Khách Hàng có thể yêu cầu Trung tâm Trọng tài Quốc tế Việt Nam (“VIAC”) giải quyết theo quy tắc tố tụng trọng tài của trung tâm này. Hội đồng trọng tài sẽ bao gồm ba (03) trọng tài viên, trong đó một (01) trong tài viên do Khách Hàng chỉ định, một (01) trong tài viên do Piaggio chỉ định và người thứ ba, là Chủ tịch hội đồng trọng tài, sẽ được chỉ định bởi hai (02) trọng tài viên đã được chỉ định trong vòng mười bốn (14) ngày kể từ ngày bổ nhiệm. Nếu hai (02) trọng tài viên được chỉ định không đạt được thỏa thuận trong thời hạn quy định thì Chủ tịch hội đồng trọng tài sẽ do Chủ tịch VIAC chỉ định. Địa điểm trọng tài sẽ là Thành phố Hà Nội, Việt Nam. Ngôn ngữ được sử dụng trong quá trình tố tụng trọng tài sẽ là tiếng Anh. Phán quyết trọng tài sẽ là phán quyết cuối cùng và ràng buộc đối với các bên tham gia trọng tài. Các bên tham gia trọng tài đồng ý bị ràng buộc bởi và hành động phù hợp với phán quyết trọng tài. Theo đây, không bên nào bị ngăn cản việc tìm kiếm các biện pháp khắc phục tạm thời tại tòa án của bất kỳ khu vực tài phán nào bao gồm nhưng không giới hạn ở các lệnh cấm tạm thời và lệnh cấm sơ bộ để bảo vệ quyền và lợi ích của mình. Trừ khi có quy định khác trong phán quyết trọng tài, chi phí và phí tổn cho trọng tài (như được quy định trong phán quyết trọng tài) sẽ do bên thua kiện chịu.
9. Applicable law and jurisdiction (Hong Kong)
- 9.1. These General Terms and Conditions – along with the contract concluded through Piaggio's confirmation of the Customer's Order - shall be governed by, and interpreted in compliance with Italian law.
- 9.2. If disputes arise concerning the validity, interpretation and performance of these General Terms and Conditions and the contract, the Customer may have recourse to an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Body, under the conditions set out in the Rules of that Body and the provisions of the Consumer Code in Articles 141 et seq.
- 9.3. In any case, the Customer shall have recourse to the ordinary courts. Also, for any legal dispute arising concerning the validity, interpretation, or performance of these General Terms and Conditions and the contract, jurisdiction falls to the court of the Customer's place of residence or domicile.
9. Uygulanacak Hukuk ve Yargı Yetkisi (Turkey)
- 9.1. Bu Genel Hüküm ve Koşullar - Piaggio'nun müşterinin siparişinin onaylanmasıyla kurulan sözleşmeyle birlikte - İtalyan yasalarına tabi olacak ve bu yasalara uygun olarak yorumlanacaktır.
- 9.2. İşbu Genel Hüküm ve Koşulların ve sözleşmenin geçerliliği, yorumlanması ve ifası ile ilgili anlaşmazlıklar ortaya çıkarsa, müşteri, bir Alternatif Anlaşmazlık Çözümü (ADR) Kurumuna, ve bu Kurumun kurallarında belirtilen koşullar ile İtalyan Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamesi 141. ve devamı maddelerinde yer alan hükümler uyarınca başvurabilir.
- 9.3. Her koşulda, müşteri genel mahkemelere başvurabilecektir. Ayrıca, bu Genel Hüküm ve Koşulların ve sözleşmenin geçerliliği, yorumlanması veya ifası ile ilgili olarak ortaya çıkan herhangi bir yasal anlaşmazlık için, yargı yetkisi müşterinin ikamet ettiği veya ikametgahının bulunduğu yer mahkemesine aittir.
9. Applicable law and jurisdiction (USA)
- 9.1. These General Terms and Conditions – along with the Contract concluded through Piaggio's confirmation of the Customer's Order - shall be governed by, and interpreted in compliance with, New York law. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods shall not apply to any purchase or sale hereunder.
- 9.2. In any case, the Customer shall have recourse to the ordinary courts. Also, for any legal dispute arising concerning the validity, interpretation, or performance of these General Terms and Conditions and the contract, shall be resolved in the courts of the State of New York, County of New York.
9. Applicable law and jurisdiction (Philippines)
- 9.1. These General Terms and Conditions – along with the Contract concluded through Piaggio's confirmation of the Customer's Order - shall be governed by, and interpreted in compliance with the Consumer Act of the Philippines.
- 9.2. If disputes arise concerning the validity, interpretation and performance of these General Terms and Conditions and the contract, the Customer may have recourse to an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Body, under the conditions set out in the Rules of that Body and the provisions of the Consumer Code in Articles 141 et seq.
- 9.3. In any case, the Customer shall have recourse to the ordinary courts. Also, for any legal dispute arising concerning the validity, interpretation, or performance of these General Terms and Conditions and the contract, jurisdiction falls to the court of the Customer's place of residence or domicile.
9. 준거법 및 관할권 (South Korea)
9.1. 본 일반 약관은 – 고객의 주문에 대하여 피아지오가 확인하여 체결된 계약과 함께 - 이탈리아 법률에 따라 규율되고 해석됩니다. 9.2. 일반 약관 및 계약의 유효성, 해석 및 이행과 관련하여 분쟁이 발생하는 경우, 고객은 대체적 분쟁해결(ADR) 기구의 규칙 및 소비자법 제141조 등의 규정에 명시된 조건에 따라 대체적 분쟁해결 기구에 의뢰할 수 있습니다. 9.3. 어떠한 경우에도, 고객은 일반 법원에 문제를 제기할 수 있습니다. 또한, 본 일반 약관 및 계약의 유효성, 해석 또는 이행과 관련하여 발생하는 법적 분쟁에 대한 관할권은 고객의 거주지 또는 주소지의 법원에 있습니다.10. Contact for complaints and Customer Care
E-Mail Address: info946@vespa.comRegistered Office: Viale Rinaldo Piaggio n. 25 Pontedera- 56025 (PI); Company Register of Pisa and Fiscal Code 04773200011 - VAT No. 01551260506